
Health Care Management – Thematic Units

HOU > Health Care Management (DMY) > Health Care Management – Thematic Units

DMY50 Fundamental Principles of Management in the Health Services

Module code: DMY50

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 1st

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: The objectives of this module are:

  • to familiarize students with basic management principles at a theoretical and a practical level,
  • to determine the nature and the specificity of the challenges associated with managing health services, and in particular hospitals,
  • to provide students with the opportunity to face specific managerial issues and problems (via case studies, exercises, etc.)

Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of the module, students will be able to,

  • Comprehend the core definitions of management, the evolution of the management process and its future implications.
  • Understand the Fundamental types of the healthcare organizations and their distinct features
  • Explain the meaning, the significance and the types of planning as well as of the planning process with examples from the healthcare services domain.
  • Comprehend the meaning, the significance and the types of organizing as well as of the departmentalization process and to analyze an organization chart from a health care facility. 
  • Understand the meaning and the importance of human resource management together with its basic operations (personnel planning, job analysis, recruitment, assessment, education and development, wages and compensation) with examples from the healthcare sector. 
  • Recognize operational problems in the field of healthcare services, distinguish between and compare planned and unplanned decisions, decision-making levels and decision making.
  • Explain why communication is essential to management of healthcare units and provide examples of the communication process and of the types of formal and informal communication.
  • Give a definition of leadership, describe its basic characteristics and theories as well as to use Blake & Mouton’s management grid for healthcare organizations
  • Describe the relationship between motivation and performance in healthcare organizations and comparatively assess the basic theories of motivation for their applicability in healthcare professionals.
  • Define and explain the need for control, the types of control and its process as well as possible side effects of control in a healthcare environment.
  • Comprehend the different categories of healthcare professionals, their human-geography as well as the main educational institutes which produce healthcare professionals.
  • Understand the specific nature and characteristics of healthcare services and hospital administration.
  • Comprehend and recognize the role and the significance of hospital administration in terms of the healthcare service delivery as well as the educational, research role of the hospital.
  • Understand the socioeconomic aspects of healthcare organizations within a social and economic context but also in terms of the relation between healthcare professionals and the patients. 
  • Explain the distinctive nature of “health” as a “public good” and discuss how “healthcare services” operate in mixed economies, in relation to the factors determine demand and supply. 
  • Inter-relate healthcare and healthcare systems with the broader social and political issues at an international level. 
  • Understand key historical periods and key points of the historical development of healthcare systems and services in Greece, with emphasis on the establishment of the National Health System (NHS) and the subsequent reforms.

Subjects covered:

  • Organization of health systems and healthcare units
  • Decision making in health services: Planning and control/ monitoring
  • Human resources management/ administration and the human factor in health services.

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this module.

DMY51: Health Services/Hospital: Identities and challenges

Module code: DMY51

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 1st

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description:  The objectives of this module are the following:

  • present the economic, institutional and social environment that constitutes the framework for the operation and action of health services
  • identify the critical economic, administrative and legal issues that determine the present and future of health services
  • focus the students’ interest on the demand for a qualitative improvement of health services in relation to the large number of difficulties and constraints within and outside the services.

Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of the module DMY51, students will be able to:

