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M.Sc. in Epidemiology – Course Modules

HOU > M.Sc. in Epidemiology (ΕPΙ) > M.Sc. in Epidemiology – Course Modules

EPI50 Introduction in Epidemiology

Code TU: EPI50
ECTS: 10
Type of TU: Mandatory
Semester offerd: First (1st)
Teaching Language: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose: Epidemiology studies the frequency and distribution of diseases and morbid conditions in the human population, as well as the factors that form this distribution. The purpose of Epidemiology is the control and prevention of diseases, through the recording and evaluation of their distribution and development in the community, as well as the factors that shape and influence diseases.

The aim of the course is to develop the concept of Epidemiology, as a science necessary for the comprehensive assessment of the health of the community / population, in the framework of which preventive and therapeutic medicine is practiced. The analytical presentation of the methods of epidemiology, the ways of measuring and mapping the health, morbidity, mortality of the population aim at acquiring skills in the use and evaluation of biostatic data, acquiring the ability to plan and execute epidemiological research, as well as the possibility of development Health Policy proposals.

Learning outcomes: After the successful completion of the thematic unit the students are expected to:

  • They have substantial knowledge of the role and contribution of epidemiology to other health-related disciplines
  • Describe the types of epidemiological studies and their usefulness in the clinical diagnosis and monitoring of a disease
  • Manage epidemiological data and perform appropriate statistical analyses
  • Evaluate the results of epidemiological studies (their own or those of other researchers), including critical evaluation of the study in question, study design, methods and conduct, statistical analyzes and interpretation
  • They understand specific examples of the use of Epidemiological studies in Public Health

Cognitive subjects:

  • Basic Epidemiology
  • Measurements of disease
  • Types of epidemiological studies
  • Design and sampling
  • Epidemiological models

Teaching Method: Distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.

EPI51 Statistical methods in Epidemiology

Code TU: EPI51
ECTS: 10
Type of TU: Mandatory
Semester offered: First (1st)
Teaching Language: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose: This Thematic Unit aims at the knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and procedures of data analysis, resulting from epidemiological research, in order to draw correct conclusions. During the course, students will learn how to collect, manage, and present different types of data, to understand basic biostatistical concepts, such as probability distributions, estimates and confidence intervals, hypotheses testing, regression and apply appropriate statistical methods. The basic concepts of Descriptive Statistics are described, the correct bases are laid for the design of studies and data collection. The methodologies applied in Inferential Statistics and the drawing of correct conclusions are presented. Trials and hypothesis testing are investigated. The relationship estimators between the variables are defined (correlation, agreement). Dependency relationships are explained and linear and logistic regression models are described. Survival analysis, systematic review and meta-analysis methodologies are presented.

Learning results:

Upon successful completion of T.U. EPI51 “Statistical methods in Epidemiology”, students will have developed skills of knowledge, understanding and critical ability related to the statistical methods applied in epidemiology, i.e. they will be able to:

  • Identify the different data structures (e.g. types of variables and measurement levels) and the distribution characteristics of the variables and distinguish between descriptive and inferential statistics.
  • Perform the appropriate statistical analysis using statistical programs (software), to interpret and present the results in a scientific way.
  • Select and apply appropriate statistical methods for managing (analyzing and explaining) common data types
  • Interpret the results of descriptive statistics, regression models and survival analysis
  • Evaluate the accuracy of the various statistical tests required depending on the type of study

Cognitive subjects:

  • Level of statistical significance
  • Epidemiological Data analysis with statistical methods
  • Analytical Statistical methods and use
  • Survival analysis
  • Introduction to computational statistics
  • Methods in computational statistics
  • Computer packages and epidemiology
  • Method R
  • Case studies and computer packages

Teaching Method: Distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.

EPI52 Epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases

Code: EPI52
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of TH: Mandatory
Semester offered: First (1st)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose of thematic unit: This module aims to provide students with a in-depth knowledge of important concepts in the field of epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases, and many of the skills used in these concepts in practice.

