
“INclusive TOURism professions. European curricula for accessible tourism manager and frontline staff” project was completed with success, by DAISSy-HOU!

HOU > Anouncements > Latest > “INclusive TOURism professions. European curricula for accessible tourism manager and frontline staff” project was completed with success, by DAISSy-HOU!

The “INclusive TOURism professions – European curricula for accessible tourism manager and frontline staff (In-Tour)” European project was completed with success, and received a very positive evaluation score of 82/100 by EACEA, summarizing a 45-month demanding and high-quality implementation by the project consortium, with the DAISSy Research Group of the  Hellenic Open University (HOU),  as the Greek partner.

The In-Tour project started on January 1st, 2020, and ended September 30th, 2023, with the clear objective of covering the gap within the educational system regarding knowledge and competences in the field of Inclusive – Accessible Tourism at European level. The overall aim of the project was to equip managers and personnel in tourism sector with the appropriate knowledge, skills, personal and transversal competences in order to provide adequate services for all the customers, especially those with specific access requirements.

The DAISSy-HOU was the project partner responsible for the implementation of all In-Tour activities in Greece, participated in all project work packages and deliverables, and was the Leading Partner of the WP5-Delivery of Pilot Courses. In addition, it was responsible for the development of the In-Tour e-learning platform regarding the five (5) pilot courses delivered through the project’s pilot Universities, namely the Hellenic Open University-HOU (Greece), the Fachhochschule Dresden University of Applied Sciences—FHD (Germany) and the University of Genova- UNIGE (Italy). 

►Detailed information about the successful implementation of the In-Tour project and the contribution of DAISSy-HOU, is available here

►For more information about the In-Tour project, and other activities of DAISSy:

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