  • Describe and define the different approaches to definitions of health and illness
  • Describe and define the different levels of care
  • Define health and its parameters
  • Identify the scope of health promotion, and the transmitters, conduits and recipients of health promotion
  • Define indicators of mortality, morbidity and positive health
  • Define and describe the working scope and field of prevention
  • Define and describe the scope of epidemiology
  • Give examples of health service studies
  • Define basic definitions of the welfare state and the health system
  • Define basic theoretical approaches to the welfare state such as classical liberalism, Marxism, neo-Marxism, neo-liberalism, the tradition and theory of citizenship and other theoretical approaches
  • Define the content of health policy
  • Identify the main parameters of the functioning of the health systems of certain countries
  • Identify in broad terms the expenditure in each of these states
  • Identify the main factors that have influenced the development of the welfare state and the way in which it has developed
  • Identify and describe the three main features of social policy during the period of the development of the welfare state
  • Identify and describe the differences in the way in which social policy has developed and the form it has taken in different countries
  • List the five most important factors that led to the questioning of the effectiveness of social policy in the post-war period
  • Indicate the new constraints facing social policy
  • Indicate what the trends in social policy are today
  • Identify and evaluate the two main parameters affecting health care expenditure
  • Identify and assess the main forms and dimensions of the informal economy in the health care system
  • Recognize how the health system is influenced and affected by the economic, social and physical environment
  • Indicate the structure and the way in which the Greek health care system is organized, managed and operated and identify its main characteristics and peculiarities as well as its main components/structural elements
  • Indicate the basic principles and institutions introduced by the legislation in order to establish the health sector and the health system in our country
  • Identify the ‘abolition’/liberalization of the NHS in 1992 and the institutions adopted by Law 2071/1992
  • Set out the current situation and identify which institutions may have contributed to the development and modernization of the health system by Law 2519/1997 on the NHS
  • Present a list of the rights of hospital patients
  • Identify concepts and terms (relating to the moral and ethical dimensions of health) whose use is currently confusing
  • Set out the complex ethical issues arising from the development of new technologies and from the achievements of biomedical science and research
  • Identify the ethical dilemmas raised by health policy and the economics and financing of health services
  • Identify the crucial role of quality in the promotion of products and services
  • List the various methods commonly used to ensure and improve the quality of health services and their advantages and disadvantages
  • State the reasons why the State was unable to contribute to the administrative organization of hospitals in the early years of their establishment
  • Define the various systems of hospital management
  • List the innovations introduced by the NHS in hospital management
  • Describe the role of the hospital administration
  • Indicate the reasons why hospital boards are an obstacle to the functioning of hospitals
  • State and list the causes of mismanagement of hospitals
  • Indicate the importance and necessity of modernizing the administrative system of hospitals
  • Determine the possibility of functional coexistence of different forms of hospital administration
  • Distinguish between health factors and illness
  • Explain the reasons for the development of different forms of care
  • Explain the impact of technology on care and understand issues related to the cost (increasing or containing costs) of care
  • Give examples of health parameters
  • Distinguish the differences between disease and illness
  • Distinguish between different forms of health education
  • Explain the differences between epidemiology at the beginning of the century and today
  • Distinguish between the concepts of provision and payment for services
  • Distinguish between private and public/public in terms of the provision and payment of health services
  • Identify and explain the structure of a health system and its basic functions (prevention, promotion, treatment, care, rehabilitation)
  • Explain why the welfare state has taken different forms in different countries
  • Explain the form the welfare state has taken in Greece and the causes of its crisis
  • List the main problems that arise today and explain why the social policy pursued to date has become to some extent ineffective
  • Explain how demographic changes affect social policy
  • Explain the changes in the way social policy is implemented today
  • Explain the nature and nature of the new social policy
  • Explain how social policy has been influenced and affected by the post-war model of economic development
  • Explain how social policy has influenced and been influenced by the Greek model of economic development
  • Explain how the health sector differs from the health system
  • Identify the main problems, shortcomings and distortions in the Greek health system
  • formulate value judgements about the problems and weaknesses of the Greek health system
  • Make limited comparative references to the legal framework of the health sector in other countries and distinguish the effects it has had on the health system in Greece
  • Discern the physician-centered nature of the system
  • explain the status of health professionals
  • distinguish the specificities of the production and distribution of services, and in particular health services, in relation to the production and distribution of material goods
  • Interpret and describe the relationship between wellbeing and ill health
  • calculate the mortality and morbidity rates of a population
  • Calculate health service indicators
  • classify health systems and state their objectives
  • Identify difficulties and problems in assessing and evaluating the quality of health services
  • Compare health education models
  • Analyze the role of individual attitudes and behavior in the success of a health education programme
  • Analyze the relationship between health education and health promotion
  • compare the mortality rates of different countries or regions of a country
  • classify a specific prevention programme into one of the prevention categories
  • examine the cost-benefit ratio of the implementation of a programme
  • Calculate the needs of a health service for a specific health problem
  • Know where to investigate and where to look for data on health expenditure for different countries
  • Classify a service provider into one of three tiers
  • Analyze and interpret the causes of the welfare state crisis
  • analyze the relationship between the state, the market and the family in terms of promoting social welfare
  • identify trends and prospects for the future of the welfare state
  • analyse the way in which the family, the state and the market are intertwined in meeting social needs in both the Fordist and post-Fordist periods
  • identify the main problems facing social policy and the social protection system in general today
  • analyse how changes in the labor market affect social policy today
  • analyse the relationship between the social protection system and the pattern of economic growth
  • Analyse the role of social policy in the current model of economic development
  • Analyse how new technologies are and will be affecting the health system
  • Explain and analyse the role of expenditure in a health system and how it is linked to the efficiency of the system
  • Formulate valid questions with a clear view on a range of issues related to the development and organisation of the Greek health system
  • Analyse the NHS at a legal level and explain whether it was truly national and what innovations it introduced
  • Analyse the right to health and its protection
  • Compare the two systems of hospital management, centralised and decentralised
  • Suggest causes of differences in mortality and morbidity between two or more populations
  • construct questionnaires to measure positive health indicators
  • draw up the budget for a health prevention or health promotion study to place the action and management options of a health system in a theoretical framework
  • Propose measures and policies through which, in their opinion, it is possible to solve problems, remove distortions and generally improve the situation in the Greek health system
  • outline the modern model of hospital management
  • Evaluate the indicators used to measure the health or disease status of a population
  • select from among the indicators the one needed to study a specific health problem
  • Evaluate the results of different health indicators
  • assess the effectiveness, necessity and feasibility of implementing a prevention programme
  • Assess the magnitude and significance (or severity) of a health problem that requires (or justifies) the implementation of a prevention programme
  • formulate critical or supportive arguments for the welfare state and health services
  • evaluate health indicators of health systems
  • make an informed assessment of the of a health correct or incorrect structure system
  • identify the effects of the crisis of the welfare state on the well-being of the individual and society as a whole
  • assess at least the basic moral and ethical dimensions of everyday medical operations, such as, for example, the information and consent of patients to treatment or surgery
  • Assess the involvement and responsibility of the stakeholders (state, institutions, services, users, and society) in shaping the level of health services provided

