
Language Education for Refugees and Migrants – MODULES

HOU > Language Education for Refugees and Migrants (LRM) > Language Education for Refugees and Migrants – MODULES


Unit Code: LRM 50

ECTS Credit Points: 10

Module Type: Compulsory

Semester: First (1st)

Language: English

Module Outline

General Description of LRM 50

The module aims at deepening students’ theoretical and practical knowledge about applied linguistics with regard to second language acquisition and providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge in order to teach language to refugees and migrants and conduct research on the field. Students will be trained to recognize the most important characteristics of the different approaches to second language acquisition, to compare and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to second language learning and teaching and will be introduced to modern theories in the wider field of language education. The relevant international bibliography provides a wealth of information for applied linguistics and second language acquisition in ways that all perspectives are given a place within the context of education.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students are expected to:

  • identify the most important approaches to second language acquisition
  • recognise the most important characteristics of the different approaches to second language acquisition
  • explain second language learning in the light of different approaches
  • compare and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to second language learning and teaching
  • understand socio-cultural interpretations of language and communication
  • develop skills concerning their digital literacy
  • develop and apply skills concerning (e-)learning strategies in order to facilitate their learning experience
  • develop and apply academic reading and writing skills
  • be able to conduct a small-scale research concerning second language learning and teaching


  • Approaches to second language acquisition
  • Affect and other Individual differences in second language learning
  • The linguistic environment
  • Current trends and future directions for the field

Evaluation: Elaboration of written assignments during the academic semester with a weight factor of 40% in the final grade of each Module. Final written assignment, the grade of which contributes 60% in the formation of the final grade.


There are no prerequisites for this module.



Module Code: LRM 51

ECTS Credit Points: 10

Module Type: Compulsory

Semester : First (1st)

Language: English

Module Outline

General Description of LRM 51

LRM 51 “Migration, multilingualism and intercultural communication” puts forward issues of language, culture and ethnicity and investigates migration and multilingualism as global realities that provoke innovative and creative ways of meaning making in education. The relevant international bibliography provides a wealth of information for language and culture contact in ways that all perspectives are given a place and a voice within the context of education. Education, in formal or informal settings, holds the key to the development of a generation of citizens that will be in a position to respect difference in language, cultural and other values, viewing it as a natural part of their reality, educationally and socially.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this module, students are expected to:

  • reflect upon and break down their own stereotypes
  • investigate migration and multilingualism as global realities
  • identify approaches to language and culture contact as a result of migration
  • develop awareness of the complex educational and social challenges faced by refugee and migrant populations
  • redefine the phenomena of migration and multilingualism through a critical approach of the ideological and educational issues involved
  • explore and learn to use interactive media of representing information (e.g. infographics, interactive maps)
  • develop skills for intercultural communication and interaction in multicultural environments
  • develop and apply skills concerning (e-)learning strategies in order to facilitate their learning experience
  • develop and apply academic reading and writing skills
  • be able to conduct a small-scale research about intercultural communication and education


  • Migration and Multilingualism as Global Phenomena
  • Language and Culture
  • Language and Ethnicity
  • Intercultural Communication and Education
Evaluation: Elaboration of written assignments during the academic semester with a weight factor of 40% in the final grade of each Module. Final written assignment, the grade of which contributes 60% in the formation of the final grade.


There are no prerequisites for this module.



Module Code: LRM 52

ECTS Credit Points: 10

Module Type : Compulsory

Semester : First (1st)

Language: English

Module Outline

General Description of LRM 52

In this module students are introduced to the basic principles of the theory of critical pedagogy. Critical pedagogy is a theory of education that:

  1. Offers professionals the opportunity to reflect upon their own educational beliefs, practices, and processes in order to unpack their position as educators of the dominant culture;
  2. Gives teachers the voice and the tools to reflect upon their teaching methodology vis-a-vis their student’s critical thinking;
  3. Equips teachers with tools so that they make the educational process empowering rather than overpowering for their students; and
  4. Promotes equality and social justice through action research within the school and within the community.

Students are expected to critically examine the concept of language in relation to power and ideology and critically engage in the discussion about the ideological properties of language and its role as a major tool in processes for fighting for social and political power. Recognising the new linguistic scenarios in schools and in society students are expected to raise their critical consciousness which is a necessary precondition for carrying out reflexive teaching practice.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students are expected to:

  • identify the relationship between language, ideology and power
  • engage in a critical analysis of reality
  • acquire a general picture of the place of language in society
  • co-create spaces for debate
  • identify language as a critical tool to transform teaching into a medium of unveiling reality, fighting injustice and embracing “educated hope”
  • develop critical consciousness which can inform teaching practice
  • realise how words can unveil the mechanism of oppression
  • develop and apply critical language awareness
  • develop and apply academic reading and writing skills
  • engage in action concerning refugee or immigrant communities in their local contexts


  • Ideologies, Power and Language
  • Nationalism, Identity and Popular Culture
  • Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice
  • Critical Education and Social Change
Evaluation: Elaboration of written assignments during the academic semester with a weight factor of 40% in the final grade of each Module. Final written assignment, the grade of which contributes 60% in the formation of the final grade.


