“Precision Medicine” is the term that describes the most current perspective on making diagnosis of disease or illness, treatment therapies, and prevention more personalized, predictive, proactive, and precise, with a great emphasis on diseases that are life-threatening.
Precision medicine focus on targeted and personalized care derives from using big data from patients after large-scale analyses. It utilizes a multiparametric approach, which integrates data from a range of different sources, and takes into account individual differences in genes, environments and lifestyles. The overall goal is to allow physicians to select treatments that are most likely to help the individual patient by implementing precise for the person therapies.
Hence the ultimate goal of this post-graduate program “Masters in Precision Medicine and Novel Therapies” is to provide, update and transfer relevant knowledge, as well as to further to further develop the skills of professionals, who are active mainly in the field of health, diagnostics and the pharmaceutical industry. More specifically, the Program is designed such as that trainees will acquire specific scientific and analytical skills in collecting and evaluating laboratory data from disease models and/or patients, in the planning of the ideal treatment in the context of Precision Medicine, in scientific writing and presentation, in experimental/clinical design, as well as in raising awareness on current and important issues in the field of health, such as the implementation of new treatments and the clinical utility of biochemical and genetic analyses in the decisions of personalized pharmacotherapy.
The curriculum “Masters in Precision Medicine and New Therapies” is organized as a set of core modules, focused on the most important aspects of Precision Medicine. It is a highly competitive program, which requires interdisciplinary knowledge at least at a theoretical level. It also includes contemporary cutting-edge topics in the life sciences and medicine, while concomitantly addresses the new challenges in the fields of diagnostics, genetic analyses and clinical trials.
Upon successful completion of this program students will be able to
Skills/Qualifications Acquired
The PMS “Precision Medicine and New Therapies” strengthens the trainees’ abilities to:
The following graduates can be accepted:
Graduates of other Departments and Faculties of the Universities, as well as graduates of Higher Technological Educational Institutions, can be admitted by the recommendation of the MSc Committee and the decision of the Governing Committee of the Hellenic Open University.
Knowledge of English at level C1 and knowledge of Greek at level B2 or any European language at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Holders of a degree or diploma of higher education means graduates of Greek Universities or Polytechnics or Higher School of Fine Arts or Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education or Higher Technological Educational Institutions (ATEI) or those who hold academically equivalent first cycle degrees from recognized foreign educational institutions with the degrees awarded by the Greek Higher Educational Institutions, in accordance with the provisions of article 304 of Law No. 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/21.07.2022, vol.)
For the evaluation of the application to the Postgraduate Studies Programme, it will be examined whether the candidate’s institution of study is or may be included in the National Register of Recognised Higher Education Institutions of Foreign Countries and whether the candidate’s degree is or may be included in the National Register of Types of Degrees of Recognised Institutions of Foreign Countries.
The Hellenic Open University, if the degree is included in the list of article 307 of Law No. 4957/2022, must request a “Certificate of Place of Study”, which is issued and sent by the foreign university. If the place of study or part of the studies is confirmed as the Greek territory, the degree is not recognized, unless the part of the studies that took place in the Greek territory is in a public higher education institution or in a recognized foreign educational institution within the meaning of paragraph b) of article 299 of Law No. 4957/2022.
Certification of English language competency at level C1
English competency (level C1) is proven according to article 10, Presidential Decree 85/2022 “Determination of qualifications for appointment in the public sector (Qualification-Department)” (Α΄ 232), in combination with Part C΄ and namely “LANGUAGE CERTIFICATES ” of no. 20/01.02.2023 “Amendment of no. 94/20.6.2022 of the decision of the SUPREME COUNCIL FOR CIVIL PERSONNEL SELECTION (ASEP)”Procedure for determining the fixed parts of the content of staff selection announcements based on predetermined and objective criteria (Articles 28 – 30 of Law 4765/2021 ) (B’ 3614)” (B’ 594).
Language Certificates
The table below shows the language certificates -level (C1) of English Competency- that are accepted as well as the issuing body.
Certification of English competency at level C1 can be proved as follows:
English competency (level C1) is also proven with certificates of other institutions (not limited to universities) of an equivalent level, irrespective of their legal form, provided they are certified or recognized by the competent authority of the country concerned for conducting examinations and issuing certificates of proficiency in English at the appropriate level. These certificates must be accompanied by a proof document from the issuing body that both the issuing body and the language certificate competency are certified by the competent national authority and that the certification also concerns the evaluation of basic communication skills (written language production, oral language production, written language comprehension and oral language comprehension).