Subjects covered:

  • Health: definitions, assessment and factors affecting health
  • Health systems, health services and policies
  • Quality of health services, information systems and new technologies

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this module. The choose of DMY51 requires the simultaneous choose or completion of DMY50.

DMY60: Economic and Financial Management of Health Services

Module code: DMY60

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 1st

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: This module aims:

  • To explain the idiosyncratic nature of health care services
  • To analyze and assess alternative methods of financing and provider reimbursement
  • To provide an understanding of the notion of efficiency and its measurement in health care organizations
  • To analyze hospital financial statements
  • To discuss the methods of economic evaluation of health care programs
  • To present the methods of priority setting in health care

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Distinguish the causes and consequences of market failures in the health care sector and evaluate the available government policies to tackle the resulting problem
  • Analyze the motives that patients, third-party payers and suppliers have in different health care settings due to the organization and financing systems in effect
  • Synthesize the acquired knowledge regarding the idiosyncratic characteristics of health care and the methods of financing and apply it to evaluate different health care systems, taking into account both theoretical argumentation and empirical evidence
  • Comprehend the basic characteristics of the Greek National Health System, identify its weaknesses and suggest effective policies
  • Understand the difficulties associated with the determination of the optimal level of health care expenditure
  • Recognize the hospital as an economic unit that utilizes inputs, which are transformed into outputs through the production process
  • Identify the various types of efficiency, realize the difficulties regarding its measurement and suggest appropriate policies for its improvement
  • Differentiate between the various methods of economic evaluation and recognize the circumstances where each can be legitimately applied
  • Apply pre-established criteria in order to evaluate existing economic evaluation research
  • Describe the aim, methods, results and conclusions of empirical research published in peer-reviewed journals  
  • Understand the main features of the basic priority setting approaches and realize their strengths and weaknesses
  • Scrutinize the financial statements of health care units with the use of financial ratios
  • Describe the most common methods used to assess financial investments
  • Realise the need for a transition towards a modern accounting system in Greek public hospitals and understand the differences between single- and double-entry accounting

 Subjects covered:

  • Health economics
  • Financial management of health services
  • Economic evaluation and priority setting in health care

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this module.