There are no prerequisites for this module.



Module Code: LRM 53

ECTS Credit Points: 10

Module Type : Compulsory

Semester : Second(2nd)

Language: English

Module Outline

General Description of LRM 53

This module aims to introduce students to current issues of language learning within the context of language and culture contact. It includes discussions of the concepts of borrowing, transference, code-switching and the communicative functions of language contact phenomena. Within this module, we also discuss issues of the special needs of refugee and migrant adults, examine material that has been developed for the needs of migrant adults learning a second/foreign language. We will investigate innovative and alternative ways of assisting adult learners develop their linguistic skills, such as role play and digital scenarios. After studying the relevant bibliography and educational material, students will be provided with the opportunity to develop their own material for a population of refugee or migrant adult students, material that will cater for the unique needs of the given population, in terms of language level, cultural values and everyday needs.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students are expected to:

  • appreciate the specific communicative value of language contact phenomena
  • discuss the functions of the parallel use of different languages
  • approach critically material that is available for the teaching a second language
  • appreciate the specific needs of adult refugee/migrant language learners
  • develop their own material that could address the linguistic needs of adult refugees and migrants learning a second language


  • Inclusive Education for Adults
  • Needs Analysis, Course Design, Class Management and Evaluation
  • Situated and Collaborative Learning: On-line and Off-line Communities of Practice
  • Perspectives and Methodologies
Evaluation: Elaboration of written assignments during the academic semester with a weight factor of 40% in the final grade of each Module. Final written assignment, the grade of which contributes 60% in the formation of the final grade.


There are no prerequisites for this module.



Module Code: LRM 54

ECTS Credit Points: 10

Module Type : Compulsory

Semester : Second(2nd)

Language: English

Module Outline

General Description of LRM54

This module aims to introduce students to current issues of second language learning / teaching in a context characterized by extreme instability and cultural / linguistic discontinuity, stress. Our students are immigrant or/and refugee children with or without school experience in the country of origin. We need to understand the prior and community knowledge they bring with them, their linguistic repertoire, their educational experience. We explore ways how to bridge the gaps between old and new knowledge, first language(s) and the school language. Our main objective is to understand, meet their needs, provide a secure and empowering context that enables children to feel accepted and learn while tapping into all the linguistic knowledge they possess. Within the module we will discuss issues of bilingualism and second language learning, translanguaging, scaffolding, meaning making and literacy in linguistically diverse contexts. We will investigate innovative and alternative ways of assisting children develop their linguistic skills, their biliteracy and their self-esteem.

After studying the relevant bibliography and educational material, students will be provided with the opportunity to make educational proposals, to develop their own material for a population of refugee or migrant children, material that will cater for the unique needs of the given population, in terms of age, language level, cultural values and everyday needs.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students are expected to:

  • be able to make the linguistic and educational portrait of refugee / migrant children
  • appreciate the value of prior knowledge and first language(s) for learning / teaching a second language
  • discuss the functions of the parallel use of different languages
  • approach critically material that is available for the teaching a second language
  • appreciate the specific needs of refugee/migrant children as language learners
  • develop their own material that could address the linguistic needs of refugee and migrant children who are learning a second language


  • Formal and Informal Inclusive Education for Children
  • Children’s Sociolinguistic Profile, Course Design, Class Management and Evaluation
  • Situated and Collaborative Learning
  • Perspectives and Methodologies
Evaluation: Elaboration of written assignments during the academic semester with a weight factor of 40% in the final grade of each Module. Final written assignment, the grade of which contributes 60% in the formation of the final grade.


There are no prerequisites for this module.


