
Independent units

Educational Content, Methodology and Technology Laboratory (e-CoMeT Lab)

The Educational Content, Methodology and Technology Laboratory (e-CoMeT Lab) has been founded according to law 2552/1997 and operates as an independent unit of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) as specified in its Charter. The Laboratory supports all members of HOU to apply educational, methodological and technological innovation in distance learning and educational content development.

For more information, please visit https://eeyem.eap.gr/en

Postal address

Educational Content, Methodology and Technology Laboratory

18, Parodos Aristotelous Str.

GR-263 35 Patras, Greece

HOU campus

Department C – Room PG01-02

General contact information

Position – Phone – e-mail

Director – tel: +30 2610 36 7735 – e-mail: director[at]ecomet.eap.gr

Deputy Director – e-mail: deputydirector[at]ecomet.eap.gr

Secretary – tel: +30 2610 36 7739 – e-mail: secretary[at]ecomet.eap.gr


(Pending appointment of a new Representative)

Deputy Director

Evangelos Koumanakos, Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences

Scientific Council (members)

Nektaria Palaiologou, Associate Professor, School of Humanities

Dimitrios Stergiou, Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences

George Papagiannopoulos, Associate Professor, School of Science and Technology

Lampros Doulos, Associate Professor, School of Applied Arts & Sustainable Design


Marianna Stamati, tel.: +30 2610 36 7739 – e-mail: secretary[at]ecomet.eap.gr

Coordinator Officer

Maria Mpousia – tel: +30 2610 36 7738 – e-mail: mbousia[at]eap.gr

Research and Development (R&D) Divisions

1) Division of Administrative Services and Technical Support – email: todit[at]ecomet.eap.gr
2) Division of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) – email: todim[at]ecomet.eap.gr
3) Division of Educational Material and Content – email: tomaps[at]ecomet.eap.gr
4) Division of Educational Methodologies – email: tomem[at]ecomet.eap.gr
5) Division of Systems and Technology – email: tosyst[at]ecomet.eap.g

Helpdesk e-mails

Description –  e-mails

Technical Support – e-mail: support[at]ecomet.eap.gr

Educational Content – e-mail: content[at]ecomet.eap.gr

Guides & Specifications – e-mail: certify[at]ecomet.eap.gr

Research & Development – e-mail: research[at]ecomet.eap.gr

Dissemination & Promotion – e-mail: info[at]ecomet.eap.gr


Contact details of Personnel

Name – Phone – e-mail

Nikolaos Dendrinos – tel: +30 210 909 7253 – e-mail: ndendrinos[at]eap.gr

Vasileios Dimopoulos – tel: +30 2610 36 7973 – e-mail: vdimopoul[at]eap.gr

Anastasios Fanariotis– tel: +30 2610 36 7968 – e-mail: afanariotis[at]eap.gr

Rozalia Kalantzi– tel: +30 2610 36 7743 – e-mail: rkalantzi[at]eap.gr

Christoforos Karachristos – tel: +30 2610 36 7740 – e-mail: karachrist[at]eap.gr

Theodora Kouvara – tel: +30 2610 36 7958 – e-mail: tkouvara[at]eap.gr

Marianna Stamati– tel: +30 2610 36 7736 – e-mail: marianne[at]eap.gr


Scientific Collaborators

Name – Phone – e-mail

Christoforos Karachristos – tel: +30 2610 36 7740 – e-mail: karachrist[at]eap.gr

Theodwra Kouvara – tel: +30 2610 36 7958 – e-mail: tkouvara[at]eap.gr

Lampros Tsiknas – tel: 2610 36 7957 – e-mail: tsiknas[at]eap.gr

Konstantinos Mitropoulos – e-mail: kmitropoulos[at]eap.gr

Dimitris Sideris – e-mail: dsideris[at]eap.gr

«Center for Teaching and Learning», CTL

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) was established by decision of the Governing Committee of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) on 542nd/17-02-2022 with Official Government Gazette 2163, vol. B΄, 04.05.22.. CTL, is a part of Educational Content, Methodology and Technology Laboratory (e-CoMeT Lab) and operates under the auspices of the e-CoMeT Lab. CTL aims to continuously improve the quality and effectiveness of the education provided and the teaching work.  It Implement actions for the further development and interconnection of learning communities, the promotion of educational innovation and the support of the, a) members of the teaching staff and b) students of the HOU, in matters of teaching and learning.

