
HOU Departments and Services

Student Registry

Deputy Head of the Student Registry

Kyriakos Petropoulos
e-mail: petropoulos@eap.gr

Director of Undergraduate and Post-graduate Study Programs for the Student Registry 

Dionysis Stilianesis
e-mail: stilianesis@eap.gr

AInformation Desk

e-mail: info@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367600

Β. Scholarship Office

Konstantina Mikeli
e-mail: gy@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367367

Lydia Apostolaki
e-mail: gy@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367366

Vasiliki Papadogianni
e-mail: gy@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367346

CPractical Training Office

Athanasia Petropoulou
Tel.: +302610 367342

e-mail: practice@eap.gr

D. Technical Support Team

e-mail: helpdesk@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367900

Fanouria Kaisari 
e-mail: fkaisari@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367842

Panagiota Kostopoulou
e-mail: pkostopoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367845

Christine Panopoulou
e-mail: chrispanopoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367901

Dimitrios Tsarmpopoulos 
e-mail: dtsarmpopoulos@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367382

Premises and Building Projects Department

e-mail: support@eap.gr

Deputy Head of Facilities and Projects

Georgios Bousios
e-mail: bousios@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367377

Α. Administrative Support and Protocol Office

Kalliopi Merekoulia
e-mail: kmerekoulia@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367987

Alexandros Papadimitriou
e-mail: apapadim@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367984

Β. Facility and Project Maintenance Office

Β1. Facility Maintenance Team

Grigoris Athanasopoulos
e-mail: gathanasopoulos@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367391

Georgios Kapellakis
e-mail: gkapellakis@eap.gr 
Tel.: +302610367385

Michalis Stathatos
e-mail: mstathatos@eap.gr 
Tel.: +302610367374

Fotis Stavropoulos
e-mail: fstavrop@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367387

Β2. Examination Coordination Team

Adamantia Kyriakopoulou
e-mail: akiriakopoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367646

Konstantinos Panoutsopoulos
e-mail: kostapan@eap.gr 
Tel.: +302610367398

Nikos Papanastasopoulos
e-mail: npapanas@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367354

Β3. Vehicle Administration Team 

Grigoris Nikolakopoulos
e-mail: nikolako@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367623

CProject and Study Programming Office

Eleni Grevenioti
e-mail: egrevenioti@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367399

Sotirios Lykourgiotis
e-mail: slykour@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367390

Panagiotis Markos
e-mail: pmarkos@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367954

Evangelos Pantazis
e-mail: epantazis@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367985

Kleopatra Tsirli
e-mail: ktsirli@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367393

H.O.U. Staff Members on the Register of Committee Members.

Grigoris Tzolas
e-mail: tzolas@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367380

DInternet and IT Services Office


Elias Stavropoulos
e-mail: estavrop@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367974

D1. Telephone & Internet Network Infrastructure Support Team

Team Coordinator:

Georgios Kefalas 
e-mail: gkefalas@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367396

Eleftherios Kotsonis
Email: ekotsonis@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367392

D2. IT Infrastructure & Equipment Team

Team Coordinator:

Dimitris Stamatis
e-mail: stamatis@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367389

Panagiotis Bartzelas 
e-mail: panbar@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367381

Nikolaos Kokkos
e-mail: nkokkos@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367395

D3. Application and Software Team

Team Coordinator:
Stavros Triantafyllopoulos
e-mail: striantaf@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367376

Demosthenis Karakatsoulis
e-mail: dkarakats@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367752

Myrto – Sophia Kolovou 
e-mail: mskolovou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367397

Georgios Kontogeorgas
e-mail: kontogeorgas@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367741

Angelos Taratoris
E-mail: ataratoris@eap.gr
Τel.: +302610367979

D4. Digital Educational Services Team

Team Coordinator:

Ioannis Kalemis
e-mail: ikalemis@eap.gr 
Tel.: +302610367712

Maria Anagnostopoulou          
e-mail: managnostopoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367948

Aikaterini Anastasopoulou
e-mail: kanastas@eap.gr
Tel.: 2610367368

Lampros Seremetis 
e-mail: lseremetis@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367983

Georgios Temponeras
e-mail: gtempos@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367379

D5Teleconference Support Team

Team Coordinator:

Panagiotis Fragkoulis 
e-mail: fpanos@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367967