Learning results:

By the end of this module, students should be able to:

  • identify the factors that suggest that the disease is caused by a microorganism
  • describe the factors that determine the spatial, temporal and social distribution of communicable diseases,
  • explain how the transmission of infections is recorded,
  • explain the design, conduct, analysis, interpretation, and report of an outbreak investigation,
  • explain the principles governing mathematical models of communicable diseases,
  • demonstrate practical applications of epidemiological methods through the study of research on specific diseases,
  • evaluate the key epidemiological concepts in the study of the most significant communicative and non-communicative diseases of Global health
  • understand the principles of molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases

With the completion of T.U. students must be able to:

  • define the scope of epidemiology in non-communicable diseases and assess the importance of
  • understand the ways in which it is global in nature as well as shaping the distribution of risk factors and the occurrence of the disease
  • approach the etiology of non-communicable diseases
  • make a critical analysis of the relationship between socioeconomic status and non-communicable diseases
  • understand the use and limitations of molecular biomarkers for measuring exposure, susceptibility and disease of non-communicable disease outcomes
  • consider that genetic diversity associated with environmental exposure or disease risk factors may provide causal estimates
  • assess the geographical trends of non-communicable diseases (cardiovascular diseases & diabetes, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, mental health), the causes of these trends and their contribution to the overall presence of the disease

Cognitive subjects:

  • Definition and concepts in infectious diseases
  • Types of epidemiological studies in infectious diseases
  • Case studies in the epidemiology of infectious disease
  • Epidemiology of non-communicable diseases
  • Cancer epidemiology
  • Metabolic syndromes
  • Diabetes and hypertension
  • Impact of urbanization, environment, culture on Public Health
  • Impact of globalization on Public Health

Teaching Method: Distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.

EPI60 Global Health, Health Promotion and Bioethics

Code TU: EPI60
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of TH: Mandatory
Semester offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline


Section I: Global Public Health.

Thematic Unit I offers a comprehensive and comprehensive perspective on the broad needs and priorities of Global Public Health in modern healthcare, health promotion and bioethics. It is divided into three parts: In the 1st, the “Scope of Global Public Health” which lists the determinants of Global Public Health and Disease, public health policies. In the 2nd, the methods of World Public Health cover the main science behind the industry – epidemiology. Specific public health issues and prevention, health promotion and control options are also addressed. In addition to identifying these issues by system or disease, there is also awareness of the unique needs of specific population groups. Topic 3 includes topics such as climate change, genetic testing and new methods of measuring disease weight, life course approaches to epidemiology, behavioral economics and physical activity, health and wellness.

Section II: Bioethics

The protection of public health responds to many political and ethical challenges, giving priority to community and prosperity. Disasters, epidemics, wars and other health emergencies are particularly burdensome for healthcare systems and medical professionals. Bioethical principles help ensure patient safety, human rights, and citizen participation are respected during the stages of public preparedness, communication, mobilization, treatment and recovery.

Particular attention is paid to clinical ethics, bioethics principles, pandemic ethics and vulnerable populations, vaccine and drug trials, research ethics and patients’ rights, justice, healthcare distribution, health monitoring and more.

Learning results:

After the successful completion of the Thematic Unit the trainees are expected to:

  • Recognize the role of Global Public Health and Bioethics in Public Health
  • Describe the rules of bioethics and their usefulness in medicine
  • They report specific examples of the use of Epidemiological studies in Public Health
  • Describe the research process for the discovery of studies in clinical practice

Cognitive subjects:

  • Introduction to Global Public Health
  • Bioethics

Teaching Method: distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.