Supervision: Vice Chancellor (Vice President) for Administrative Affairs, Academic Affairs and Student Affairs

Departmental Scientific Manager/ Department Leader: Evangelos Koumanakos, Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences

Deputy Scientific Manager: Emmanouil Koutouzis, Professor, School of humanities

Administrative staff: Vasileios Dimopoulos

General contact information:

tel: +30 2610 36 7973 – e-mail: ctl[at]eap.gr


Centre of Counselling & Psychological Support HOU

C.C.P.S is a reference point for students, as well as for the academic and administrative staff of the Hellenic Open University. The services offered concern:

Individual counselling, which can take place either in person (i.e. at the HOU offices in Athens and Patras) or via videoconference. Individual counselling, which can take place either in person (i.e. at the HOU offices in Athens and Patras) or via videoconference. Its aim is to provide counselling and psychological support to the counselee, for any problem he/she is facing, on a personal, professional, academic or social level.

Group counselling, based on the needs and requests of the persons concerned. Groups are set up after a sufficient number of people have expressed interest in participating in them, and last one and a half hours each time, for 7 to 10 meetings.

Teleconsultation services, in which the person concerned sends an email to the counsellor on a specific issue of concern and receives a response on the specific issue. Tele-counselling can last no longer than one exchange of messages, and those interested in further information are invited to contact one of the C.C.P.S counsellors by requesting a meeting in person or by videoconference.

Given the circumstances due to Covid-19and until further information and decisions are available, the services offeredare individual counseling via videoconferencing and teleconsultation services via email.

General contact details

e-mail: kesypsy.info@eap.gr

Postal Address
Centre for Counselling & Psychological Support HOU
18 Aristotelous Street
Patras, 26 335

Information about the Counselling & Psychological Centre can be found on the Centre’s website: http://kesypsy.eap.gr/

Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) of the HOU

The HOU’s Quality Assurance Unit is called upon to ensure high quality in education and the effective operation of the services of the Foundation by developing the appropriate policy, strategy and procedures, which constitute the Internal Quality Assurance System, as well as its continuous improvement. The achievement of its objective requires the assistance of all members of the academic community.

The objectives of the QAU of HOU, according to Article 1 of Decision No. 1194 (Government Gazette B’ 2309/13.06.2019 “Internal Quality Assurance System (I.Q.A.S.) of the Hellenic Open University are:

  1. cooperation with the “Hellenic Authority for Higher Education” (H.A.H.E.).

  1. the development of a specific policy, strategy and the necessary procedures for the continuous improvement of the quality of the Foundation’s work and services, which constitute the Foundation’s internal quality assurance system,

  1. the organisation, operation and continuous improvement of the Foundation’s internal quality assurance system,

  1. the coordination and support of the evaluation procedures of the academic units and other services of the Foundation, as well as the support of its accreditation procedures, within the framework of the principles, guidelines and directives of the “Hellenic Authority for Higher Education” (H.A.H.E.); and

  1. supporting the external evaluation and accreditation procedures of the curricula and the internal quality assurance system of the Foundation, within the framework of the principles, guidelines and directives of the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (H.A.H.E.).

In order to fulfill its objectives, Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) of the HOU collaborates with the Internal Evaluation and Training Unit (I.E.T.U.) and the Office of Strategic Planning and Development of the Foundation.

