
Teaching French as a Foreign Language (GAL)

HOU > Teaching French as a Foreign Language (GAL)
Purpose - Description / But
Learning Outcomes / Résultats d’apprentissage
Admission requirements / Conditions d'admission
Teaching Staff
Financial Contribution / Participation financière

The main purpose of this course is to provide specialized knowledge in the subject “Teaching French as a Foreign Language”, according to the requirements of field and the current needs of the labour market, in Greece and internationally, combining knowledge, innovative practices and digital skills, in order to provide high quality training following the developments that govern the modern professional environment. The language of instruction of the course is French.


L’objectif principal du Master Mention FLE est de fournir des connaissances spécialisées dans le domaine de la «Didactique du Français Langue Etrangère», conformément aux exigences de la Science et aux enjeux actuels du marché de l’emploi en Grèce et à l’échelle internationale, en combinant des savoirs, des pratiques innovantes et des aptitudes numériques à un niveau de qualification très élevé. La langue d’enseignement du Programme d’Études est le français.

Master Didactique du FLE


The digital Master’s Degree Programme in Teaching French as a Foreign Language aims at the dissemination and teaching of French as a foreign language, as well as of the wider literary French-speaking culture.

It responds to the contemporary needs of French-speaking students at European and international level with the innovative methodology of the Open and Distance Multimodal Education of the Hellenic Open University, which has been innovative since its first steps in Greece.

The teaching material is offered in digital format with semi-annual units – starting every October and March – with face-to-face or tele-OSC attendance.

Audience: educators, researchers, employees of multinational companies, international organisations, educational, cultural or training community organisations.

Graduates of departments of French Language and Literature, as well as graduates of multidisciplinary Greek and Foreign Language Departments in Greece and abroad, who are able to respond to the interdisciplinary approaches of the programme, will be accepted.


*The above files are currently available in Greek.

Le nouveau Master numérique Didactique du Français Langue Étrangère vise à la diffusion et à l’enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère. Il fait ressortir les lignes de force actuelles de la culture et de civilisation françaises et francophones sous divers aspects.

Il répond aux besoins actuels des étudiants francophones à un niveau d’échelle internationale grâce au parcours innovant – depuis sa création – de la formation ouverte et à distance de l’Université Ouverte Hellénique.

Le matériel didactique est disponible sur plateforme numérique. Les cours sont dispensés en présentiel ou à distance par téléconférences – classe virtuée – en Modules semestrielles.

Public concerné : enseignants, chercheurs, personnel travaillant dans des sociétés multinationales, des organismes internationaux, des institutions communautaires éducatives, culturelles ou entre autres des dispositifs de formation éducative.

Upon completion of the post-graduate course, students are expected to, among other things:

  • understand the contribution of past and present pedagogical theories to the various methods of teaching French as a foreign language (communicative approach, differentiated pedagogy, experiential learning, project pedagogy, pedagogy of multilingualism)
  • explore and interpret the factors contributing to the social, emotional and cognitive development of the child
  • to encourage and release the creativity of children and adolescents through creative writing, visual expression and dramatisation activities, theatrical improvisation
  • foster literacy through contemporary intercultural readings of texts, focusing on the reading comprehension and response skills of their learners
  • recognise the specificities and dynamics of spoken language in a communicative context, taking into account multiple codes and semiotic systems (gestures, voice, intonation)
  • analyse and identify the different parameters governing the structure and organisation of written language through the use of contemporary trends in textual linguistics, structural narratology and pragmatics
  • become familiar with the rhetorical uses of French through a variety of discourses and texts produced by different groups of native speakers for different purposes
  • to compose and evaluate activities for the reception and production of spoken and written language in an educational and wider business or professional context
  • apply intercultural and multicultural education and policy in the post-modern era, while contributing to the development of intercultural skills of their students through the European Language Portfolio
  • combine interdisciplinary knowledge through contemporary cultural theory and criticism, emphasising the way in which different cultural identities are constituted today with social, local or national differences
  • be familiar with the basic principles of designing and developing curricula for the teaching of French and be able to formulate language policy
  • innovate in the use of digital tools in the teaching of French as a foreign language
  • listen to the needs and motivation of learners, implementing an active learning dynamic
  • conduct the role and multiple responsibilities of a teacher, teaching staff, and intercultural mediator
  • to become familiar with the methodology of a research project, the creation of a project, and to be tested in academic or professional writing.

