
Lighting Design (SFP)

HOU > Lighting Design (SFP)
Purpose - Description
Learning Outcomes
Admission requirements
Teaching Staff
Financial Contribution

The PSP “Lighting Design” aims at the in-depth study of issues related to the combination of the art and science of light that are often encountered at both the theoretical and the applied level. In particular, the PSP focuses on the psychology of perception, the physiology of visual perception, the influence of light and lighting on humans and the achievement of visual comfort, the physics of light, the design of natural and artificial lighting from a scientific, artistic, and technological point of view, lighting as a means of sustainable development, and relevant computer simulations.

The specialization in Film Photography Direction with emphasis on Cinematography Lighting, discusses visual literacy in the use of lenses and their focal strength versions, which shape frame composition, possible camera movements, aesthetics and the creative choice of various different shooting angles, and ultimately the creation of a particular lighting choice through the combination of the aforementioned preferences, experiences, and specialized knowledge.

The PSP aims to produce graduates:

  1. a) capable of engaging in research and/or professional activity in the broader fields of lighting design, lighting technology and their applications in constructed environments, reduction of energy consumption, sustainability, and the artistic aspect of lighting and lighting installations, as well as of exploring these fields in relation to the psychology and physiology of visual perception and all other possible applications in the field of moving image creation in the wider audiovisual environment.
  2. b) with well-rounded scientific knowledge of the aforementioned topics, capable of drafting lighting surveys, evaluating the quantitative and qualitative challenges of a given lighting design and propose ways of answering them, while also developing their creativity and producing lighting works. The knowledge, training and experience students will obtain through the combination of theoretical and technological education and hands-on applications in the available workshops will produce individuals capable of finding employment in a wide range of professional fields and raising the level of the environment in which they are employed, in a constantly expanding field.

General Description of “Cinematography Lighting” Specialization

The program encompasses a wide range of creative topics, with theoretical, aesthetic, technical, and artistic aspects. Students can expect to go beyond mere specialization with the knowledge and skills they will obtain. Film Photography Direction in entertainment and the broader field of audiovisuals is a specialization that combines approaches to frame composition and camera movement, as well as aesthetic preferences at the visual level through lighting, to develop a narrative: Its applications in the modern, digital environment are therefore innumerable. The various digital distribution platforms require constant production of audiovisual material, and the entertainment industry has numerous means of artistic expression with common approaches and technological support (concerts, theatrical performances, cinema, television, video art); through light, projection, live or digital images, people of diverse social and cultural backgrounds comprise an ever-shifting landscape of meetings, collaborations, and discussions, all with a common goal: a complete artistic project. The knowledge and experience provided by the PSP may be applied in myriad cases, and widens students’ aesthetic and technological perspective, providing further opportunities in their professional environment. Lighting can contribute significantly to the aesthetic and artistic presence of multiple creative artistic approaches, highlighting the unlimited possibilities and applications it has in architecture, theater, cinema, and television, in addition to all forms of modern performance art.

Information for “Cinematography Lighting” Specialization

Students who select the specialization in “Cinematography Lighting” must participate in the online Group Counseling Meetings and in the in-person 5-day T.L.U. workshops. The latter are held in specially designed spaces with equipment provided by the H.O.U., in Athens. During these workshops, students will have the opportunity to use and become acquainted with digital super-35mm film cameras, complete sets of corresponding fixed and variable focal length film lenses, motion support systems (dolly/slider), and a variety of sets of lighting fixtures, such as HMI-LED-Plasma-Fluorescent, Fresnel & Open-face, Daylight-Tungsten-RGB, with all the possible combination of light control accessories, such as Flags-Soft Boxes, diffusion and color filters.

Students who select this specialization are encouraged to purchase or borrow equipment, including a camera, lens(es) (for both moving and static images), photometer, light meter, inclinometer, in addition to a small personal lighting system, in order to prepare and create the required audiovisual assignments.

Curriculum Academic Credits (ECTS): 120


Minimum duration: The minimum duration of study is two (2) academic years

UNESCO ISCED-2011 Classification

– based on the field of education: 21 Arts

– According to education level: 7

UNESCO ISCED-2013 Classification

Based on the fields of Education:


0288 – Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities

0788Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction:

0211 Audiovisual techniques and media production

0212 Fashion, interior and industrial design

0713 Electricity and energy

0219 Arts not elsewhere classified

0731 Architecture and town planning

0732 Building and civil engineering

0739: Architecture and construction, not elsewhere classified


Teaching Language: The PSP is taught in Greek.


*The above files are currently available in Greek.