Administrative Staff:
Evangelia Kaldani
Tek: + 30 2109097214

Vasiliki Katsina
Tel: +30 2610367921

Konstantinos Konstantopoulos
Tel: +30 2109097206

Postal address:
Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) of the HOU
278 Patron Klauss Street,
Patras, 26335


Information about the QAU can be found on the website http://modip.eap.gr/

Internal Evaluation and Training Unit (IETU) of HOU

The Internal Evaluation and Training Unit (IETU) is an independent unit of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) established by Law 2552 /97 (as amended by article 14 of Law 2817/2000, by article 3 of Law 3027/2002, by article 13 of Law 3260/2004 and by article 19 of Law 3577/2007). Its main objective is to contribute to the upgrading of the quality of the services provided by the HOU through the work it carries out throughout the academic year.

The objectives of the IETU concern the evaluation of the educational process of the HOU and more specifically of the professors, the Subject Areas (SA), the educational material and the administrative services. Furthermore, other activities of the Unit are the training of the teaching staff of the HOU, external evaluation and scientific research on methods and procedures for quality assurance of educational technologies.

General contact details
Evaluation: 2610367992, 2610367753, e-mail: axiologisi@eap.gr
Training: 2610367748, 2610367752, e-mail: epimorfosi@eap.gr

Postal address
Internal Evaluation and Training Unit (IETU) of HOU
278 Patron Klauss Street,
Patras, 26 335

Information about the Internal Evaluation and Training Unit can be found on the unit’s website http://meae.eap.gr

Data Protection Team

The Hellenic Open University (HOU or the Foundation), attaches particular importance to the protection of the Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as PD) of the members of the University Community and any users of its services. The HOU processes and maintains the data, which it retains, exclusively and only, for the educational, research, statistical and administrative purposes of the Foundation and for the period of time required and provided for by the nature of the data processing and, in any case, by the legal framework in force at the time.

The HOU applies policies in accordance with the current European and national framework for the protection of Personal Data and in particular with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Law 4624/2019 (Government Gazette A’ 137/29.08.2019). In addition, the HOU complies with any opinion/decision issued by the Data Protection Authority. In any case, the processing of PD is carried out for specified purposes (specified in individual Policies) provided by law or with the consent of the subjects.

The HOU has appointed, since May 2018, a Data Protection Team to implement the appropriate technical and organizational measures and to inform the University Community on the best practices for the protection of PD.

1. Processing Officer – Contact Details:

Under the GDPR, the HOU is the Processing Responsible for the PD which processes.

Contact details:

Hellenic Open University

18 Aristotelous Street, P.C. 26 335, Patras, Greece

Phone numbers: 2610-367371, 210-9097244

E-mail : dpo@eap.gr

2. Data Protection Officer – Data Protection Team

Members of the University Community as well as users of HOU services may contact and submit their questions regarding the processing, protection of personal data and their rights to the Data Protection Team:

Serafim Karaiskakis, Data Protection Officer

Tel.: 2610 367371 – e-mail: dpo@eap.gr

Pierrina Koriatopoulou, Data Protection Officer – Legislative Counsel

e-mail: dpo@eap.gr

Maria Petropoulou, Data Protection Officer – Communication Consultant

Τel.: 210 9097244 – e-mail: dpo@eap.gr

The team is also assisted/cooperates with the Legal Service of the Foundation.

3. Personal Data Breach Incident

According to Article 4, para. 12 of the GDPR, a “personal data breach” is defined as “a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access of personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed”.

Report of a Personal Data Breach Incident

You may contact us in case you have to report an Incident of Personal Data Breach (I.P.D.B.), by filling in the online form here

4. Personal Data Protection Authority

Data subjects who consider that their rights are infringed in any way have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, which is the competent supervisory authority for the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons with regard to the processing of their personal data.

5. Policies for the Protection of Personal Data of the Hellenic Open University

The HOU may amend the Personal Data Protection Policies whenever it is deemed appropriate. Each Policy shall be posted on the HOU’s website, with an indication of the date of issue and the date of publication.

Also, visitors/users are encouraged to check the content of the Personal Data Protection Policies at regular intervals in order to be informed of any changes/updates.