À la fin du Master, les étudiantes et les étudiants seront en mesure, entre autres de:

  • Apercevoir la contribution et l’évolution des théories pédagogiques quant à l’enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère
  • Explorer et appréhender les facteurs qui contribuent au développement social, affectif et cognitif de l’enfant
  • Encourager et donner libre cours à l’imagination et à la créativité des enfants et des adolescents grâce à des activités d’écriture créative, des activités d’expression artistique, de dramatisation et/ou d’improvisation théâtrale
  • Déceler les spécificités et la dynamique du discours oral spontané en tenant compte de la diversité des codes et des systèmes sémiotiques comme les gestes, la voix, l’intonation
  • Analyser et identifier les divers paramètres qui régissent la structure et l’organisation du discours écrit conformément aux nouvelles tendances de la linguistique textuelle, de la narratologie structurale, de la pragmatique
  • Produire et évaluer des activités de réception et de production orale et écrite en milieu éducatif, professionnel et/ou d’entreprise
  • Favoriser le goût de la lecture, mettre l’accent sur le développement des compétences de lecture interactive des apprenants
  • Mettre en œuvre une politique éducative interculturelle et pluriculturelle
  • Associer des savoirs transversaux grâce à la théorie et la critique culturelle contemporaine en accordant une importance majeure à la manière dont les identités culturelles multiples sont construites de nos jours, en fonction de différences nées des échanges d’autres groupes sociaux, nations ou peuples
  • Se familiariser avec les principes de base de planification et du développement des Curriculums scolaires pour l’enseignement du FLE
  • Être capable de mener une politique éducative et linguistique
  • Innover grâce à l’usage des outils numériques pour l’enseignement/apprentissage du FLE
  • Mettre l’accent sur le rôle polyvalent et les compétences de l’enseignant, du cadre éducatif et/ou du médiateur culturel
  • Se familiariser avec la méthodologie d’un projet de recherche, la création d’un projet professionnel en s’expérimentant à l’écriture académique ou bien professionnelle.

The Post-graduate programme accepts graduates or higher institution diplomas of related disciplines holding a B2 certification in the French language. The programme is offered in French. 

The knowledge of an extra foreign language except the language of the programme and good computer-Internet skills would be useful for the successful participation in the programme.


Holders of a degree or diploma of higher education means graduates of Greek Universities or Polytechnics or Higher School of Fine Arts or Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education or Higher Technological Educational Institutions (ATEI) or those who hold academically equivalent first cycle degrees from recognized foreign educational institutions with the degrees awarded by the Greek Higher Educational Institutions, in accordance with the provisions of article 304 of Law No. 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/21.07.2022, vol.)


For the evaluation of the application to the Postgraduate Studies Programme, it will be examined whether the candidate’s institution of study is or may be included in the National Register of Recognised Higher Education Institutions of Foreign Countries and whether the candidate’s degree is or may be included in the National Register of Types of Degrees of Recognised Institutions of Foreign Countries.

The Hellenic Open University, if the degree is included in the list of article 307 of Law No. 4957/2022, must request a “Certificate of Place of Study”, which is issued and sent by the foreign university. If the place of study or part of the studies is confirmed as the Greek territory, the degree is not recognized, unless the part of the studies that took place in the Greek territory is in a public higher education institution or in a recognized foreign educational institution within the meaning of paragraph b) of article 299 of Law No. 4957/2022.

Certification of French language competency at level B2

French language competency (Level B2) can be proved according to article 10, Presidential Decree 85/2022  “Determination of qualifications for appointment in the public sector (Qualification-Department)” (Α΄ 232), in combination with Part C΄ and namely “LANGUAGE CERTIFICATES ” of no. 20/01.02.2023 “Amendment of no. 94/20.6.2022 of the decision of the SUPREME COUNCIL FOR CIVIL PERSONNEL SELECTION (ASEP)”Procedure for determining the fixed parts of the content of staff selection announcements based on predetermined and objective criteria (Articles 28 – 30 of Law 4765/2021 ) (B’ 3614)” (B’ 594) with language proficiency certificates.

