


Accreditation Decision of the HOU IQAS

The Evaluation and Accreditation Council of the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), at its 10th/11-02-2021 meeting, certified that the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) of the Hellenic Open University fully complies (Fully Compliant) with the principles of the Quality Standard IQAS of the ΗΑΗE and the Quality Assurance Principles of the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015). The duration of the Accreditation is set for four years, from 11-02-2021 to 10-02-2025. Τhe Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), with its decision number 31301/27-12-22 revised the validity period of the HOU IQAS certification from four to five years. The new validity period of the certification was set from 11-02-21 to 10-02-2026.
Accreditation Report of the HOU IQAS*

*The Accreditation Report is in English.

More information about the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) of the HOU are available on the website of Quality Assurance Unit (QAU)

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