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Tourism Business Administration – Thematic Units

HOU > Tourism Business Administration (DTE) > Tourism Business Administration – Thematic Units

DTE50: General Principles of Management, Tourism Law and Organisation of Employers’ Collective Bodies in Tourism

Module code: DTE50

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 1st

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module Content:

Tourism is an important social and economic activity, business, industry and source of environmental and social change. It consists of various sectors, each of which may in turn be diverse and examined from various perspectives: economic-managerial, sociocultural, environmental and political-legal. At the same time, tourism is a geographically complex activity, which is characterised by several and diversified countries of origin and destinations, linked with transport networks and distribution channels. In this light, this Module aims to offer a systematic and conceptual foundation for the exploration and understanding of the complexity of tourism, through the examination of its constituent aspects that comprise the tourism system.

In addition, the Module examines the managerial and legal dimensions of tourism, offering knowledge on the general principles and concepts of management and its applications in tourism as well as on the basic aspects of Greek tourism law.

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this Module, students will be able to:

  • describe the conceptual framework of tourism and analyse its components
  • explain the nature of tourism by adopting a systemic approach
  • synthesise knowledge about the different elements of the tourism phenomenon
  • analyse the nature and role of different tourism business activities within the wider tourism sector
  • acknowledge major issues of current relevance to tourism, which will affect its future evolution
  • acknowledge the role of management in modern tourism organisations
  • explain the basic principles and concepts of management and apply them in tourism contexts
  • acknowledge legal issues in complex problems of the tourism industry and apply their knowledge to these issues

Subjects covered:

  • General principles of management
  • Organisation and Operation of Tourism Organisations and Institutions
  • Law and Regulation of Tourism

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this module.

DTE51: Tourism Sector

Module code: DTE51

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 1st

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module Content:

This Module aims to equip students with knowledge that will allow them to develop an in-depth understanding of the tourism sector, adopting an interdisciplinary approach which examines economic, social and developmental dimensions of the tourism phenomenon. In this context, it examines a range of theoretical and practical issues that relate to the understanding, analysis and measurement of the economic dimension of tourism, from microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives. Moreover, emphasis is placed on the documentation and systematic analysis of instrumental issues pertaining to the sociology of tourism, such as the social and organisational changes brought about by tourism, its impacts on host communities, professional and social mobility and the development of special-interest and alternative forms of tourism. These issues are directly linked to the developmental dimension of tourism, which is explored through the study of the characteristics, stages and standards of tourism development as well as of the parameters and factors that shape them.

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this Module, students will be able to:

  • explain the conceptual content of tourism economics and acknowledge its importance.
  • examine conceptual and practical issues relating to the understanding, analysis and measurement of the microeconomic and macroeconomic dimensions of tourism.
  • apply methodological and technical approaches to solve tourism economic problems.
  • describe the contemporary evolution of tourism and analyse the factors that contributed to its development.
  • explain fundamental social issues arising in the tourism sector.
  • acknowledge, understand and analyse the social, economic, cultural and environmental impacts of tourism.
  • analyse the characteristics, stages and standards of tourism development as well as the factors that shape them.
  • acknowledge the factors that have shaped the development of special-interest and alternative tourism and discern their different forms and special characteristics.
  • apply interdisciplinary perspectives and approaches to the examination of tourism as an economic and social phenomenon.

Subjects covered:

  • Τourism Economics
  • Development and Environment
  • Sociology and Policy of Tourism Development

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this module.

DTE60: Tourism and Tourism Business Administration

Module code: DTE60

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 1st & 2nd

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module Content:

During the 20th century, tourism has developed into one of the most important activities and industries globally. As a phenomenon and economic sector, tourism is affected by external forces, which have a strong effect on the nature of its development and the capacity of tourism organisations and destinations to operate successfully. In this context, this Module aims to provide students with the knowledge necessary to comprehend the environment of the tourism industry and offer insights into the ways tourism businesses and destinations, operating within this environment, are managed. Emphasis is placed on the strategic dimension of the management of tourism organisations as well as on the basic functions of destination management. Issues and trends of destinations’ tourism development, with an emphasis on the management of special-interest and alternative forms of tourism, are also examined, with a view to highlight the essential role of management in obtaining a sustainable competitive advantage.