Language Certificates

The table below shows the language certificates -level (B2) of French Competency that are accepted as well as the issuing body.

Certification of French competency at level B2 can be proved as follows:

  • DELF 1ER DEGRΕ (UNITES A1, A2, A3, A4) or DELF B2 French Ministry of Education -CIEP.
  • CERTIFICAT DE LANGUE FRANCAISE (which was issued until 1996)- French Institute in Greece.
  • Certificat de compétences linguistiques του Institut Supérieur des Langues Vivantes (ISLV), Département de français, University of Liège – Level B2.
  • CERTIFICAT V.B.L.T. NIVEAU SOCIAL Université de Genève
  • National Foreign Language Exam System (KPG) equivalent level of Law 2740/1999, as replaced by paragraph 19, Article 13, of Law 3149/2003.

Note: For the certificates of previous year, which are not mentioned herein, an official document from the responsible body is required (French Institute of Athens-Examinations Service) to certify the level of the certificate.

French competency (level B2) is also proven with certificates of other institutions (not limited to universities) of an equivalent level, irrespective of their legal form, provided they are certified or recognized by the competent authority of the country concerned for conducting examinations and issuing certificates of proficiency in French at the appropriate level. These certificates must be accompanied by a proof document from the issuing body that both the issuing body and the language certificate competency are certified by the competent national authority and also and that the certification also concerns the evaluation of basic communication skills (written language production, oral language production, written language comprehension and oral language comprehension).

If there is no certification or recognition body in the country concerned, a certificate from the relevant Ministry or Embassy of Greece is required, confirming that the certificates issued by the above bodies to third parties are accepted in public services of that country as valid evidence of the French language at the appropriate level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

General notes:

  • Advanced level foreign language certificates also prove knowledge of a lower (required) level of the foreign language.
  • Foreign Language Teaching Certification does not prove the competence in a foreign language. In order to prove their competence in the foreign language, candidates who hold the relevant certification must provide the foreign language certificates as provided for in this Annex where applicable
  • All foreign language degrees must be accompanied by their official translation into the Greek language, except the above French language proficiency certificates, which are accepted without requiring any translation and validation.

1st Semester: 30 ECTS


Teaching French as a Foreign Language: Development of language and communication skills, and assessment of written and oral language

(C¹, 15 ECTS)


Teaching French as a Foreign Language during childhood

(C, 15 ECTS)

2nd Semester: 30 ECTS


Teaching French as a Foreign Language: planning, development and evaluation of curricula and teaching materials

(C, 15 ECTS)


Intercultural education and teaching French as a foreign language

(C, 15 ECTS)

3rd Semester: 30 ECTS


Research methodology and techniques for writing academic papers

(C, 15 ECTS)


Using ICT in teaching French as a foreign language

(C, 15 ECTS)

4th Semester: 30 ECTS


Master’s Thesis

(C, 30 ECTS)



C¹ : Compulsory

Instructions for the selection of the Modules

All Modules of the course are compulsory.

You can choose from one (1) to two (2) modules per semester (30 ECTS per semester).

When registering for a module, you must first exhaust the modules of the previous semesters and then start selecting the modules of the following semester. For example, if you have successfully completed one (1) module from the first semester and in the second semester you wish to select two (2) modules, you must necessarily select one (1) remaining module from the first semester and one (1) from the second semester and so on.

In order to obtain the Master’s Diploma, you are required to successfully complete the six (6) modules of the Program, as well as the Master’s Thesis. The successful completion of the six (6) modules of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd semester is a prerequisite for the Master’s Thesis.

The minimum duration of the course is two (2) years.


Maria Katsantoni, Associate Professor
Subject: Teaching French as a Foreign Language: Development of language and communication skills, and assessment of written and oral language

e-mail: mkatsantoni@eap.gr

Μaria Katsantoni holds a degree in French and Greek Language and Literature awarded by the University of Athens, and during her last semester she specialised in the field of Teaching Languages and Cultures (Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam) as part of the EU Erasmus/Lingua programme. She holds two (2) master’s degrees: DEA in Language Sciences and Translation (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3) and DESS (Μaster II Pro) in the field of Social Sciences and Management (Department of History, Geography, Sociology), specialising in the Sociology of Culture and Cultural Planning (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense). In 2003 she obtained a PhD (Doctorat Nouveau Régime) in Language Sciences from the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, while a large part of her PhD thesis was carried out at Brown University on Rhone Island in the USA (2001) on a scholarship granted by the French State, the focus being on postmodern writing practices (polyphony – dialogism – hybrid writing).

