Stelios Zerefos is an architect (B.A.(hons), M.Arch.II, Ph.D.) and professor of the School of Applied Arts and Sustainable Design of the Hellenic Open University since 2009. He is the Director of the Master’s Programme “Lighting Design”, Director of the M.Sc. “Protection of cultural heritage and monuments of nature from the effects of climate change” and Director of the Lighting Design Laboratory. Apart from the Hellenic Open University he has taught in graduate and post-graduate courses at the National Technical University of Athens, the University of West Attica, the University of Athens, the ESAD Matosinhos, the Technical University of Wismar and the Technical University of Berlin. He is a member of national and international scientific organizations, as well as editor and reviewer in international scientific journals such as MDPI Sustainability, Energies, Energy and Buildings and Solar Energy. He has scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings and is also the author of four books. He was a member of the Greek Committee in two EU COST actions (ES1204 and C13) themed after light pollution and interactive building envelopes respectively. He is currently the scientific coordinator of an Erasmus+ SSA project and has also coordinated two finished research projects and participated in another 9 as a research member. His architectural work numbers more than 60 projects 7 of which have achieved awards in Greek and international architectural competitions.