Regulation of Doctoral Studies (SSC)
Regulation of Doctoral Studies (SH)
Regulation of Doctoral Studies (SST)
Regulation of Doctoral Studies (SAA)
The procedure for awarding doctoral degrees is governed by the existing provisions for Higher Education and the supplementary provisions of the Founding Law of HOU. The Internal Regulations for Doctoral Studies refer to the procedures for accepting doctoral candidates and evaluating the progress of doctoral dissertations.
The person interested in preparing a doctoral dissertation in HOU should contact a faculty member of HOU whose research interests are related to the field of knowledge in which the candidate wishes to prepare the dissertation. The faculty member of HOU should weigh the qualifications of the candidate, whether his research interests coincide with the research aspirations of the faculty member, as well as his workload and accordingly encourage him to submit a relevant application to the Dean of the School.
The Board, based on academic criteria and with a recommendation of the faculty member, who is going to supervise the doctoral dissertation, decides whether the candidate really meets the requirements for the preparation of a doctoral dissertation and appoints as tutor the faculty member of HOU that proposed as candidate. The rapporteur proposes the three-member Advisory Committee.
PhD candidates should:
3.1 Hold holders of degrees from Greek Higher Education Institutions (university or technology sector) or recognized degrees from foreign Higher Education Institutions.
3.2 To be holders of an associate postgraduate degree
3.3 In case deemed appropriate by the School, the candidate, before starting to prepare the dissertation, is required to successfully attend one or more postgraduate theses of EAP in addition to the conditions of paragraph 3.2. In this case, the candidate enrolls in the respective HE without a draw, in addition to the required number of entrants.
3.4 Candidates must have a very good and proven knowledge of at least English. If required by the topic of the dissertation, the School may request the knowledge of one or more languages.
The supervisor of the dissertation (member of the above Advisory Committee) is a member of the faculty of HOU in the rank of professor, associate professor or assistant professor, with research interests related to the subject of the doctoral dissertation. The other two members must have research interests related to the subject of the doctoral dissertation and may be faculty members of the same or another School (or department), of the same or another University of the country or abroad, retired university professors due to age limit, ASEI professors or members of the faculties of TEI and ASPAITE or researchers of the levels AD, BD or DG of a recognized research center of the domestic or foreign, who hold a doctoral degree.
In case the doctoral thesis needs a research infrastructure that the EAP does not have, the decision of the Faculty should also indicate the body (University, Research Center, Public or Private enterprise) which will offer these conditions. The Board has the responsibility to check whether the Doctoral Student (BoD) can formally and effectively use this infrastructure.
The maximum number of supervised simultaneously by one faculty member is set at five.
The SE, in collaboration with other members, suggests to the Board, within a reasonable period of time from the student’s registration, the research area of the dissertation and, if it is appropriate, determines one or more the ΘΕ that must be attend by the Board.
The SE can suggest (and the Dean of the School to decide) the attendance of a postgraduate Thematic Unit as a prerequisite for the start of the doctoral work and in case the Board holds a postgraduate specialization diploma.
In case the Board of Directors has to attend a postgraduate thesis, it has all the obligations of the postgraduate students of EAP, but it can also be active in research, making use of the offered research infrastructure. The time for the preparation of the doctoral dissertation begins after the successful attendance.
The total duration from the registration of the Board to the elaboration and writing of the Doctoral Thesis can not be less than four (three in case the Board is not required to attend IU) full academic years. The research work itself for the elaboration of the Dissertation can not be less than three years. Doctoral candidates enjoy the rights of postgraduates for a period not exceeding 8 academic years from their enrollment in the doctoral program. After this period the student loses the status of doctoral candidate.
The Doctoral Student is entitled to request, for serious reasons, suspension of studies during his studies. The suspension can be given for one (1) or at most two (2) years. In both cases, the total duration of the doctoral dissertation can not exceed 8 years from the registration at HOU, including any period of suspension. The suspension of studies is approved by the Dean of the School to which the Board belongs after a positive suggestion of the three-member counseling.
The time of preparation of the Doctoral Thesis is divided into three periods and the Board has the obligation to pay the corresponding contribution to the costs of doctoral studies at the beginning of each period. This participation corresponds to the expenses of a TH. for each period. Following the recommendation of the Board, the Board of Directors has the possibility of awarding scholarships (exemption from financial participation) up to 100% of the Board of Directors.
Within 10 months from the beginning of the Doctoral Thesis, the Board of Directors submits to the SE a proposal which includes the following:
The SE in an oral examination controls the scientific preparation of the Board and suggests to the Dean of the School the continuation of the Doctoral Thesis or the interruption of the studies.