Nikolaos Alaxiotis
e-mail: nalaxiot@eap.gr 
Tel.: +302610367711

Leonidas Markou 
e-mail: lmarkou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367365

EMaterial Management & Distribution Office

e-mail: gddy@eap.gr

Educational Material Distribution Coordinator

Archontia – Evangelia Chatzidimitriou
e-mail: nchatzi@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367723

Editing – Distribution of Educational Material

Georgios Anagnopoulos
e-mail: anagnop@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367754

Eleni Giatra
e-mail: egiatra@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367754

Maria Kalantzi
e-mail: mkalantzi@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367721

Andreas Kotsonis
e-mail: akotsonis@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367754

Maria Sofia Panorgiou
e-mail: spanorgiou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367966

Printing Center

Tel.: +302610367993

Department of Special Account for Research Funds (ELKE)

Deputy Head

Konstantina Vetsi
e-mail: vetsi@eap.gr 
Tel.:  +302610367764

Legal Consulting Services

Athanasios Strepelias

Project Management

Panagiota Zafeiropoulou
e-mail: pzafeirop@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367669

Sotirios Theodoropoulos
e-mail: stheodor@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367665

Angeliki Kanellopoulou
e-mail:  akanellopoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367767

Chara Panopoulou
e-mail: chpanopoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367669

Martha Papathanasiou
e-mail: mpapatha@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367652

Eirini Perpinia
e-mail: eperpinia@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367664

Accounting – Bursar’s Office

Aikaterini Giotitsa
email: agiotitsa@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367772

Vasiliki Oikonomou
e-mail: boikonom@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367773

Maria Papanikolaou
e-mail: mpapanik@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367970

Protocol Office – Archives – Administrative Support

Aikaterini Chantzi
e-mail: kchantzi@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367373

Announcements – Procurements – Contracts – IT Systems Support

Katerina Loukopoulou
e-mail: kloukopoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367763

Ioanna Kostakou
e-mail: kostakou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367673

Program Support, Development Projects

Angeliki Kanellopoulou
e-mail: akanellopoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367767

Department of Academic Bodies

e-mail: tao@eap.gr

Deputy Head of Academic Bodies

Olga Bousiou
e-mail: bousiou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367375

ASteering Committee Office

Antonia Alexopoulou
e-mail: alexopoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367358

Matina Spiliopoulou
e-mail: sspiliop@eap.gr
Tel.:+30 2610367364

Anna Giatrakou
e-mail: agiatrakou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302109097237

Β. Dean’s Offices

School of Humanities

Maria Alexandri
e-mail: sae@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367688

Androniki Pitsiakou
e-mail: sae@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367681

School of Applied Arts

School of Applied Arts, Administrative Support

Eleni Giannopoulou-Matsouka
e-mail: giannopoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367614

School of Science and Technology

Eirini Terezi
e-mail: secretariat-sst@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367542

Antigoni Ntai
e-mail: secretariat-sst@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367540

School of Social Sciences

Christos Stathopoulos
email: ske@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367452

Evgenia Koutoupi
email: ske@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367451

Maria Sophia Panorgiou
e-mail: ske@eap.gr 
Tel.: +302610367482

Department of Public and International Relations

e-mail: pr@eap.gr
e-mail:  interrelations@eap.gr

Deputy Head of Public and International Relations

Eirini Barkoula
e-mail: barkoula@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367793

Epameinondas Karalis
e-mail: karalis@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367791

H.O.U. Career Office

Career Office Coordinator

Eirini Barkoula
e-mail: career@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367793

Theodoros Vagenas 
e-mail: career@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367792

Aimilia Kokkineli
e-mail: career@eap.gr

Eirini Skarmoutsou
e-mail: career@eap.gr
Tel: +302109097254


Christiana Kafeza
e-mail: erasmus@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367798

Giannopoulou – Matsouka L.
e-mail: erasmus@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367789

Department of Education

Deputy Head of the Department of Education

Dimitra Paraskevopoulou

e-mail: edu@eap.gr


A. Protocol – Archive Processing Office


Stavroula Mamara

Tel.: +302610367645

e-mail: protocoledu@eap.gr


Sofia Katrana

Tel.: +302610367598

e-mail: protocoledu@eap.gr


Β. Office of Academic and Educational Affairs


1.Academic and Educational Affairs – Study Program Administration

Alexandra Tziferi

e-mail:  studyex@eap.gr

Tel.: +302610367781


Study Programs with Term-Long Organization


Theodora Fermeli (School of Science and Technology, School of Social Sciences)

