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Ανακοινώσεις προς τα μέλη ΔΕΠ


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Ανακοινώσεις προς τα μέλη ΔΕΠ

Chemical and Biomolecular Analysis – THEMATIC UNITS

HOU > Chemical and Biomolecular Analysis (XBA) > Chemical and Biomolecular Analysis – THEMATIC UNITS


Module Code: XBA50
ECTS Credits: 15
Module Type: Compulsory
Semester: First (1st)
Teaching Language: Greek
Module Outline

Module Content: XBA50 aims to train scientists in the principles, methods, instrumentation, and applications of modern chemical analysis.

Analytical Module Content:

  • Introduction to the Principles of Instrumental Analysis
  • Introduction to Spectrometric Methods and Optical Atomic Spectrometry
  • Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry, Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  • Atomic Mass Spectrometry
  • Atomic X-ray Spectrometry
  • Introduction to Molecular Absorption Spectrometry in the Ultraviolet / Visible (UV/Vis)
  • Applications of Visible / Ultraviolet Molecular Absorption Spectrometry
  • Introduction to Infrared Spectrometry – Applications of Infrared Spectrometry
  • Molecular Mass Spectrometry
  • Characterization of Surfaces with Spectroscopy and Microscopy
  • Introduction to Electroanalytical Chemistry – Potentiometry
  • Introduction to Chromatographic Separations
  • Gas chromatography
  • Liquid chromatography – Thermal Methods
  • Determination of Particle Size

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • describe the main methods of instrumental analysis, namely the spectroscopic, electrochemical, chromatographic, radiochemical, and thermal analytical methods, as well as methods of surface chemical analysis
  • describe the fundamental principles and methods of atomic spectroscopy, molecular spectroscopy, electroanalytical chemistry, and chromatography
  • describe the fundamental principles and methods of thermal analysis methods, radiochemical methods, particle size determination methods, and automated methods
  • describe the advantages and drawbacks of each method of analysis
  • identify the instrumentation of analytical methods
  • select the most suitable method of analysis for a given case, considering its sensitivity, repeatability, and accuracy
  • calibrate, standardize, and validate instrumental analysis methods

Module Subjects:

  • Theoretical Foundation of Modern Analytical Chemistry
  • Material and Surface Characterization and Analysis Methods
  • Instrumental Analysis – Instrumentation and Analytical Applications

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade

Prerequisite modules: No prerequisites

Teaching Method: distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).



Module Code: XBA51
ECTS Credits: 15
Module Type: Compulsory
Semester: First (1st)
Teaching language: Greek
Module Outline

Module Content: XBA51 aims at a deep understanding of the evolutionarily conserved process of coding and transfer of genetic information from cell to cell, through the structure and function of the genome and its detailed regulation at different levels. In addition, an understanding of the mechanisms that ensure the fidelity and accuracy of the transmission and expression of genetic information, the repair systems and the modern methodology involved in their study. Finally, the study of the effects on the genome of environmental factors that adversely affect life and normal cellular function.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • describe the basic structure and function of proteins, DNA and RNA.
  • describe the basic molecular processes of genome replication and transcription, as well as translation.
  • name the mechanisms regulating all the above processes.
  • use classical and modern techniques of molecular biology.
  • identify molecular damage at the genome level resulting from mutations, genetic recombination and epigenetic modifications.
  • define the molecular basis of carcinogenesis and the manifestation of various diseases.
  • define the biology of systems
  • describe the contribution of current bioinformatics analysis to the development of applied molecular biology

Module Subjects:

  • Principles of Genomics and Post-Genomics
  • Genome Sequencing Analysis
  • Modern Gene Expression Determination Methods
  • Molecular Oncology – Smart Drugs

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade

Prerequisite module: No prerequisites

Teaching Method: distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).



Module Code: XBA52
ECTS Credits: 15
Module Type: Compulsory
Semester: First (1st)
Teaching language: Greek
Module Outline

Module Content: The module aims at the general overview and understanding of the basic concepts of Clinical and Applied Biochemistry, the basic principles of the structure and function of life macromolecules, and the in-depth study of cellular biochemical pathways and their interconnections. Moreover, the module is also focused on the specific genetic, acquired and environmental events towards biochemical imbalance, diseases and clinical symptoms. At the same time, the module will present the basic principles of experimental procedures for the study of cellular homeostasis, and the biochemical/molecular pathways in the development and progression of human diseases, as well as laboratory methods/assays in diagnosis, the treatment, prognosis and prevention of diseases.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • know the basic principles, concepts, terminology and applications related to the science of Clinical and Applied Biochemistry,
  • know the basic principles of human pathobiochemistry,
  • understand the basic biochemical/molecular cellular pathways and the interactions between them, during the normal functioning of the human organism, as well as their disruptions in pathological conditions.
  • understand the principles of application and utilization of classic and modern laboratory methods of Clinical
  • applied Biochemistry and Molecular Diagnostics
  • able to choose the appropriate diagnostic tests based on the clinical needs
  • able to interpret analytical results
  • understand the processes and importance of quality control in the Clinical Biochemistry laboratory
  • identify and evaluate analytical errors
  • describe the way of correction of analytical errors and of calibration procedures
  • know the appropriate and safe handling of biological samples and of control reagents
  • understand the modern automated biochemical analysis and organology
  • know of the established disease biomarkers and their clinical evaluation

Module Subjects:

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade

Prerequisite modules: No prerequisites

Teaching Method: distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).



