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Master in Information Systems – THEMATIC UNITS

HOU > Master in Information Systems (PLS) > Master in Information Systems – THEMATIC UNITS


Module code: PLS50

ECTS Credit Points: 30

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 1st

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module General Description:

A main goal of the PLS50 Module is the students to understand that programming languages are the technical substance on which the required notions of algorithms (as methodologies of problem solving) and of software engineering (as an approach to the problem of software systems development) are developed.

In a combined coverage of the subjects “Programming Languages”, “Algorithms and Complexity” and “Software Engineering”, the goal is the student to acquire basic knowledge for problem solving algorithms, techniques, tools and languages of programming, as well as, principles of programs’ development and theoretical and applied knowledge regarding the feasibility, or the practicality of the algorithmic solutions of certain problems.

The module contains:

Programming languages

Teaching of programming (through a programming language), with emphasis on data types, flow control and iteration structures, functions/methods, simple and complex data structures, memory managements, file management, recursiveness, alphanumeric management, classes and objects, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Study of structures for the organization and efficient processing of data. Linear (lists, queues, stacks) and non-linear (binary trees and heaps) data structures. Hashing techniques. Search and Classification Algorithms. Graph algorithms. Divide-and-conquer algorithms. Dynamic programming. Algorithm complexity analysis.

Software technology

Software systems development and maintenance methods, tools, and procedures. Software life cycle models. Structured software analysis. Structured software design. Object-oriented software development and unified modelling language. Modelling functional requirements with use cases. Static structure modelling with class diagrams. The latest developments in software technology.

Learning outcomes:

Upon successful completion of PLS50, students will achieve the following:


  • Ability to identify the components of programming languages and computer programs
  • Ability to write source code with sequence, iteration, and selection programming procedures
  • Ability to describe and define data structures and their use
  • Ability to list known algorithms and the solutions they provide
  • Ability to define complexity measures
  • Ability to describe the software system development process
  • Ability to identify the differences between object-oriented and structured analysis and software system design.


  • Ability to write algorithms in pseudocode form
  • Ability to convert algorithms into computer programs
  • Ability to implement data structures
  • Ability to implement modular programs and abstract data types
  • Ability to explain the representation of data structures in memory and the use of indicators
  • Ability to analyze the complexity of an algorithm, through application of technical knowledge and a particular methodology
  • Ability to discern the suitability of a given algorithm to solve a given problem
  • Ability to explain the differences between complexity classes
  • Ability to specify, analyze, design, implement, test, and maintain software, in accordance with systematic software development procedures.

Problem Solving:

  • Ability to compare programming techniques in order to implement specific actions
  • Ability to choose between algorithms and data structures to provide solutions for given problems
  • Ability to formulate efficient solutions by developing algorithms and data structures as combinations and/or extensions of existing ones, to provide solutions for given problems
  • Ability to analyze the complexity of an algorithm by combining and extending already known techniques
  • Ability to propose alternative options and compare their advantages during the stages of software systems development.

Subjects covered:

  • Algorithms and Complexity
  • Programming Languages
  • Software Technology

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this module.

Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit five (5) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the five (5) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.

The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.


Module code: PLS51

ECTS Credit Points: 30

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 1st

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module General Description:

Through the T.U., students shall specialize in the following fields:

  • Analysis and design of Combinational and Sequential Digital Circuits, the fundamental building blocks of digital systems and computer hardware,
  • Computer Architecture, particularly the structure and operation of the CPU and the RAM system (main and hidden), and
  • Computer Networks, including: fundamental concepts of reference model layers, structure/function/categories/types of networks, routing and data transfer protocols, etc.

Learning outcomes:

Upon successful completion of PLS51, students will be able to:

  • Analyze and design combinational digital circuits using logic function presentation techniques and Boolean algebra
  • Analyze and design sequential digital circuits using techniques for constructing state diagrams, state tables, and excitation tables
  • Utilize all the basic concepts necessary to understand Instruction Set Architectures (ISA) and instruction representation with emphasis on the RISC instruction set
  • Evaluate the performance of different computer architectures by analyzing (main and hidden) memory system organization techniques, instruction-level parallelism techniques, and the rate at which instructions are executed
  • Evaluate the performance of computer networks by applying different interconnection technologies at different levels of the OSI reference model
  • Design and configure appropriate computer networks and hierarchical network structures for efficient routing of information and support of multiple applications.

Subjects covered

  • Digital systems
  • Computer architecture
  • Computer networks

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this module.

Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit five (5) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the five (5) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.

The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.

PLS60: Specialization in Software Engineering

Module code: PLS60

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Optional

Year: 2nd

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of PLS60, students will be able to:

  • Utilize all the basic concepts necessary to design and implement databases, and understand the conceptual modeling techniques used in database systems.
  • Make full use of the basic relational data model, integrity constraints and update operations.
  • Implement a database from scratch, enter data into it and manage it by executing various types of queries (e.g., SQL).
  • Describe and understand the properties of processes and the ways they communicate with each other, and implement simple examples of inter-process communication.
  • Understand and apply scheduling algorithms and methods for sharing common resources while avoiding deadlocks.
  • Describe and understand the ways of organizing memory in addition to the need to adopt virtual memory, paging, and segmentation.
  • Utilize modern programming languages.
  • Combine their knowledge of databases and/or operating systems, with a high-level programming language in order to design and/or implement simple information systems.
  • Learn the basics of data science and how to use a special-purpose language for data analysis/data mining (e.g. Python or R).