Tel.: +302610367779

e-mail: study@eap.gr


Eleftheria Tzola (School of Humanities, School of Applied Arts and Sustainable Design)

Tel.: +302610367640

e-mail: study@eap.gr


Study Programs with Semester-Long Organization


Theoni Niarou (School of Science and Technology, School of Social Sciences)

e-mail: thniarou@eap.gr

Tel.: +302610367597


Maria Tasiou (School of Humanities, School of Applied Arts and Sustainable Design)

e-mail: mtasiou@eap.gr

Tel.: +302610367595


2. Study Timeframes


Study Programs with Term-Long Organization


Stavroula Mamara

e-mail: content@eap.gr 

Tel.: +302610367645


Sofia Katrana

e-mail: content@eap.gr 

Τηλ.: +302610367598


Study Programs with Semester-Long Organization


Theoni Niarou (School of Science and Technology, School of Social Sciences)

e-mail: schedule@eap.gr

Tel.: +302610367597


Maria Tasiou (School of Humanities, School of Applied Arts and Sustainable Design)

e-mail: schedule@eap.gr

Tel.: +302610367595


3. Issuing of Certificates


Stavroula Mamara

e-mail: cert@eap.gr

Tel.: +302610367645


Sofia Katrana

e-mail: cert@eap.gr

Τηλ.: +302610367598


4. Study Educational Program Upload Administration


Stavroula Mamara

e-mail: content@eap.gr

Tel.: +302610367645


Sofia Katrana

e-mail: content@eap.gr

Τηλ.: +302610367598


5. Register of Doctoral Candidates


Smaro Tsichla

e-mail: phd@eap.gr

Tel.: +302610367780


Antonios Ntonados

e-mail: phd@eap.gr

Tel.: +302610367778


6. Diploma Thesis Presentation Organization


Smaro Tsichla 

e-mail: phd@eap.gr

Tel.: +302610367780


Antonios Ntonados

e-mail: phd@eap.gr

Tel.: +302610367778

Department of Financial Affairs

e-mail:  oikonomiki@eap.gr

Deputy Head of Financial Affairs

Charilaos Margalias
e-mail: margalias@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367651

Α. Expenditure-Bursar-Budget Office
e-mail: logi@eap.gr

Kleoniki Papadopoulou
e-mail: papadop@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367431

Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos
e-mail: kanagnost@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367662

Dimosthenis Samaras
e-mail: samaras@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367655

Pagona Politi
e-mail: politi@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367653

Β. Payroll Office
e-mail: misthodosia@eap.gr

Faculty Member Salaries

Administrative Staff Salaries

Charikleia Ntavlourou
e-mail: ntavlourou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367656

CProcurement Office
Email: promi@eap.gr

Charikleia Chalkiopoulou
e-mail: chalkiopoulou@eap.gr 
Tel.: +302610367434

Angeliki Gkotsopoulou
e-mail: agkotsopoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367606

Giorgos Barmparitsas
e-mail:  barmparitsas@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367661

Department of Staff

Deputy Head of Staff

Maria Kontogeorgakopoulou
e-mail: kontogeo@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367629

Α. Protocol – Archive Processing Office

Dimitra Martzakli 
e-mail: dmartzakli@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367630

Β. Office of Faculty Member Affairs

Asimina Katsika 
e-mail: mkatsika@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367626

Γ. Office of Adjunct Faculty Member Affairs

e-mail: sep@eap.gr

Alexandra Christakopoulou
e-mail: achristak@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367628

Administration of Adjunct Faculty Member Affairs for Business Administration (BAD) Study Program
e-mail: deosep@eap.gr

Angeliki Dimopoulou 
e-mail: adimopoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367369
Fax: +302610367104

Administration of Adjunct Faculty Member Affairs for the Study Programs: DHD, ASP, SFP, CCC
e-mail: dhdsep@eap.graspsep@eap.grsfpsep@eap.grcccsep@eap.gr

Eirini Andrikopoulou
e-mail: eandrikop@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367636
Fax: +302610367104