EPI61 Clinical epidemiology

Code: EPI61
ECTS Credits: 10
Specialization: Clinical epidemiology
Type: Mandatory
Semester offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose of TU: In clinical epidemiology, research focuses on issues of diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and etiology. To address these issues, there are several research options available, including intervention trials and control patient studies using data obtained in a clinical setting. During, the principles and practice of clinical epidemiology should be considered and examples from the literature should be discussed. The aim is to provide participants with the knowledge to evaluate and judge applied clinical research and clinical data analysis and to provide an adequate scientific and methodological background to actively participate in clinical trials.

Topics of the unit are: the principles of applied clinical research, the design of a study and the analysis of diagnostic and prognostic research, the design of a study and the analysis of comparative results of experimental data and studies.

Learning results:

Upon successful completion of the Thematic Unit students will be able to:

  • Explain and apply basic terminology and principles in clinical epidemiology
  • Distinguish between the various aspects of clinical epidemiological research (diagnostic / etiological / prognostic / therapeutic)
  • Build a clinical trial that includes the outcome, determinants and type
  • They have different designs for data collection used in clinical epidemiology
  • They are planning a clinical epidemiological study
  • Identify the data analysis techniques used for the various types of clinical epidemiological studies
  • Interpret the results of the basic data of analyzes of clinical epidemiological study
  • Explain the concepts of prejudice as well as issues related to confusion and prejudice
  • Read and explain clinical epidemiological scientific work and determine the design of data collection and analysis

Cognitive subjects:

  • Basic principles in clinical epidemiology
  • Risk: From disease to exposure
  • Prognosis and diagnosis of diseases
  • Treatment and prevention of diseases
  • Disease prevention
  • Design of clinical trials

Teaching Method: distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.

EPI62 Epidemiology and -Omics

Code: EPI61
ECTS Credits: 10
Specialization: Clinical epidemiology
Type of TU: Mandatory
Semester offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose of TH: The rapid development of advanced methods of Molecular Biology has contributed to the understanding of the epidemiology of infectious diseases. The section presents the basic tools of molecular structure, but also sequence analysis and will illustrate the applications of these tools in epidemiological studies.

There will be examples of the use of molecular epidemiology in epidemic analyzes. Examples of use of the genome at the level of correlation studies. Microbiome studies will be presented. The application of mathematical models to the evolution of pathogens will be discussed and epidemiology.

Learning results:

This section will provide an overview of the applications of “-omics” data in epidemiology and public health for communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Upon successful completion of the module, the student will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of “-omics” technologies in public health and epidemiology
  • To have knowledge and understanding of the vocabulary used in large-scale, data-rich studies of “-omics”
  • Apply basic epidemiological principles to the critical interpretation of ‘-omics’ studies when they are used for research issues of epidemiological importance

Cognitive subjects:

  • Basic concepts of molecular biology and evolution in epidemiology
  • Application of “-omics” data in public health research and practice
  • The use of “-omics” data to characterize epidemiological reports or results
  • Epidemiological and statistical pitfalls in the use of -omics
  • The ethics of using -omics data

Teaching Method: distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.

EPI63 Environmental Epidemiology

Code: EPI63
ECTS Credits: 10
Specialization: Environmental Epidemiology
Type of TU: Mandatory
Semester offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose: The Thematic Unit deals with the study of exposure to environmental factors and the consequent health effects and development of disease, at the population level. The objective of the thematic unit is the development and understanding of the methodologies applied in Environmental Epidemiology, while emphasis is given on the various methodological approaches and their correct application. The TU outlines the basic principles of Epidemiology and Environmental Health and describes in detail the assessment of environmental exposure and the associated effects on the population health. The design of specific environmental epidemiological studies is presented. Practical issues are analyzed for conducting Environmental Epidemiology research, to guide students in field research and data analysis. Bioethics issues are discussed and the role of Environmental Epidemiology in policy making is described. Particular emphasis is given to the study of relevant research articles published in reputable scientific journals, so that students can understand the practical application of the principles and methodologies of Environmental Epidemiology.