DMY61: Sociological and Psychological Approach to Health and Health Services

Module code: DMY61
ECTS Credit Points: 20
Module Type: Compulsory
Year: 2nd
Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: The objectives of the DMY61 module are the following:

  • To complement the approaches already developed in the first three Thematic Units
  • to familiarise students with the basic concepts of Sociology / Health Psychology
  • to provide students with knowledge and skills to prepare for the integration of decision-making, ensuring social acceptance and consensus
  • present findings and methods from sociological and psychological research that are relevant and useful in the administration/management of health care facilities
  • enable students to understand how knowledge about health services and their multiple parameters is generated
  • stipulate the issue of research methodology and interdisciplinarity.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • Define key concepts used in graduate-level HCM studies, such as cultural formation, doctor-patient relationship, health disparities, socio-diagnostic models of preventive behavior, chronic illness experience, and research methods in health services.
  • Compare different factors influencing disease prevention behaviour.
  • Critically analyse research data in the field of health services.
  • Design interventions to improve health services.
  • Distinguish between different models of doctor-patient relationship (e.g. theories of Parsons, Freidson or Szasz&Hollender).
  • Describe how cultural formation influences the experience of chronic illness.
  • Explain the role of gender and social class in the emergence of health inequalities.
  • Conduct an internet-based literature review and use appropriate research methods to study health care problems.
  • Develop research protocols and write the research proposal.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing burnout in health care.
  • Identify differences between past epidemics and modern chronic diseases.
  • Recognize the different strategies of communication and interaction between doctor-patient.
  • Discuss the various factors that influence patient satisfaction with the health services provided.
  • Appreciate the causes and consequences of burnout.
  • Apply different models for the study of preventive behaviour (such as the health belief model, the theory of planned behaviour, the theory of self-efficacy, the theory of motivation for health protection, the theory of health control focus).
  • Use key concepts to study leadership, organizational behavior, team dynamics, conflict resolution.

Subjects covered:

  • Social and cultural aspects of health, illness, and medicine
  • Behaviour and interpersonal relationships in health care/ Psychology of health, illness and health care
  • Methodology and methods of scientific research in health and health services.

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this module.

DMYDE Postgraduate Diploma Thesis

Module code: DMYDE

ECTS Credit Points: 40

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 2nd

Module Outline

Module general description: The general categories of topics for the MSc are determined by the Director of the MSc after consultation with the Coordinators of the M.Sc. and are posted on the website of the H.O.U., before the beginning of the period for the submission of the relevant statement by the students.

The thematic fields are indicative and are linked to the specialized cognitive areas of the four thematic units of the MSc program. The topics proposed by the students may combine dimensions from two or more of these thematic fields related to the basic principles of health services management, health services/hospital (identities and challenges), economic and financial management of health services, sociological and psychological approach to health and health services.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this Thematic Unit (DMYDT), students will be able:

  • To know the principles of scientific research methodology and select the appropriate research method for each case.
  • To conduct interdisciplinary research on issues related to basic principles of health services management, health services/hospital, economic and financial management of health services, sociological and psychological approach to health and health services.
  • To search, collect, verify, process critically-synthetically and effectively present information in the field of health and health services.
  • To examine issues related to the health care management.
  • To analyze new trends in the organization and administration of health services.
  • To develop their research skills and critical thinking on issues related to organization of health systems and units, decision-making in health services, human resource management, health policies, quality of health services, new technologies, health economics, financial evaluation of health programs and priority setting, social and cultural aspects of health, psychology of health, methodology of scientific research in health and health services.

General Regulation for Preparing Graduate Dissertations in PC with an annual Module Correspondence

For more information regarding the Specifications – Useful Material for writing Master’s Theses and uploading a Thesis at the H.O.U. Repository, you can go to the Digital Training Area http://study.eap.gr and especially to the Program of Studies section.

Prerequisites: The presentation of the Postgraduate Diploma Thesis takes place after the successful completion of the program’s Course Modules.

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