Administration of Adjunct Faculty Member Affairs for the Study Programs: PED, DPMDTE, TRATRAX, DIT, GTP
e-mail: pedsep@eap.grdpmsep@eap.grdtesep@eap.grtrasep@eap.grtraxsep@eap.grditsep@eap.grgtpsep@eap.gr

Kostas Katexos 
e-mail: katexos@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367631
Fax: +302610367104

Administration of Adjunct Faculty Member Affairs for the Study ProgramsDIADXTPLIPLSSDY, KYKDAMA
e-mail: diasep@eap.grdxtsep@eap.grplhsep@eap.grplssep@eap.grsdysep@eap.gr, kyksep@eap.grdamasep@eap.gr

Betty Panagiotopoulou
e-mail: bpanagiotopoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367625
Fax: +302610367104

Administration of Adjunct Faculty Member Affairs for the Study ProgramsDIPKPPMSMSMAFYEKFEPSF, ΒΝP, XBADATH, PSH
e -mail: dipsep@eap.grkppsep@eap.grmsmsep@eap.grsmasep@eap.grfyesep@eap.grkfesep@eap.gr, psfsep@eap.grbnpsep@eap.grxbasep@eap.grdathsep@eap.grpshsep@eap.gr

Panagiotis Togias 
e-mail: ptogias@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367635
Fax: +302610367104

Administration of Adjunct Faculty Member Affairs for the Study ProgramsEPOAGGGALGERISPEEP
e-mail: eposep@eap.graggsep@eap.grgalsep@eap.grgersep@eap.grispsep@eap.greepsep@eap.gr

Dimitra Koutsantoni
e-mail: dkoutsantoni@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367619
Fax: +302610367104

Administration of Adjunct Faculty Member Affairs for the Study ProgramsSCMDIS, LRM, ELP
e-mail: adesep@eap.grdissep@eap.grlrmsep@eap.grelpsep@eap.gr

Ilias Salatas
e-mail: salatas@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367627
Fax: +302610367104

Administration of Adjunct Faculty Member Affairs for the Study Programs: GΧΝ, DGR, EAGPDE
e-mail: gxnsep@eap.grdgrsep@eap.greagsep@eap.grpdesep@eap.gr

Mitrokonti Konstantina
e-mail: kmitroko@eap.gr

Tel.: +302610367618
Fax: +302610367104

Administration of Adjunct Faculty Member Affairs for the Study ProgramsEKEEKP, ETA, EAPSSEIORTH
e-mail: ekesep@eap.grekpsep@eap.gretasep@eap.greapssep@eap.grseisep@eap.grorthsep@eap.gr

Fotini Skondra
e-mail: fskondra@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367920
Fax: +302610367104

Administration of Adjunct Faculty Member Affairs for the Study ProgramsEDIASKDEADMYKAO, MBA, SDS
e-mail: edisep@eap.grasksep@eap.grdeasep@eap.grdmysep@eap.grkaosep@eap.grmbasep@eap.grsdssep@eap.gr

Angeliki Spyraki

Theodora Fermeli

DAdministrative Staff Affairs Office

Konstantina Tsaka
e-mail: dy@eap.gr 
Tel.: +302610367637

Maria Rousaki
e-mail: dyae@eap.gr 
Tel.: +302610367634

Charis Ntzouramanis 
e-mail: dy@eap.gr 
Tel.: +302610367624


Website: lib.eap.gr
e-mail: library@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367830

Tel.: +302610367830

Hellenic Open University
Remote Library and Information Center
Patron Klaous 183
PC 26335


Mara Thanopoulou
e-mail: thanopou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367826


Nikoleta Alexopoulou
e-mail: nalexop@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367828

Stella Kotsoni
e-mail: skotsoni@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367819

Spyridoula Kostopoulou
e-mail: skostopoul@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367827

Maria Berdesi
e-mail: mberdesi@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367824

Leonidas Papachristopoulos 
e-mail: lpapachristopoulos@eap.gr
Tel.: 2610367821

Ioanna Seferli
e-mail: seferli@eap.gr
Tel.: +302610367818

Library Athens Branch

e-mail: lib-athens@eap.gr
Tel.: +302109097242

Gravias 4-6
PC 106 78


Maria Petropoulou
e-mail: mpetropoulou@eap.gr
Tel.: +302109097244

Panagiotis Kosmas
e-mail: pkosmas@eap.gr
Tel.: +302109097257

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