
Pedagogy and Teaching Competence (PDE)

Purpose - Description
Admission requirements
Teaching Staff
Tuition Fees

Subject – Purpose

The purpose of the Special Curriculum for Pedagogy and Teaching Competence is for the graduate students of the curriculum of the School of Social Sciences to acquire the necessary pedagogical and teaching knowledge, abilities and skills to successfully design and implement educational work.


The successful attendance of the two (2) Modules offered in the Special Curriculum for Pedagogy and Teaching Competence (PTC), leads to a certificate, awarded by the School of Social Sciences of the Hellenic Open University,  which certifies  pedagogical and teaching competence.

Students who successfully complete one Module may request an attendance  certificate for that Module. For the awarding of the attendance certificate, students must provide a written declaration that they wish not to complete the Special Curriculum PTC.


ECTS: The total sum of ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) required for the completion of this programme is 30 ECTS.

Duration of the programme: The minimum duration of the programme is one (1) year or two (2) semesters.

Language: The course is offered in Greek.

Offered places per semester of admission (winter-summer): 150*

In the Special Curriculum for “Pedagogy and Teaching Competence” (PTC) the following categories are accepted:

(a1) H.O.U. Graduates of the Undergraduate Study Programme “Business Administration” (DEO) admitted in the academic years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.

(a2) H.O.U. Students of the Undergraduate Study Programme “Business Administration” (DEO) admitted from the academic year 2019-2020 up to the academic year 2021-2022, provided that the remaining Modules for their degree do not exceed 60 ECTS.

The course is taught in Greek. In order to successfully attend the course, students must also possess at least B2-level competency in English.

Familiarity with the use of computers, e-mail, and internet will significantly assist in attending the course.

 *Candidates of category (a1) occupy one hundred and twenty-five (125) places, while those of category (a2) occupy twenty-five (25) places.

If the places offered by one category of candidates are not filled, it may be possible that places may be filled by runners-up candidates from the other category, provided they meet the admission requirements.


The duration of the Special Curriculum for Pedagogy and Teaching Competence (PTC) is one (1) academic year, which is divided into two (2) semesters. Each semester includes one (1)  Module of fifteen credits each (15 ECTS).

Course Structure:

1st Semester


Pedagogy and Teaching

(C¹, 15 ECTS)

2nd Semester


Didactics of Economics and Management and Educational Assessment

(C, 15 ECTS)



C¹: Compulsoty


Module Selection Instructions

In the 1st semester, students must select one (1) Module, specifically PDE01.

In the 2nd semester, students select PDE02.

However, in case students do ΝΟΤ successfully complete PDE01 in the 1st semester, then in the 2nd semester may select either only PDE01 again, or PDE01 and PDE02. This registration process is followed until the completion of their studies.

The minimum duration of studies in Special Curriculum is one (1) academic year.

In order to obtain the certificate, students must successfully complete two (2) Modules of the Special Curriculum for Pedagogy and Teaching Competence. 


Georgios Manolitsis, Professor
Specialization: Educational Psychology and Preschool Ages

e-mail: manolitsis.georgios@ac.eap.gr




Tuition fees for each Thematic Unit are 450€, and the total tuition fees for the Special Study Program are 900€.

For more information on the program please contact:
Student Register Office (Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 13:00)

e-mail: skepde@eap.gr
Telephone number: 2610367318

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