In the following period, which has a duration commensurate with the subject of the dissertation, the Board prepares research and has the right to use, in consultation with the supervisor, the material and technical infrastructure of ΗOU and / or other HEIs and / or Research Centers or other public or private organizations cooperating with the HOU. The Board of Directors of each Board, with the initiative and responsibility of the supervisor, meets regularly with the participation of the Board. The Board submits a relevant memorandum, at least once every six months, in order to inform the members and to control and coordinate the research work. Based on the above meetings, the SE submits a relevant progress report to the Dean of the School at the end of each year.
When the SE deems that the doctoral work has been completed, the writing period for the Board of Directors begins under the guidance of its advisors. The dissertation is supported publicly before a seven-member Examination Committee consisting of a three-member Advisory Committee, other faculty members or Researchers appointed in accordance with applicable law.
The formation of the examination committee is done by the Dean of the School after a proposal of the Advisory Committee. The Dean of the School may recommend conditions for the submission of the dissertation in crisis. The supervisor of the dissertation is responsible for the timely notification to the School of the place and time of support of the dissertation.
Prior to the support of the Doctoral Dissertation, the doctoral candidate sends (1) a copy of it to each member of the seven-member Examination Committee. The candidate develops the content of his dissertation publicly before the Examination Committee and answers the questions and comments of its members. With the consent of the Commission, questions may also be put to the candidate by the audience.
The candidate and the audience then leave.
The Commission makes its final judgment. The Commission considers the original content of the dissertation and its substantial contribution to science. The approval is confirmed by the minutes, which include a suggestion from the supervisor, justification of the vote of the members of the Committee and is submitted to the Committee.
After the approval of the dissertation and after all the necessary corrections are made (if any) the candidate submits (3) copies of the final form of the dissertation to the School Dean and one (1) copy to the Department of Education, in order to be sent to the National Documentation Center.
All copies are submitted in printed and electronic form.
Also, the candidates must – after the successful presentation / examination of their dissertation – along with any corrections or additions, even appendices, notes, articles, accompanying material, etc. – post it in the repository of HOU ( ).
At the end of the dissertation, the following text should be signed: does not contain works / contributions of third parties for which the permission of the authors / beneficiaries is required and is not a product of partial or complete copy, and the sources used are limited to the bibliographic references only and meet the rules of the scientific citation “.
The dissertation is the intellectual property of the candidate, who in the framework of the open access policy grants to the HOU a non-exclusive license to use the right of reproduction, adaptation, public borrowing, presentation to the public and its digital distribution internationally, in electronic form and by any means, teaching and research purposes, free of charge and for the entire duration of the copyright. Open access to the full text for study and reading does not in any way imply endorsement of the intellectual property rights of the author / creator nor does it permit reproduction, republishing, copying, storage, sale, commercial use, transmission, distribution, publication, execution, “upload” (downloading), (uploading), translation, modification in any way, partially or concisely of the dissertation, without the explicit prior written consent of the author / creator. Creators retain all their moral and property rights.
The EAP, in the context of the open access policy of the Doctoral Dissertations, optionally proposes the management of the intellectual property rights of the dissertations with Creative Commons ( If PhD candidates choose this method, they should indicate at a specific point in their dissertation, with what specific permission they provide it. The implementation of Creative Commons licenses does not affect the open access of the full text of the dissertations, but defines the relationship between the work of the depositors and the reading public.
Doctoral candidates, who have met all the requirements for the award of a Doctoral Degree, are nominated for doctorates by the Department.
The date of announcement is considered the date of the Meeting of the Board on which the relevant approval is decided.
The certification of the doctorates takes place in the Dean’s Office, in the presence of the Rector of the Deans and members of the University Community or in the presence of the Rector of the Deans and members of the University Community after the decision of approval of the Dean.
The text of the doctoral confession is as follows (read by the Rector and repeated by the confessors):
“After the Distinguished School ………………………….. with the confirmation agreement of the Rector deemed me worthy, after examination, to classify me as one of its doctors, to this and to the Rectorate I give this affidavit:” Science, as much as possible, I will always try in my life to cultivate and brighten and lead it to the most perfect, without practicing it for profit and arrogance, but for the advancement of knowledge for the social good. I will gladly do whatever is going to contribute to the improvement of morals and modesty of the characters. I will not offend the work of others in a baby way trying to degrade it and I will always teach the object of my scientific knowledge and the results of my research. I will not distort science, nor will I shame the office of the Muse fan with moral indecency.
According to this promise, may God be my helper in my life.
The awarded Doctors are awarded a diploma, which is signed by the Rector, the Dean and the Head of the University Secretariat, and is sealed with the seal of the University.
There is no degree or other designation in the awarded doctoral diplomas.