If there is no certification or recognition body in the country concerned, a certificate from the relevant Ministry or Embassy of the country in Greece is required, confirming that the certificates issued by the above bodies to third parties for whom English is not a native language are accepted in public services of that country as valid evidence of English at the appropriate level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The competent regulatory authority for Great Britain is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual).
General notes:
The Master’s Study Program (MSc) entitled: “Precision Medicine and Novel Therapies” (PRETH) is structured in two (2) academic years, which include:
− five (5) Modules,
− three (3) Laboratory Modules,
− Laboratory Dissertation (EDi) or Dissertation based on research scientific literature (Di).
The total number of European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) required to obtain the Master’s Degree is 120 ECTS.
The MSc “Precision Medicine and New Therapies” follows two distinct structures, which differ in the 2nd year of studies:
(1) The 1st structure includes a Research Dissertation (RDi), which is prepared in the 4th semester of studies and presupposes the selection of the specific laboratory module, PRETH61, of the 3rd semester.
(2) The 2nd structure includes preparation of a Master’s Dissertation based on research scientific literature (Di) in the 4th semester of studies.
Course Structure:
1st Academic year |
1st Semester |
(C¹, 15 ECTS) |
(C, 15 ECTS) |
2nd Semester |
PRETH52 (LM) |
Computational Biology and Applied Statistics for Precision Medicine |
(C, 15 ECTS) |
(C, 15 ECTS) |
2nd Academic year |
Α’ Structure with Research Dissertation (RDi)² |
3rd Semester |
(C, 15 ECTS) |
PRETH61 (LM) |
(C, 15 ECTS) |
4nd Semester |
(C, 15 ECTS) |
(C, 15 ECTS) |
B’ Structure with Dissertation (Di) |
3rd Semester |
(C, 15 ECTS) |
PRETH63 (LM) |
(C, 15 ECTS) |
4th Semester |
(C, 15 ECTS) |
(C, 15 ECTS) |
Note: |
C¹: Compulsory |
Α’ Structure with Research Dissertation (RDi)²: The 3rd semester’s Laboratory Module (PRETH61 LM) is a prerequisite for the 4th semester’s RDi. It is attended in hands-on laboratory practice of BRFAA and partner institutions. |
Guidelines for Selection of Modules/Laboratory Modules
Students may choose one (1) to two (2) modules per semester (up to 30 ECTS).
Modules must be selected from the Masters’ curriculum by following the semesters’ structure.
For example, in the 1st semester, the first module to choose is PRETH50 or both PRETH50 and PRETH51 modules of the semester.
During the declaration process of modules, the 1st semesters’ modules must be completed before modules of the second semester are selected. The same applies for every next semester.
To conduct a Research Dissertation (RDi) the Laboratory Module PRETH61 of the third semester is a pre-requisite. To conduct a Dissertation based on research scientific literature (Di) students should enroll to the (B’) structure of the 2nd year.
Enrollment to the (Laboratory) Dissertation (RDi/Di) presupposes the successful attendance of the six (6) modules of the first three semesters.
To support orally the RDi/Di presupposes the successful completion of all modules and Laboratory modules of the Study Program.
The minimum duration of studies of the Interinstitutional Master’s Program PRETH is four (4) academic semesters. For the successful completion of PRETH in four (4) academic semesters, all required modules must be completed.
In order to obtain the MSc title, it is mandatory to successfully complete:
(a.) five (5) modules and two (2) laboratory modules, as well as
(b.) the successful support of the Master’s dissertation (Research RDi or Di).
Student tuition fees for the Postgraduate Programme:
550€ per Module, 650€ for each one of the PRETH52 (LM) and PRETH63 (LM), 800€ for the PRETH61 (LM), 650€ for each one of the PRETH RDi and PRETH Di.
The total financial cost for the students who choose A’ Structure, meaning 5 Modules, PRETH52 (LM), PRETH61 (LM) και PRETH RDi, is: 4.850€.
The total financial cost for the students who choose Β’ Structure, meaning 5 Modules, PRETH52 (LM), PRETH63 (LM) και PRETH Di, is: 4.700€.
General information:
Tel: 2610 367323 , 2610 367600 – fax: 2610 367110 – e-mail: preth@eap.gr, info@eap.gr