Module Code: XBA53
ECTS Credits: 15
Module Type: Compulsory
Semester: Second (2nd) or Third (3rd)
Teaching language: Greek
Module Outline

Module Content: The module XBA53 aims to provide laboratory training for scientists in the principles, methods, instrumentation, and applications of modern chemical analysis. It aims to familiarize scientists with the modern laboratory and experimental equipment used in chemical analysis, as well as how to use it correctly and effectively.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • describe laboratory safety regulations
  • evaluate the experimental results of chemical analyses
  • statistically process the results of chemical analyses
  • operate modern laboratory equipment, such as spectrometers, chromatographs, spectrophotometers, diffractometers, fluorimeters etc.
  • select the most suitable method of analysis for a given application
  • design and perform classical and modern chemical analysis experimental protocols
  • apply their skills to solve problems that occur in chemical analysis
  • make use of analytical instruments and techniques in order to research problems that require chemical analysis in their solution

Module Subjects:

  • Laboratory Safety Regulations; Statistics, Chemometrics
  • Modern Chromatographic Techniques
  • Modern Spectrometric Techniques
  • Electroanalytical and Complexometric Techniques
  • Combined Analytical Techniques

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade

Prerequisite module: Selection of XBA53 is possible with simultaneous selection of XBA50 or with complete XBA50

Teaching Method: distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).



Module Code: XBA54
ECTS Credits: 15
Module Type: Compulsory
Semester: Second (2nd) or Third (3rd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Module Content: The module XBA54 aims to train scientists in the principles, methods and organization of modern biomolecular analysis. Postgraduate students are trained in laboratory organization and laboratory quality control and also, they get hands-on familiarization with modern laboratory and experimental equipment related to Biomolecular analyses.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • describe quality assurance procedures in experimental protocols used in service provision, as well as in research.
  • handle biological material appropriately and carry out laboratory techniques for the isolation and quantitative/qualitative detection of biological macromolecules.
  • utilize molecular techniques to detect and identify microorganisms and viruses in biological materials and food.
  • detect mutations and polymorphisms, but also biochemical alterations of DNA, related to pathological conditions.
  • apply enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) to target sample molecules related to clinical diagnosis, either using antigens/antibodies or enzymatic reactions.

Module Subjects:

  • Quality assurance of laboratory biomolecular analyses
  • Techniques for the isolation of nucleic acids and proteins
  • Detection of infectious agents in biological materials and food
  • Detection of gene mutations and epigenetic modifications
  • Immunochemical methods

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade

Prerequisite modules: Selection of XBA54 is possible with simultaneous selection of XBA51/XBA52 or after completion of XBA51/XBA52

Teaching Method: distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).



Module Code: XBADE
ECTS Credits: 15
Module Type: Compulsory
Semester: Third (3rd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Module Content:


The aim of the Postgraduate Diploma Thesis is to complete the students’ knowledge and develop their skills in the processing of independent topics in the Science of Chemical and Biomolecular Analysis and their applications. The work is carried out based on the student’s special interest in a subject, always in consultation with the supervisor and on the condition that the subject is related to the academic subjects of the Postgraduate Postgraduate Diploma Thesis.


The Postgraduate Diploma Thesis constitutes an individual, self-contained, in-depth scientific and systematic approach to the analysis of a topic and the synthesis of a solution or proposal. It draws on existing literature and/or original research. The Postgraduate Diploma Thesis has a research, study, development or applied research character and is prepared by each student individually. With the guidance of the supervisor, students are given the opportunity to gain significant experiences from the comprehensive study and in-depth investigation of a distinct subject of specialization and are challenged to develop critical and combinatorial thinking, organization and analysis skills, applying the systematic and scientific approach. Through his research, the student must demonstrate the ability to identify problems and challenges in the specific field, evaluate results and propose alternative solutions or strategies.


The student submits a proposed thesis topic title, accompanied by the purpose, methodology and expected results. The program proposal must be approved by the supervising professor before the student begins the work. The student is then in constant contact with the supervisor throughout the preparation of the thesis, with continuous guidance and feedback. At the end, the student submits a comprehensive scientific report, which he defends with an oral presentation (supporting a master’s thesis) in public and before a three-member examination committee.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the PDT, the student will:

  • have studied in depth a specific topic of the scientific areas that PDT treats
  • have used his relevant knowledge from his studies and developed his compositional ability
  • have learned to look for appropriate scientific information through the relevant scientific literature
  • be able to design a research plan and develop an appropriate methodology for approaching and investigating a topic under study and organize a plan for its implementation
  • have acquired skill in writing a scientific text
  • have acquired skill in the organization and oral presentation of a scientific topic
  • be able to clearly present his conclusions, as well as the knowledge and reasoning on which they are based, successfully making a comprehensive presentation via ICT, before the three-member examining committee and the public
  • be able to describe and document the basic knowledge related to the topic of the thesis
  • be able to summarize the existing scientific knowledge and expertise in the subject of the thesis
  • be able to combine knowledge to propose solutions to relevant problems or applications
  • be able to select appropriate technical/technological approaches and adapt them to the problem to be solved using original thinking

For more information regarding the Specifications – Useful Material for writing An MSc Dissertation and submitting it to HOU Repository, please visit the portal http://courses.eap.gr. The General Regulation for the presentation of an MSc Dissertation in postgraduate degree programmes organized on a semi-annual basis is available at https://www.eap.gr/en/semi-annual-programs/

Prerequisites: The presentation of the Postgraduate Diploma Thesis takes place after the successful completion of the Modules of the Program.

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