The Hellenic Open University (HOU) recognises the importance of its teaching staff (faculty & adjunct members) and their contribution to the provision of high quality university education and the achievement of its academic goals.
The HOU is committed to the continuous support and development of teaching staff through:
The HOU promotes the continuous improvement of academic activities by implementing actions to further develop and link learning communities, to promote pedagogical innovation, to adopt modern teaching methods using new technologies and to strengthen research in order to provide high quality research work.
The selection of teaching staff is based on rigorous, publicly available selection criteria that ensure the selection of high quality academic staff appropriate for the subject fields of the Study Programs offered. The success of this policy is demonstrated by student satisfaction, as indicated by student evaluations of teaching staff, and by the achievement of the University’s academic objectives.
In addition, the HOU recognises the need for continuous training of the teaching staff in order to maintain a high level of knowledge and skills. Extroversion activities are encouraged, such as participation in mobility and conferences, the granting of educational leave (required by law for faculty members), and the enhancement of the quantity and quality of research work by members of the academic unit.
In particular, indicative actions to support teaching staff are:
– Annual grant for participation in national and international scientific conferences
– Funding of research projects,
– Teaching/training in the framework of cooperation with European universities through the Erasmus programme or in the framework of agreements with foreign universities,
– Training new teaching staff in distance learning methodology through the Centre for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM)
– Establishment and operation of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (KEDIMA), with the aim of continuously improving the quality and effectiveness of education and teaching.
Finally, the HOU applies quality assurance procedures for all staff (teaching and administrative) supporting the Study Programmes, which are reflected in regulatory documents (e.g. Regulation concerning the obligations of the HOU’s Adjunct Teaching Staff, Research Ethics Regulations, etc.).
The HOU’s Staff Support and Development Policy is approved by the University’s Steering Committee and published on the institution’s main website. Its implementation, monitoring and revision are carried out in accordance with the procedures of the Institution’s Internal Quality Assurance System.
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