
Stergiou Dimitrios

Dimitrios P. Stergiou

Associate Professor

Curriculum Vitae

Dimitrios Stergiou is Vice-Dean and Associate Professor in Tourism Management at the School of Social Sciences at the Hellenic Open University (HOU). He is the Director of the Postgraduate Programme in Tourism Business Administration and the Coordinator of the thematic unit DTE60 “Tourism Management”. He also acts as a member of the Academic Supervising Committee of the undergraduate Programme in Tourism Management and for the Management and Public Administration Lab of the School of Social Sciences.

n terms of academic qualifications, he studied for his MSc in Tourism Management & Marketing at Bournemouth University (UK), where he graduated with distinction. In 2000 he joined the University of Surrey (UK) to conduct his PhD research on tourism management and education, completing his research in 2004.

Dimitrios has over 15 years of experience in higher education teaching, both in Greece and abroad. Alongside his academic duties he has worked with several government and private organisations on tourism project work.

Research Interests

His research interests lie in the wider areas of tourism management and tourism education. His research has been published in reputable, peer-reviewed scientific journals and he has participated in international scientific conferences and workshops. He is the Assistant Editor of the Journal of Air Transport Studies and member of the editorial board of Tourism Review. He has also participated in several research projects and studies for national and international organizations such as the European Union.


  • Since 2001, he has taught 9 postgraduate and 18 undergraduate modules at 7 universities. Currently, he is supervising and/or co-supervising 8 PhD Theses at 4 universities.
  • DTE50 “General Principles of Management, Tourism Legislation and Structure of Employer and Collective Organizations” - Postgraduate Programme in Tourism Business Administration (HOU).
  • DTE60 “Tourism Management” - Postgraduate Programme in Tourism Business Administration (HOU).


  • Indicative recent publications include:
  • Stergiou, D., Karagiorgos, T., Alexandris, K., Benetatos, T. and Balaska, P. (2022). The contribution of event quality factors on the development of memorable tourism experiences: Evidence from the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Event Management
  • Farmaki, A. and Stergiou, D. (2021). Peace and tourism: Bridging the gap through justice. Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research, 46(3): 286-309
  • Stergiou, D. and Farmaki, A. (2021). Ability and Willingness to Work during COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives of Front-Line Hotel Employees, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 93, 102770
  • Farmaki, A. and Stergiou, D. (2020). Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Moral Identity: A Practice-based Approach, Current Issues in Tourism
  • Farmaki, A., Stergiou, D. and Christou, P. (2020). Sharing economy: Peer-to-peer accommodation as a Foucauldian heterotopia, Tourism Review, 76(3): 570-578
  • Stergiou, D. and Farmaki, A. (2020). Resident Perceptions of the Impacts of P2P Accommodation: Implications for Neighbourhoods, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 91, 102411
  • Farmaki, A., Stergiou, D. and Kaniadakis, A. (2019). Self-perceptions of Airbnb Hosts’ Responsibility: A Moral Identity Perspective, Journal of Sustainable Tourism
  • Farmaki, A. and Stergiou, D. (2019). Escaping Loneliness Through Airbnb Host-Guest Interactions, Tourism Management, 74: 331-333
  • Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=clPbHR4AAAAJ&hl=el
  • ORCID Record: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3950-7047

Research Activity

  • Current project work: “Work Values and CSR Perceptions of Tourism Workforce” (funded by Hellenic Open University).
  • Project aims:
  • 1. To systematically review work values literature concerning the early career stages of tourism employees, that is during the university-to-work transition.
  • 2. To systematically review literature on tourism employees' CSR perceptions.
  • 3. To provide empirical evidence on the work values and CSR perceptions of tourism workforce in Greece.
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