Learning results:

Upon successful completion of T.U. EPI63 “Environmental Epidemiology”, students will be able to:

  • Apply research designs that are specifically used in environmental epidemiology
  • Understand the strategies for environmental exposure assessment and health outcomes
  • Evaluate the effect of measurement error on exposure, impact assessment and use of correction methods
  • Critically interpret research in the field of Environmental Epidemiology and understand the questions that could be answered through Environmental Epidemiology
  • Plan and implement an environmental epidemiological study to investigate health problems arising from exposure to environmental risk factors and to assess the overall burden on the population from these exposures.

Cognitive subjects:

  • Definition and concept in environmental epidemiology
  • Exposure evaluation of environmental factors
  • Health impact assessment
  • Analysis and interpretation of studies in environmental epidemiology
  • Environmental epidemiology in Public Health practice
  • Environmental Epidemiology in politics and management

Teaching Method: distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.

EPI64 Risk assessment in Public Health

Code: EPI64
ECTS Credits: 10
Specialization: Environmental Epidemiology
Type of TU: Mandatory
Semester offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose: This Thematic Unit deals with the assessment of the risk to human health, related to the environmental exposure to dangerous toxic chemicals and infectious microbial agents. Risk assessment serves as a tool that can be used to organize, structure and gather scientific information to identify existing dangerous situations or problems, anticipate potential problems, prioritize and provide a basis for regulatory controls and / or corrective actions. The general methodology for environmental health risk assessment is presented, focusing on chemical, physical and microbiological risks. The design and development of risk models in practice are studied. The TH offers a simplified and systematic presentation of public health risk assessment methods and enforcement tools.

Learning results:

Upon successful completion of the Thematic Unit students will be able to:

  • recognize the conditions for the need to carry out a public health risk assessment study
  • describe and analyze the main stages of the risk assessment
  • collect and evaluate risk assessment data
  • describe the risk communication methodology in the community
  • suggest the necessary risk management measures
  • design and carry out public health risk assessment studies, based on exposure to both carcinogenic and / or toxic chemicals and microbiological agents

Cognitive subjects:

  • Identification of risks
  • Identification and analysis of work risk and events
  • Analysis of the probability and severity of risk identification
  • Risk monitoring procedures

Teaching Method: distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.

EPI65 Social Epidemiology

Code TU: EPI65
ECTS Credits: 10
Specialization: Social Epidemiology
Type of TU: Mandatory
Semester offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose of the Thesis:

This module aims to promote students’ understanding of the main topics of social epidemiology, with particular emphasis on research methods, including those of time series and spatial analysis.

Learning results:

Upon successful completion of the Thematic Unit students will be able to:

  • describe the main methodological issues related to social epidemiology, in particular those concerning the investigation of the effects of social factors on morbidity
  • critically evaluate and interpret scientific data on the potential of social actors in health
  • analyze plans and implementation and interpret the initial results regarding possible morbidity of social factors
  • Describe the principles of the geographical and time series of studies investigating the health effects of environmental reports, and the role of Geographic Information Systems as a tool for investigating social impacts.
  • describe data on the economic crisis and methods of assessing the potential health effects

Cognitive subjects:

  • The social determinants of world health
  • Inequalities in health during life
  • Regression modeling
  • Research methods for social epidemiology
  • Social Epidemiology: Dimensions of Inequality
  • Nationality, Immigration and Health
  • Quality of life and Public Health
  • Physical and Mental Health

Teaching Method: distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.

EPI66 Nutritional Epidemiology

Code: EPI66
ECTS Credits: 10
Specialization: Social Epidemiology
Type of TH: Mandatory
Semester in which it is offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose of the Thesis:

The thematic unit will deal with methodological issues concerning the planning, conducting, analysis and interpretation of epidemiological research on nutrition.