Students who successfully complete the PSP in Lighting Design are expected to:

  • Know the basic concepts regarding the properties of natural and artificial light.
  • Manage the numerous possibilities offered by lighting in fields such as architecture, interior design, theater, photography, etc.
  • Know the effects of lighting on humans.
  • Be able to formulate answers and solutions for artistic expressional goals.
  • Discern the basic principles of radiometry and photometry.
  • Understand the classification of colors and how they may be mixed.
  • Identify the types of shadows and their applications in the arts and sciences.
  • Analyze the requirements of a lighting project.
  • Calculate conditions of optical comfort.
  • Formulate technically sound solutions.
  • Calculate the installation, function, and maintenance costs of lighting installations.
  • Carry out research and develop ideas at a high level of expertise and artistic perception.


The Post-graduate programme accepts graduates or higher institution diplomas of related disciplines. The programme is offered in Greek. 

The knowledge of a foreign language and good computer-Internet skills would be useful for the successful participation in the programme.


Holders of a degree or diploma of higher education means graduates of Greek Universities or Polytechnics or Higher School of Fine Arts or Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education or Higher Technological Educational Institutions (ATEI) or those who hold academically equivalent first cycle degrees from recognized foreign educational institutions with the degrees awarded by the Greek Higher Educational Institutions, in accordance with the provisions of article 304 of Law No. 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/21.07.2022, vol.)


For the evaluation of the application to the Postgraduate Studies Programme, it will be examined whether the candidate’s institution of study is or may be included in the National Register of Recognised Higher Education Institutions of Foreign Countries and whether the candidate’s degree is or may be included in the National Register of Types of Degrees of Recognised Institutions of Foreign Countries.

The Hellenic Open University, if the degree is included in the list of article 307 of Law No. 4957/2022, must request a “Certificate of Place of Study”, which is issued and sent by the foreign university. If the place of study or part of the studies is confirmed as the Greek territory, the degree is not recognized, unless the part of the studies that took place in the Greek territory is in a public higher education institution or in a recognized foreign educational institution within the meaning of paragraph b) of article 299 of Law No. 4957/2022.

The PSP has two specializations:

a)Specialization I: Architectural Lighting

b)Specialization II: Cinematography Lighting

The two specializations share two common T.U., and students select a specialization through the T.U. and T.L.U. they select. Students in both specializations must prepare a postgraduate diploma thesis. The program is organized as follows:

1st Year

2nd Year


C¹: Compulsory

Guidelines on Module selection

In the first year of studies, the first two (2) modules SFP50 and SFP51 are considered the core of the PMS SFP and are mandatory. Students may then select mandatory elective modules, through which they also select their specialization. By selecting the module SFP60 the “Architectural Lighting” specialization is chosen, while selecting the SFP1 ETHE (lab) the “Cinematography Lighting” specialization is chosen.

Students in the second academic year must select one (1) mandatory elective module depending on the specialization they have chosen in the first academic year (SFP61 for students who have elected to specialize in “Architectural Design” and SFP2 ETHE (lab) for students who have elected to specialize in “Cinematography Lighting”), in addition to preparing their Master’s Thesis.

The selection of the modules must begin from either SFP50 or SFP51.

In the specialization A (Architectural Lighting) SFP61 has as prerequisites SFP50 and SFP51.

In the specialization B (Cinematography Lighting) SFP1 ETHE (lab) can be selected simultaneously either with SFP50 or SFP51 or with both of them. SFP2 ETHE (lab) is offered in the second year of studies with a prerequisite of either the simultaneous attendance of SFP1 ETHE (lab) or the completion of SFP1 ETHE (lab).

Students in order to select the Master thesis must have either completed SFP61 or SFP2 ETHE (lab) (depending on their specialization), or attend them both simultaneously.

The presentation of the Master thesis takes place after the successful completion of the 4 modules/ETHE (lab).

In the process of declaring Modules, the Modules/ ETHE (lab) of the previous year must be exhausted first and then the declaration of the next year’s Modules/ ETHE (lab)  must begin.

Students may select modules and combine them as follows:

  • One at a time (One module per academic year, beginning with either SFP50 or SFP51)
  • In groups of two (e.g., SFP50 & SFP51, SFP60 & SFP61, Master Thesis).
  • In combinations of three and two (e.g. first year: SFP50, SFP51, & SFP1 ETHE (lab), second year SFP2 ETHE (lab) & Master Thesis.


Stylianos Zerefos, Professor
Field of Specialization: Architectural Analysis and Synthesis with Digital Media

e-mail: zerefos@eap.gr





Financial contribution for admitted students until the academic year 2023-2024:

The Financial Contribution for Students to the programme is as follows: The cost of each Module is €650, the cost of each Laboratory Module is €950 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €650.

The total Financial Contribution for the Programme is: €3,250 for Specialization A and €3,850 for Specialization B.


Financial contribution for students commencing from the academic year 2024-2025:

The Financial Contribution for Students to the programme is as follows: The cost of each Module is €750, the cost of each Laboratory Module is €750 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €750.

The total Financial Contribution for the Programme is: €3,750.

For more information regarding the program, please contact:
Student Registration Department from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 13:00:

Contact phone: 2610367315

Ε-mail: sfp@eap.gr

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