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Ανακοινώσεις προς τα μέλη ΔΕΠ


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Ανακοινώσεις προς τα μέλη ΔΕΠ

Modern and Contemporary Greek History (SEI)

HOU > Modern and Contemporary Greek History (SEI)
Objective – Description
Learning Outcomes
Admission requirements
Teaching Staff
Financial Contribution


The PSP discusses Modern and Contemporary Greek History (19th-21st century). Its purpose is to specialize scholars in Modern and Contemporary Greek History and familiarize them with contemporary historical methods and research trends, exclusively and comprehensively through distance education.

Type of Postgraduate Program

Master of Arts (M.A.)


The total sum of ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) required for the postgraduate degree in “Modern and Contemporary Greek History” is 120 ECTS (30 ECTS per semester).

Classification according to ISCED-2011 of UNESCO:

Based on the level of Education: 7  

Classification according to ISCED-2013 of UNESCO:

Based on the field of Education: 0222 History and Archaeology

Duration of Study

The minimum time required for the completion of the Program is two (2) years or four (4) semesters.


Upon successful completion of the PSP, students will be able to:

  • critically observe and evaluate the methodological tools of historical science
  • are familiar with the key milestones in Greek political, diplomatic, social history, as well as the history of ideas in Greece
  • critically assess the evolution of Greek history and study historical evidence
  • monitor and critically assess the development of Greek historiography
  • place the development of Greek history within European and international contexts
  • conduct research –bibliographic and/or archival– on issues related to modern and contemporary Greek history
  • record the findings of their research as well as their own scientific assessment in scientific papers/essays

The Post-graduate programme accepts graduates or higher institution diplomas of related disciplines. The programme is offered in Greek. 

The knowledge of a foreign language and good computer-Internet skills would be useful for the successful participation in the programme.


Holders of a degree or diploma of higher education means graduates of Greek Universities or Polytechnics or Higher School of Fine Arts or Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education or Higher Technological Educational Institutions (ATEI) or those who hold academically equivalent first cycle degrees from recognized foreign educational institutions with the degrees awarded by the Greek Higher Educational Institutions, in accordance with the provisions of article 304 of Law No. 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/21.07.2022, vol.)


For the evaluation of the application to the Postgraduate Studies Programme, it will be examined whether the candidate’s institution of study is or may be included in the National Register of Recognised Higher Education Institutions of Foreign Countries and whether the candidate’s degree is or may be included in the National Register of Types of Degrees of Recognised Institutions of Foreign Countries.

The Hellenic Open University, if the degree is included in the list of article 307 of Law No. 4957/2022, must request a “Certificate of Place of Study”, which is issued and sent by the foreign university. If the place of study or part of the studies is confirmed as the Greek territory, the degree is not recognized, unless the part of the studies that took place in the Greek territory is in a public higher education institution or in a recognized foreign educational institution within the meaning of paragraph b) of article 299 of Law No. 4957/2022.


The Postgraduate Studies Program “Modern and Contemporary Greek History” is organized into four (4) academic semesters, with four (4) mandatory Thematic Units (T.U.), six elective Thematic Units (T.U.), and the Master’s Diploma Thesis. The minimum duration of studies is two (2) academic terms. To obtain their Postgraduate Specialization Diploma (PSD), students must successfully complete seven (7) T.U. in addition to writing and presenting their Master’s Diploma Thesis.

1st Semester

2nd Semester

3rd Semester

4th Semester

C¹: Compulsory

E²: Elective

Guidelines for the selection of the Module:

Students may select one (1) to two (2) Modules per semester (30 ECTS).

Modules must be selected in the order in which the semesters are organized.

For example, if a student wishes to select only one (1) Module in the 1st semester, they must select SEI50. If they wish to select a second Module., this may be one of the elective Modules: either SEI51 or SEI52.

When selecting Modules, students must first pass all the available Modules that belong to the previous term and then select Modules belonging to the next term.

Students shall present their Master’s Diploma Thesis upon successful completion of all the Modules in the curriculum.

To earn their Postgraduate Specialization Diploma (PSD), students must successfully complete seven (7) Modules, in addition to successfully writing and defending their Master’s Diploma Thesis.

Academic Supervisory Committee

Athanasia Balta, Professor, Faculty of the Humanities, H.O.U.

Vasileios Gounaris, Professor of History, Faculty of History and Archaeology, A.U.Th.

Evanthis Chatzivasileiou, Professor of History, Faculty of History and Archaeology, N.K.U.A.

Financial contribution for admitted students until the academic year 2023-2024:

The financial contribution for students to the Programme is as follows:

The cost of each Module is €450 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €900.

The total financial contribution for the Programme is: €4,050.

Financial contribution for students commencing from the academic year 2024-2025:

The financial contribution for students to the Programme is as follows:

The cost of each Module is €500 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €500.

The total financial contribution for the Programme is: €4,000.

Student Registry Department
Tel.: 2610 367331

E-mail: sei@eap.gr

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