
Environmental Catalysis for Pollution Abatement and Clean Energy Production (KPPB)

HOU > Environmental Catalysis for Pollution Abatement and Clean Energy Production (KPPB)
Purpose – Description
Learning Outcomes
Admission requirements
Teaching Staff
Financial Contribution

The primary objective of the PSP is to present in detail the science of Catalysis and its contribution to the protection of the environment (pollution abatement) and the production of clean energy.

More specifically, the PSP aims to familiarize postgraduate students with advanced adsorptive, catalytic and photocatalytic anti-pollution processes, i.e. processes for the destruction or capture of atmospheric pollutants released from static sources (e.g. urban and industrial installations) and mobile sources (e.g. vehicles), as well as processes for the management of pollutants found in various types of waste. In particular, postgraduate students will have the opportunity to study fascinating aspects of environmental protection and pollution abatement both in a dedicated thematic unit and through their diploma thesis, depending on the topic they select, namely removal of pollutants from aqueous environments by adsorption on the surface of solid adsorbents, heterogenous catalysis and photocatalysis in liquid and gaseous anti-pollution, etc.

The PSP also aims to familiarize postgraduate students with advanced clean-energy production processes. In particular, lessons will focus on the basic functions of refineries, especially those that produce environmentally friendly petroleum products (desulphurization), the production of biofuels (bioethanol, biodiesel, green diesel, biogas) and the production, storage, and use of hydrogen (through fuel cells) for the production of electricity. Postgraduate students will have the opportunity to study fascinating aspects of clean energy production both in a dedicated thematic unit and through their diploma thesis, depending on the topic they select, namely the production, storage, and use of hydrogen as an environmentally friendly fuel, the development of efficient catalysts for the hydrotreatment of petroleum fractions, catalytic processes to use biomass for the production of biofuel etc.

Furthermore, the PSP aims, primarily through the preparation of a diploma thesis, to familiarize students with the relevant issues of cutting-edge technology, such as the capture and utilization of carbon dioxide, the utilization of biomass for the production of useable chemicals (green chemistry), and the development of bio-refineries.

To achieve familiarization with the aforementioned subject matter, students must first become acquainted with the principles and methods of the various branches of catalysis (homogenous catalysis, heterogenous catalysis, biocatalysis, photocatalysis) and with the development of new, effective catalysts for the aforementioned environmental applications (structure, composition, characterization, and evaluation of static catalysts). These issues are also discussed in the thematic units of the PSP.


*The above files are currently available in Greek.


Graduates of the PSP are expected to be able to contribute in a meaningful way to the research, function, and development of processes aimed at the destruction-capture of pollutants and the production of conventional and alternative environmentally friendly fuels, participate in research and development programs aimed at developing new catalysts for the destruction-capture of pollutants and the production of conventional and alternative environmentally friendly fuels, and prepare a Doctoral Dissertation in a relevant field.

Curriculum Academic Credits (ECTS): 120
Minimum duration of studies: 2 Academic terms

UNESCO ISCED-2011 Classification

– According to field of education: 85 Environmental Protection
– According to education level: 7

UNESCO ISCED-2013 Classification

– According to field of education: 0712 Environmental Protection and Technology

The Post-graduate programme accepts graduates or higher institution diplomas of related disciplines. The programme is offered in Greek. 

The knowledge of a foreign language and good computer-Internet skills would be useful for the successful participation in the programme.


Holders of a degree or diploma of higher education means graduates of Greek Universities or Polytechnics or Higher School of Fine Arts or Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education or Higher Technological Educational Institutions (ATEI) or those who hold academically equivalent first cycle degrees from recognized foreign educational institutions with the degrees awarded by the Greek Higher Educational Institutions, in accordance with the provisions of article 304 of Law No. 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/21.07.2022, vol.)


For the evaluation of the application to the Postgraduate Studies Programme, it will be examined whether the candidate’s institution of study is or may be included in the National Register of Recognised Higher Education Institutions of Foreign Countries and whether the candidate’s degree is or may be included in the National Register of Types of Degrees of Recognised Institutions of Foreign Countries.

The Hellenic Open University, if the degree is included in the list of article 307 of Law No. 4957/2022, must request a “Certificate of Place of Study”, which is issued and sent by the foreign university. If the place of study or part of the studies is confirmed as the Greek territory, the degree is not recognized, unless the part of the studies that took place in the Greek territory is in a public higher education institution or in a recognized foreign educational institution within the meaning of paragraph b) of article 299 of Law No. 4957/2022.

1st year of study

2nd year of study

T.U. Selection Instructions

Students in the first (1st) term may select all three available T.U.: KPPB70, KPPB71, and KPPB80. Students who do not have the necessary available time must first select KPPB70, or KPPB70 and KPPB71.

When selecting T.U.s, students must first pass all the available T.U.s that belong to the previous term and then select T.U.s belonging to the next term.

Students may elect to prepare the PDT concurrently with their participation in the final T.U., if they have first successfully completed the first three T.U.

To complete the PSP in two academic terms, students must successfully complete all three first-term T.U. in their first term, and the final, second-term T.U. concurrently with the preparation of their PDT, in accordance with the aforementioned instructions.

Students may only present their Postgraduate Diploma Thesis after successfully completing all the T.U. of the PSP.

To obtain the Postgraduate Specialization Diploma, students must successfully complete all four T.U., in addition to completing and presenting their Postgraduate Diploma Thesis.


Kyriakos Bourikas, Professor
Field of Specialization: Structure and Synthesis of Solid Catalysts

e-mail: bourikas@eap.gr

ΚΠΠ71 Kyriakos Bourikas CV
ΚΠΠ70 Christos Kordulis CV
ΚΠΠ80 Christos Trapalis CV
ΚΠΠ81 Dimitris Kondarides CV

Financial contribution for admitted students until the academic year 2023-2024:

The financial contribution for students to the Programme is as follows: The cost of each Module is €650 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €650.

The total financial contribution for the Programme is: €3.250.

Financial contribution for students commencing from the academic year 2024-2025:

The financial contribution for students to the Programme is as follows: The cost of each Module is €750 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €750.

The total financial contribution for the Programme is: €3.750.

For more information regarding the program, please contact:
Student Registration Department from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 13:00:

Telephone Number: 2610367314

Ε-mail: kpp@eap.gr

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