She has a long and multifaceted teaching background (2003-2022), and an international presence at Universities in Greece and abroad, including the University of Cyprus (2003-2004), the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2004-2011), the Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV University (2009-2014), the Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense University (2015) and the Hellenic Open University (2004-2022).

In the framework of Open and Distance Learning, she has been collaborating with the Hellenic Open University on a steady basis from 2004 to date, initially as a member of Collaborating Teaching Staff (2004-2016) in the Postgraduate Study Programme titled “Postgraduate Specialisation of French Language Teachers” in the FR 50 TU “Planning Lessons and Syllabi for Teaching French”, while at the same time participating in the TU “Supervision of Postgraduate Diploma Theses”. From 2016 to 2021 she also collaborated on the Joint Postgraduate Study Programme in “Creative Writing” (Joint Degree) offered by the Hellenic Open University and the University of Western Macedonia in the CW 50 and CW 53 TUs. She was given a grant by the Hellenic Open University via the Erasmus+ mobility programme for academic staff and researchers, in order to teach written communication skills and, in particular, professional writing skills in the Postgraduate Study Programme (Μaster II Pro) Écrifore (Écriture – Formation – Remédiation at Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense University.

She served as a salaried scientific associate (2005-2007) in the research programme implemented by the Academy of Athens for the publication of the Χρηστικό λεξικό της Νεοελληνικής Γλώσσας (2014) [Dictionary of Modern Greek Usage], as part of which she contributed to the translation and compilation of demanding entries and neologisms from French to Greek. She also took part in the research programme (2007-2009) implemented by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs – Operational Programme “Education and Initial Vocational Training”- EPEAEK (PE02 Language Proficiency Assessment and Certification System – Department of English Language and Literature at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – in terms of implementing the standard methodology for assessing foreign language proficiency as regards the French Language – National Foreign Language Exam System (KPG)). She actively took part in the Programme for the Reform of Undergraduate Study Programmes (Undergraduate Study Programme Reform – EPEAEK 2007-2008) implemented by the Department of French Language and Literature at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and also submitted a proposal to introduce the innovative – at that time – module of Creative Writing and Reading to the Department. She recently (2022) served as local coordinator for Greece in the framework of the initiative titled RELANG Relating foreign language curricula, tests and examinations to the CEFR and its Companion Volume implemented by the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe (ECLM/CELV in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and the Hellenic Open University.

She has an international presence and considerable participation in conferences, public lectures and trainings in Greece and abroad, while her extensive, original and independent studies have been published in Greek and international scientific journals, conference proceedings and edited volumes. Her research fields and interests focus on the study and teaching of French, the development and assessment of written and oral communication skills, the relation between writing and reading in the school and academic community, the analysis of literary and non-literary narratives through interdisciplinary views that relate to text-linguistic, pragmatic, narratological and pedagogical approaches. She has edited and published the edited volume titled Sentiers d’écriture [Writing Trails], published in 2013 (pp. 205), which presents pedagogical techniques for the production of written creative language.

 She is on the editorial committees of scientific journals, on the review committee of research proposals submitted by members of academic staff of her Faculty, and she is a member of the Internal Evaluation Group (OM.E.A.) for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the School of Humanities at the Hellenic Open University.


Financial contribution for admitted students until the academic year 2023-2024:

The financial contribution for students to the Programme is as follows:

The cost of each Module is €450 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €900.

The total financial contribution for the Programme is: €3,600.

Financial contribution for students commencing from the academic year 2024-2025:

The financial contribution for students to the Programme is as follows:

The cost of each Module is €550 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €550.

The total financial contribution for the Programme is: €3,850.

For information about the programme contact:

Student Registry Department
Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 13:00
Contact number: 2610367318
Ε-mail: galx@eap.gr

Pour plus d’informations sur le master, contactez :

Service de la Scolarité Administrative
Du lundi au vendredi de 9h00 à 13h00
Téléphone: 2610367318
Courriel: galx@eap.gr

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