Module code: ASP50
ECTS Credit points: 20
Module Type: Compulsory
Year: 1st
Language: Greek
Module general description: The main purpose of this module is to provide knowledge and familiarity with the terms and the physical parameters of Sound and Acoustics, covering both technical and creative aspects related to the design of sound (and audio-visual) projects of artistic expression, including interactive applications and/or sound installations. Students will initially be trained in the basic principles and concepts of Sound and Acoustics, in topics concerning sound recording, processing and synthetic creation/mixing of sound and music, the analysis of sound signals in the time and frequency domains, the organization and execution of (acoustic) experiments for the measurement of perceptual and psycho-acoustic criteria, the design and production of audio (and multimedia) content with an emphasis on the spatial formation of sound (spatial audio), the implementation of acoustic and electro-acoustic studies.
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
Subjects covered:
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this unit.
Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit four (4) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the four (4) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.
The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.
Students have the right to participate in the final/resit exams if (a) at least 50% of the potentially excellent grade has been obtained when adding the total of the four (4) assignments and (b) at least three (3) of the four (4) written assignments have been submitted.
Module Code: ASP51
ECTS Credit points: 20
Module Type: Compulsory
Year: 1st
Language: Greek
Module general description:
The aim of the course ASP51 is the understanding of the theoretical background and the familiarization with the problems of Sound Protection – Soundproofing in outdoor and indoor areas with cognitive contents:
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:
Subjects covered:
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this unit.
Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit four (4) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the four (4) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.
The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.
Students have the right to participate in the final/resit exams if (a) at least 50% of the potentially excellent grade has been obtained when adding the total of the four (4) assignments and (b) at least three (3) of the four (4) written assignments have been submitted.
Module Code: ASP60
ECTS Credit points: 20
Module Type: Compulsory
Year: 1st
Language: Greek
Module general description: The purpose of this module is to provide the necessary knowledge regarding the understanding of the phenomena and mechanisms of sound propagation in closed spaces, the ways and tools for analyzing the acoustics of these spaces as well as the tools for predicting the acoustic behavior with the aim of optimal acoustic design of a space depending on its intended use and its size. Therefore, the categorization of closed spaces according to the existing literature is studied, the parameters and criteria of acoustic behavior, the mechanisms and materials of sound absorption and the general design principles of closed listening spaces as well as the design requirements for different spaces are examined. The students are trained in the use of equipment and software for measurements and analysis of the acoustic behavior of spaces, in the classical statistical methods of calculating the basic parameters, but also in the use of 2-dimensional design software and in acoustic modeling using 3-dimensional prediction software.
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
Subjects covered:
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this unit.
Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit four (4) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the four (4) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.
The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.
Students have the right to participate in the final/resit exams if (a) at least 50% of the potentially excellent grade has been obtained when adding the total of the four (4) assignments and (b) at least three (3) of the four (4) written assignments have been submitted.
Module Code: ASP61
ECTS Credit points: 30
Module Type: Compulsory
Year: 2nd
Language: Greek
Module general description: The purpose of this module is to provide knowledge and familiarity, both, in acoustic design using appropriate acoustic simulation software and in the basic concepts of the digital audio technology. Students will initially be trained in the use of acoustic simulation software and the use of noise measurement and evaluation software. They will then be trained in the basic concepts of digital audio technology applied to the sound storage, reproduction, transmission and music data retrieval and identification.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to:
Subjects covered:
Prerequisites: The choice of ASP61 requires the simultaneous choice or completion of ASP60.
Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit five (5) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the five (5) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.
The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.
Students have the right to participate in the final/resit exams if (a) at least 50% of the potentially excellent grade has been obtained when adding the total of the five (5) assignments and (b) at least three (3) of the five (5) written assignments have been submitted.
Module code: ASPDE
ECTS Credit Points: 30
Module Type: Compulsory
Year: 2nd
Language: Greek
Module general description: The postgraduate diploma thesis PDT provides the opportunity to synthesize and utilize knowledge gained in specific applications as well as skills in using the tools, methods and techniques necessary in audio and acoustic design and management, digital audio processing and multimedia audio analysis.
The general categories of subjects for PDT are determined by the program Director after consultation with the Coordinators of the course modules and are posted on the HOU website, before the start of the period for submission of the relevant statement by the students.
The thematic fields are indicative and are linked to the specialized knowledge areas of the Thematic Units of the ASP postgraduate study program. The subjects proposed by the students may combine dimensions from two or more of these thematic fields.
Examples include:
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to:
General Regulation for Preparing Graduate Dissertations in PC with an annual Module Correspondence
For more information regarding the Specifications – Useful Material for writing Master’s Theses and uploading a Thesis at the H.O.U. Repository, you can go to the Digital Training Area http://study.eap.gr and especially to the Program of Studies section.
Prerequisites: The presentation of the Postgraduate Diploma Thesis takes place after the successful completion of the program’s Course Modules