Module Code: LRM 55

ECTS Credit Points: 10

Module Type : Compulsory

Semester : Second(2nd)

Language: English

Module Outline

General Description of LRM 55

Digital media and information technologies have changed the skills and competencies necessary for full participation in the 21st century life and workplace environments. The goal of this module is to familiarize students with new emerging literacies in school and out-of-school contexts as the rapidly evolving technology and media landscape is now producing a whole new range of new media beyond print. Specifically, students will be trained to recognize the most important models of educational design and they will become aware of digital supported educational innovations. They will be trained to understand and critique technology- and media-based learning and apply those skills to teaching in official, unofficial and non-official school settings. Furthermore, students will get acquainted with learning and teaching technologies, they will search for digital educational content and they will design and develop learning objects and educational scenarios regarding second language learning and teaching.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students are expected to:

  • Discuss the role of technology in school change
  • Reflect upon the role of technology in migrants’ and refugees’ integration
  • Develop digital skills
  • Develop awareness of what it means to be literate in the 21st century
  • Be able to identify and critique major theories and trends in practice in the field of educational technology
  • Be able to design and develop technology-based media learning environments that support the learning of all students
  • Be able to integrate new to old media, and new to old literacies and social practices
  • Develop knowledge and skills to design educational scenarios concerning second language learning
  • Develop good practices concerning the design and use of digital media in learning environments
  • Apply learning theories to discuss the role of technology in creating meaningful and learning experiences for learners


  • Technology, School Change and Integration
  • Emerging Web Technologies and Learning
  • Instructional Design
  • Online Language Teaching and Learning
Evaluation: Elaboration of written assignments during the academic semester with a weight factor of 40% in the final grade of each Module. Final written assignment, the grade of which contributes 60% in the formation of the final grade.


There are no prerequisites for this module.


Module Code: LRM 60

ECTS Credit Points: 10

Module Type : Compulsory

Semester : Third (3rd)

Language: English

Module Outline

General Description of LRM 60

The recent socio-political conditions that hold in Greece and Europe challenge educators to become acquainted with aspects of the Arabic language and culture, appreciate its complexities and be in a position to draw comparisons between elements of the Arabic and European languages and cultures. Students will be introduced to a world of great diversity and will be taught Arabic writing, issues concerning the various dialects of the Arabic language and will be coached to develop basic communicative skills in the Arabic variety of the Middle East.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students are expected to:

  • acquire useful knowledge of the Arabic language and Culture
  • appreciate aspects of the Arabic culture and its complexities
  • be able to make comparisons between European languages and Arabic languages that may assist Arabic-speaking students.


  • History of Arabic Culture from the Classical Period to the Present
  • Religious, Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity in the Arab World
  • Societal Issues: Tradition, Family, Education, Arab Communities in Exile
  • Arabic Language: Alphabet, Reading, Writing, Simple Conversations; Arabic Dialects and Modern Standard Arabic

Evaluation: Elaboration of written assignments during the academic semester with a weight factor of 40% in the final grade of each Module. Final written assignment, the grade of which contributes 60% in the formation of the final grade.


There are no prerequisites for this module.


Module Code: LRM 61

ECTS Credit Points: 10

Module Type: Compulsory

Semester offered: Third (3ο)

Language: English

Module Outline

General Description of LRM 61

Migration is one of the most crucial social issues in Europe and other regions of the world today. Migrants and refugees frequently face unjustified and even illegal behaviour concerning their human rights. The goal of this module is to provide students with a theoretical and practical background concerning human rights and international law for migrants and refugees. Students will discuss the notion of human rights, its scopes and content, and will be introduced to EU and ECHR Migration and Refugee Law. They will also discuss forced migration in an historical and human perspective and will be encouraged to reflect on the role of European institutions and international human rights bodies concerning forced migration and refugee hood.

Learning outcomes:

After the completion of this module, students are expected to:

  • acquire in-depth knowledge of current developments in human rights, refugee and migrant rights and international law
  • understand the complex nature of forced migration and refugeehood
  • develop a solid understanding of theories, concepts and methods concerning forced migration and refugees
  • conduct small scale research in diverse environments
  • identify and critically discuss the procedures and practice of international human rights bodies
  • acquire information on law matters referring to migration and asylum matters
  • understand the law framework for the refugees and their rights


  • Human Rights: History and Scope of a Concept
  • EU and ECHR Migration and Refugee Law
  • Asylum and the Rights of Refugees: Case Studies
  • Europe as a Fortress and the Construction of Illegality

Evaluation: Elaboration of written assignments during the academic semester with a weight factor of 40% in the final grade of each Module. Final written assignment, the grade of which contributes 60% in the formation of the final grade.

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this module.



Module Code: LRM 62

ECTS Credit Points: 10

Module Type : Compulsory

Semester : Third (3rd)

Language: English

Module Outline

General Description of LRM 62

This module aims to introduce students to research methodologies that are applied in multilingual contexts and refer to school and society, to children as well as to adults. We will explore research methods for both quantitative and qualitative research. Emphasis will be put on qualitative research such as ethnographical observation, field research, action research with a critical perspective, life stories, and case studies concerning multilingual settings of migration and encampment. In this context we will study the research (methods and outcomes) carried out in the context of large scale projects in Greece and other countries that deal with refugee and migrant students in schools and in informal and non-formal educational contexts as well as with local minority groups (i.e. Muslim minority in Thrace, Greece).