Subjects covered:

  • Data Management
  • Operating systems
  • Modern Programming Methods

Prerequisites: PLS50

Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit five (5) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the five (5) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.

The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.


Module code: PLS61

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Optional

Year: 2nd

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module General Description:

The primary aim of the T.U. is for students to understand that the solution to a given software system development issue is based on a sturdy theoretical foundation, that includes modern software technology methodology concepts. The unit covers the subject of “Software Design”, “Software Management and Quality”, and “Human-Computer Communication”. Students are expected to become familiar with and be able to apply modern methodologies for the design of large software systems, such as the object-oriented development philosophy supported by the unified modeling language (UML), in order to design complex modern software, assisted by the corresponding tools (CASE), to manage software development projects while ensuring software quality according to the relevant principles, metrics and standards. Finally, students are expected to learn how to design, develop, and evaluate interactive computer systems with user interface design methodologies and tools accompanied by analytical and empirical techniques for the evaluation of interactive systems.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of PLS61, students will:

  • Understand that the solution to a given software system development issue is based on a sturdy theoretical foundation, that includes modern software technology methodology concepts
  • Become familiar with and be able to apply modern methodologies for the design of large software systems, such as the object-oriented development philosophy supported by the unified modeling language (UML),
  • Design complex modern software, assisted by the corresponding tools (CASE)
  • Know the fundamental concepts of object-oriented analysis and software systems design
  • Convert class diagrams into object-oriented language (Java) code
  • Know the basic concepts of software development project management and carry out basic management tasks for the management of the main parameters of a software development project (cost, time, effort)
  • Assess and analyze the different types of risks a software development project may face
  • Know the principles, metrics, and widely used software quality assurance standards
  • Know the basic principles of the field of human-computer interaction (theoretical foundations, mental models, interaction techniques and technologies)
  • Be able to plan interactive computer systems using methodologies and tools for designing user-friendly user interfaces
  • Evaluate the usability of software applications.

Subjects covered:

  • Software Design
  • Software Management and Quality
  • Human-Computer Communication

Prerequisites: PLS50

Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit five (5) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the five (5) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.

The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.

PLS62: Specialization in Networks and Communications

Module code: PLS62

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Optional

Year: 2nd

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of PLS62, students will have achieved the following results:


  • Ability to define network architectures
  • Ability to select network protocols for specific applications, encryption algorithms and schemes, error control mechanisms in transmission and storage systems
  • Ability to determine the performance limits of protocols and systems


  • Ability to apply addressing schemes to data networks
  • Ability to design/implement multimedia communication systems
  • Ability to apply security mechanisms to data networks and information systems
  • Ability to program network programming applications through the application of encryption-decryption protocols.

Problem Solving:

  • Ability to compare the performance of network protocols and applications
  • Ability to compare the performance of security mechanisms in networks and systems
  • Ability to compare the performance of encryption schemes
  • Ability to decrypt cryptograms
  • Ability to propose technological solutions at the network level (simple, complex networks), network security and information systems security.

Subjects covered:

  • Issues of Advanced Computer Networking
  • Digital Communications
  • Cryptography and Network Security

Prerequisites: PLS51

Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit five (5) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the five (5) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.

The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.

PLSDE Postgraduate Thesis

Module code: PLSDE

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 2nd

Language: Greek

Module Outline

General Description:

The general categories of subjects for the Postgraduate Thesis (Diploma) determined by the Director of the Program after consultation with the Coordinators of the Modules are posted on the University’s website, before the start of the period for the submission of the relevant statement by the students.

The thematic fields are indicative and are linked to the specialized knowledge areas of the five Thematic Units of the PLS postgraduate study program. Also, topics can be proposed by both the Coordinators and the Instructors of the Program which are subject to the approval of the Academic Committee of the Program.

THE PLSDE includes the elaboration of a Diploma Thesis (D.E.) which will solve, at a theoretical and applied level, one or more problems that are part of the sciences and technologies of Information Technology and Telecommunications. Therefore, the PLSDE, within the framework of the D.E., provides the opportunity for synthesis and utilization of the knowledge acquired during the studies. The scientific responsibility for preparing the D.E. is assigned to a three-member Evaluation Committee (EC), one member of which is responsible for the supervision and support of the student (Supervisor), in accordance with the prevailing ethics and practice in the science of IT and Information Systems and respecting the principles of Open and Distance Education and Adult Education.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of their Postgraduate (Diploma) Thesis, students will be able to:

  • analyze a complex problem by identifying the basic knowledge and tools required to solve it.
  • plan the activities that lead to solving the problem, by identifying and adopting internationally accepted practices and synthesizing knowledge and skills from different subjects.
  • realize, evaluate and improve the solution to the problem.
  • adopt and apply a structured, modular and iterative problem-solving methodology.
  • work smoothly with the Supervisor or his research team and the EC, demonstrating responsibility and developing communication skills.
  • write a comprehensive thesis, in which the problem, the methodology and the result of their work will be analyzed.

General Regulation for Preparing Graduate Dissertations in PC with an annual Module Correspondence

For more information regarding the Specifications – Useful Material for writing Master’s Theses and uploading a Thesis at the H.O.U. Repository, you can go to the Digital Training Area http://study.eap.gr and especially to the Program of Studies section.

Prerequisites: The presentation of the Postgraduate Thesis takes place after the successful completion of the program’s Course Modules.

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