

The mission of the HOU is to provide in distance undergraduate and postgraduate education and training, through the development and use of appropriate educational material and teaching methods. The objectives of the HOU include the promotion of scientific research, as well as the development of technology and methodology in the field of the transmission of knowledge in distance.

The HOU is the 19th Greek university. Like the other Universities, it is an autonomous and self-governing public institution. Its operation is determined by the Article Law 2552/97 The HOU is the 19th Greek university. Like the other Universities, it is an autonomous and self-governing public institution. Its operation is determined by the Article Law 2552/97 (as amended by Article 14 of Law 2817/2000, from article 3 of Ν. 3027/2002, from article 13 of Law 3260/2004, from article 19 of Law 3577/2007, from article, par. 4, paragraph b’ of Law 4009/2011, from article 37 of Law 4186/2013, from article 6 of Law 4366/2016, from article 28 of Law 4368/2016, from article 61 of Law 4386/2016, from article seven of Law 4405/2016, par. 1, 5 and 6 of article 23 of Law 4452/2017, articles 83, par. 10 and 11 and 91, par. 1 and 2, paragraphs a’ and b’, of Law 4485/2017, as well as Article 42, paragraph 1 and 2, subparagraphs a’ and b’, of Law 4485/2017, as well as Article 42, paragraph 2, subparagraphs a’ and b’, of Law 4485/2017, as well as Article 42, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2, of Law 4485/2017, as well as Article 42, paragraph 9 of Law 4521/2018, as well as Article 240, paragraph 2 of Law 4610/2019, as well as Article 38 of Law 4653/2020, as well as Article 101, paragraph 2 of Law 4692/2020).

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