As for the target groups of our research these will be migrant students and adults, refugees, local minorities, but also students, adults and communities in the Diaspora.

After studying the relevant bibliography and research reports, students will be given the opportunity to make their own research proposals for a specific target group, name the main objectives, choose the appropriate methodological tool, design the research steps, make a time plan, search for literature. Research in students’ own environments, families, communities, social world, etc will be encouraged.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:

  • distinguish between different research methods
  • search for literature and research reports
  • critically read research outcomes
  • see themselves as participating researchers in their professional lives
  • design a research proposal
  • carry out their own research
  • link discursive practices and multilingual (and) social contexts with a critical perspective
  • define a problem, encourage new ways to see the problem and try interventions
  • create a space of mutual empowerment between researchers and the target group of refugees and migrants during the research process


  • Research as a Stage of the Integration for Refugees and Migrants
  • Researching Multilingually
  • Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Action Research
  • Voices of Refugees and Migrants
Evaluation: Elaboration of written assignments during the academic semester with a weight factor of 40% in the final grade of each Module. Final written assignment, the grade of which contributes 60% in the formation of the final grade.


There are no prerequisites for this module.


LRM63: Practicum

Module Code: LRM 63

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type : Compulsory

Semester : Fourth (4th)

Language: English

Module Outline

General Description of LRM 63

At the end of their studies, i.e., in the fourth semester or later, students are required to complete a practicum with specific learning aims and prerequisites. The stages of the practicum include the preparation of a teaching intervention, its implementation/placement in a class or refugees and learners (for approx. 35 hours), its assessment and the production of a report documenting the intervention and reflecting on its effectiveness. The classes typically take place in a formal or an informal educational context in the country and city of residence of the students, and are carried out under guidance and mentoring.


Please see LRM.63 Practicum Regulation, i.e., details about the practicum stages and obligations.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students are expected to:

  • Identify the learning strengths and needs of specific groups of students with refugee/migrant backgrounds and build upon them to design a pedagogically effective and culturally sensitive language education syllabus.
  • Use knowledge and skills acquired through previous coursework and experience in order to respond to day-to-day teaching challenges.
  • Facilitate the creation of an inclusive, non-threatening and empowering learning environment.
  • Foster the language learning progress and integration of students with a refugee / migrant background or similar, monitor their learning, and provide appropriate feedback.
  • Communicate effectively with students, colleagues and administrative staff.
  • Maintain standards of fairness, professional rigour, and integrity, and respond appropriately to instances where such standards were not met.
  • Make appropriate use of technological affordances to design and deliver learning activities, monitor student progress, and communicate professionally.
  • Reflect on their own personal growth as language educators, identify areas of strength and opportunities for further improvement, and autonomously manage their personal development.

Evaluation: Completion of final written assignment.


For students to participate in the practicum, they need to have attended all nine units corresponding to the first, second and third semesters. Students may exceptionally proceed to LRM63, if final essays of up to two third-semester modules are still pending. Students who have not successfully completed LRM63 Practicum have to repeat it in a following semester.


LRM64: MA Dissertation

Code: LRM 64
ECTS Credit Points: 10
Type: Compulsory
Semester offered: Fourth (4ο)
Language: English
General Description of LRM 64

Students choose the topic of their dissertation from a list of topics proposed by the coordinators of the units. The theme of the dissertation is decided upon in cooperation with the supervisor of each student.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon the successful completion of LRM64, students are expected to have the skills and knowledge to:

  • effectively plan and conduct an independent, sustained investigation into a chosen research topic of relevance to the education of vulnerable populations;
  • identify relevant theory and concepts, systematically engage with them, and effectively synthesise them in ways that communicate salient points to stakeholders and support the need for further action;
  • identify methodologically appropriate ways to answer research questions and use appropriate empirical techniques to generate and analyse evidence relevant to a research problem;
  • systematically and critically engage with relevant information sources, and synthesise such information in novel ways that answer a research problem;
  • understand and apply ethical standards relevant to interacting with vulnerable populations and handling sensitive data;
  • communicate concepts clearly and effectively, orally and in writing.

Prerequisites: In order for students to be able to begin and carry out their dissertation, they need to have attended and successfully completed the nine units of the first, second and third semesters. The dissertation may be undertaken in parallel with the Practicum (LRM 63), or it may follow the Practicum, but it should not be undertaken before the Practicum.

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