6. Information Material

To find out about Personal Data, the basic concepts of the GDPR and your rights, you can consult the following supporting material:

  • The new General Data Protection Regulation. Here you may choose to open the file, in the web application or download it.
  • • Information leaflet of the DP Team. Here you may choose to open the file, in the web application or download it.

Safety and Protection Unit

The Safety and Protection Unit (SPU) of the Hellenic Open University is an independent Unit established to ensure academic freedom, as well as the safety and protection of the life and physical integrity of the teaching, administrative and other staff, students and other natural persons – visitors, as well as the real and movable property of the University.

The main body of the Unit consists of the Safety Technician and the Occupational Doctor, the Maintenance and Safety Team of the HOU headed by the Safety Manager.

Its responsibilities and the way it operates are defined by a legislative framework and in particular by Law No. 4777 (Government Gazette 25/A/17-02-2021).

Deputy Head of SPU.:
Gregoris Tzolas
Τel. 2610367380
Email: tzolas@eap.gr

Safety Technician
Christos Anogiatis
Τel. 2610367388
Email: anogiatis@eap.gr

Occupational Doctor
Dimitra Triantafyllou

Postal Address
Dimitra Triantafyllou
Hellenic Open University
18 Aristotelous Street, P.C. 26 335, Patras, Greece

E-mail : map@eap.gr

Information about the SPU can be found on the website http://osh.eap.gr/

Centre for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (CCE/KEDIVIM) of HOU

The Centre for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (CCE/KEDIVIM) of the Hellenic Open University was established by the Ministerial Decision No. 20217/Z1/22-02-2021 (Government Gazette 818/B΄/02-03-2021) and is an Independent Unit of the Foundation based on the national and European institutional framework for Lifelong Learning. Every action of the University and its members, which concerns the further education, continuing education, training, and in general Lifelong Learning of the members of the University is carried out through the Centre for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning of the HOU and is governed by the rules set by the institutional framework, the Senate and the current Regulations. The Centre may organise and implement non-formal education study programmes leading to the award of the corresponding certificates, as well as any form of work related to Lifelong Learning.

Council of the Centre for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (CCE/KEDIVIM) of the Hellenic Open University

President: Konstantinos Karamanis, Vice President for Research and Lifelong Education of the Governing Committee of the HOU, Professor.

Deputy President: Athanasios Michiotis, Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Professor.


  • Emmanuel Koutouzis, Professor, representative of the School of Humanities.
  • Achilleas Kameas, Professor, representative of the School of Science and Technology.
  • Athanasios Michiotis, Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Professor, representative of the School of Social Sciences.
  • Efstathios Efstathopoulos, Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Academic Affairs and Student Affairs of the Governing Committee of the HOU, Professor, representative of the School of Applied Arts and Sustainable Design.

Alternate Members

  • Zacharias Palios, Assistant Professor, representative of the Faculty of Humanities.
  • George Papagiannopoulos, Associate Professor, representative of the School of Science and Technology
  • Augustinos Dimitras, Professor, representing the School of Social Sciences.
  • Stylianos Zerefos, Professor, representative of the School of Applied Arts and Sustainable Design.


Website: https://kedivim.eap.gr/

e-mail: kedivim@eap.gr


Verykiou Evgenia

e-mail: verikiou@eap.gr

Τel.: 2610367343

Building C, Office C.126

Administrative Staff

Administrative Program Management

Constantina Liakopoulou

e-mail: kliakopoulou@eap.gr

Τel.: 2610367643

Building C, Office C.125

Financial Program Management

e-mail: kedivim.res@eap.gr

Charikleia Panopoulou

e-mail: chpanopoulou@eap.gr

Tel.: 2610367464

Building C, Office C..117

Postal Address

Centre for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (CCE/KEDIVIM) of HOU)

18 Aristotelous Street, 263 35 Patras

HOU Campus

More information regarding the operation of the Centre for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (CCE/KEDIVIM) can be found at the following website: https://kedivim.eap.gr/

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