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this Module, students will be able to:

  • describe and apply basic principles, concepts and theories of tourism and destination management.
  • demonstrate and apply the critical knowledge and skills required to perform management activities in the fast-changing tourism industry.
  • explicate the relations between changes in the tourism environment, tourism development and tourism and destination management.
  • manage special-interest and alternative tourism products and relevant issues, at the business and destination level.
  • demonstrate a critical understanding of existing and potential future environments within which tourism organisations and destinations operate and develop competitive responses.
  • research, analyse, evaluate and respond to tactical and strategic issues of concern to tourism organisations and destinations in the global tourism industry.
  • adopt an analytical and creative approach to solving problems of a managerial nature.
  • conduct individual and original work, which concerns issues of contemporary tourism management practice.

Subjects covered:

  • Principles and Operations of Tourism Management
  • Organisation and Management of Tourism Businesses
  • Management of Special-Interest and Alternative Forms of Tourism and Leisure

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this module.

DTE61: Marketing of Tourism Bodies, Organisations and Businesses

Module code: DTE61

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 1st & 2nd

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module Content:

Tourism marketing is a strategic priority for securing the viability and improving the competitiveness of tourism and hospitality organisations, bodies and destinations. On the basis of contemporary tourism marketing theory and practice, this Module examines a range of approaches and challenges that tourism organisations and destinations follow and face in order to attract customers in a highly competitive environment. Special emphasis is placed on the development of the marketing mix and marketing strategy, with a focus on the creation of value.

The Module also examines emerging trends that change the way we look at tourism marketing, such as new technological developments and innovations, changing distribution channels, corporate social responsibility and the increasing globalisation of tourism. All these issues are explored in the practical context of a series of contemporary case studies.

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this Module, students will be able to:

  • explain and critically analyse the basic principles and concepts of tourism marketing.
  • acknowledge and explicate the specificities of marketing practice in different sectors of the tourism industry and at different levels (business, regional, national, international).
  • acknowledge the role of consumer behaviour in tourism and identify its relations with the tourism marketing environment.
  • analyse and implement the processes involved in developing an integrated tourism marketing plan.
  • plan and execute tourism marketing strategies focusing on the creation of value
  • have a critical understanding of contemporary issues, trends and developments in tourism marketing.
  • explore the role of new technologies and social media in managing tourism marketing activities.
  • develop small-scale marketing research projects in real-life situations.

Subjects covered:

  • Tourism Marketing
  • Tourism Promotion and Communication
  • Marketing of Tourism Businesses

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this module.

DTEDE Postgraduate Dissertation

Module code: DTEDE

ECTS Credit Points: 40

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 2nd
Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module Content: The Dissertation provides students with the opportunity to carry out individual research, into a chosen topic of study arising from the course programme. The Dissertation is a major aspect of the programme as it challenges students to fully demonstrate an individual understanding both of the depth and breadth of the taught subject areas as well as of research practice/methodology. Carrying out the Dissertation generally involves reviewing the literature in the chosen topic area, formulating viable research questions and/or objectives, developing and implementing an appropriate research methodology, analysing primary or secondary data and presenting research findings into a final submission. Students are expected to deal with the many procedural and analytical decisions that arise in independent research themselves, with guidance from academic supervisors.

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • design and implement a research study of sufficient scope and complexity to satisfy the requirements for a dissertation
  • demonstrate an ability to engage in scholarly analysis and synthesis and in independent, critical examination and assessment of new and complex tourism phenomena, issues, and situations
  • assess strengths and weaknesses of various methodological approaches relevant to a research topic
  • locate, appraise and/or generate information/data relevant to a research topic
  • use appropriate technology to retrieve, analyse, and present information
  • select, justify and apply an appropriate methodological approach to a research topic
  • analyse and organise complex evidence/data using appropriate data analysis methods to reveal patterns/themes
  • describe the limitations of their own work, the complexity of knowledge, and of the potential contributions of other interpretations, methods, and disciplines
  • describe foundational works/publications and significant advancements in their chosen research area
  • demonstrate an ability to present and discuss research and research results, orally and in writing.

General Regulation for Preparing Graduate Dissertations in PC with an annual Module Correspondence

For more information regarding the Specifications – Useful Material for writing Master’s Theses and uploading a Thesis at the H.O.U. Repository, you can go to the Digital Training Area http://study.eap.gr and especially to the Program of Studies section.

Prerequisites: The presentation of the Postgraduate Dissertation takes place after the successful completion of the program’s Course Modules.

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