T.U includes:

Intra-atomic variation, error measurement, incorrect classification, Correlation of variables, population homogeneity, nutritional evaluation, validity / repeatability of nutritional evaluation, biomarkers and analysis of issues such as method adaptation

energy and nutritional model analyzes.

Learning results:

Upon successful completion of the Thematic Unit the student will be able to:

  • Understands the basic parameters of nutritional epidemiological research.
  • Understands the sources of variation in diet
  • Understands the different diet methods with their advantages / disadvantages
  • Understands the repeatability and validity of different nutritional evaluation methods
  • analyze the use of dietary composition tables
  • analyzes the use of nutritional biomarkers to assess nutritional exposure.
  • explains the different methods for adjusting for energy intake and utilization.
  • uses different methods to analyze the dietary pattern
  • identify sources of error in the measurement of nutrients and apply different methods to correct errors
  • regulates the intake of nutrients for the total energy intake and the performance of nutritional model analyzes.
  • plans a nutritional epidemiological study.

Cognitive subjects:

  • Introduction to Nutritional Epidemiology
  • Methods of food intake
  • Statistical Analyzes in Nutritional Value
  • Control of total energy intake
  • Mediterranean diet and mortality
  • Malnutrition
  • Obesity
  • Eating Disorders
  • Nutritional epidemiological studies

Teaching Method: distance using the EAP Distance Learning Platform and conducting Group Counseling Meetings (tele-OSS).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.

EPIDE Postgraduate Thesis

ECTS Credits: 30
Type: Mandatory
Semester in which it is offered: Third (3rd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Generally: Diplomas are based on specific data obtained from the experimental act. The content is just as strict in a scientific sense. Postgraduate dissertations often include some practical work by students, who are expected to collect data through experimental activities. For students, the Dissertation is part of a broader research and data collection process.

Content: The research objects utilized in writing a thesis are harmoniously integrated into the main orientations of the program, that is, understanding and implementation of tools, methods of Epidemiology. The director of the program selects groups of related subjects, on the basis of which the prospective students submit a relevant proposal for elaboration. Subsequently, the Board of Directors (as above mentioned) designates the supervising member (First supervisor) and the second member of the Evaluation Committee for each submitted MDE proposal if it meets the basic academic requirements. Then the first Supervisor, in collaboration with the students, finalizes the topic and the basic content of the MDE in the digital education area within the first month of preparation and gives the final approval. The key subjects of the module are: In particular, the General Categories of subjects for the Master’s Thesis are, presently, the following:

  • Basic Epidemiology
  • Infectious Disease Epidemiology
  • Clinical Epidemiology
  • Risk Assessment in Epidemiology
  • Environmental Epidemiology
  • Social Epidemiology
  • Food microbiology
  • Occupational Epidemiology
  • Non-infectious Disease Epidemiology
  • Cancer Epidemiology

The theory and practice used to further deepen the student’s knowledge is based to some extent on the materials modules. However, for further deepening and acquisition of specialized knowledge and skills, the student, in collaboration with the supervisor, studies work from the relevant literature. This process usually takes 2-3 months. Then the thesis prepared and is checked in its stages both by the supervisor and by a second evaluator. Key subjects of the module is the set of all subjects of individual modules as they are written in the respective outlines

Learning Outcomes:

The students who will successfully complete the Postgraduate Thesis:

  • they will have obtained a deep knowledge of the subject of their subject to the extent that they will be able to comfortably and fluently read and acquire information on cutting-edge research topics from publications in research journals of the respective research area.
  • they will be able to give high level seminars in which they will be able to explain their subject clearly and to answer related questions from other scientists

For more information regarding the Specifications – Useful Material for writing An MSc Dissertation and submitting it to HOU Repository, please visit the portal http://courses.eap.gr. The General Regulation for the presentation of an MSc Dissertation in postgraduate degree programmes organized on a semi-annual basis is available at https://www.eap.gr/semi-annual-programs/

Prerequisites: The presentation of the Dissertation takes place after successful completion of the program’s Modules.

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