
Public History (DIS)

HOU > Public History (DIS)
Purpose - Description
Learning Outcomes
Admission requirements
Academic Staff
Financial Contribution

The post-graduate programme on “Public History” studies the ways that the past is constituted, disseminated and reflected in the public sphere through rituals and celebrations, monuments and museums, schooling and other state institutions, the mass media, films, the internet etc. Its aim is twofold: on the one hand, to highlight the specificities of the new forms of historical knowledge and culture production and, on the other, to provide academic skills to those who wish to work in institutions that deal with the past in the public sphere.   

For more information about the Programme PHI please see the links below:

1. PHI Program Presentation
2. PHI Program Video Webinar


*The above files are currently available in Greek

Upon successful completion of the programme students will be able to

  • appreciate the value of public history as a distinct scientific field
  • popularize the academically produced historical knowledge
  • disseminate the documented historical knowledge to the public sphere through multimodal means and techniques
  • organize activities with historical content
  • use new technologies to produce historical material
  • edit historical documentaries and websites
  • design educational projects for the dissemination of historical knowledge and thought, organize presentations for museum exhibitions and archival collections, conduct seminars and workshops on History etc
  • combine various forms of creative expression (painting, music, theater, dance, graffiti, comics etc) with an interest in history,
  • cultivate, through seminars, to those working in the public administration and the private sector historical consciousness with an eye to the preservation, classification and capitalization of their archives and to the promotion of their history.

ECTS credits of the Programme of Studies: 120 (30 ECTS per semester)

Minimum duration of study: 2 academic years

Classification according to the Unesco ISCED-2011 code:
– by level of study: 7

Classification according to Unesco ISCED-2013:
– by field of education: 0222 History and archaeology

MSc designation: ΜΑ (Master of Arts)

MSc title in English: Public History

General Information

Clarification of the term Public History

By Public History we mean the multiple representations and uses of the past in the public sphere, the historical knowledge created outside universities and research centres, the historical culture shaped by museums, archives, monuments, ceremonies, education, media, internet, cinema, television, etc. The study of this ‘applied’ history is the subject of Public History, and its purpose is to train people who wish to work professionally in museums, cultural institutions, local associations, publishing organisations, in the production of historical audiovisual material, etc. Public history as a scientific activity follows the methods of academic history but at the same time is addressed to a wider public.

The academic recognition of Public History

Public History was developed and established academically in the USA in the 1970s. Today, in the United States, Public History is included as a course in undergraduate programs in history departments and as a stand-alone graduate program leading to a master’s degree at dozens of universities. In addition, in the United States there is a corresponding association, the National Council for Public History, which publishes the quarterly journal Public Historian. In Europe, public history has only made its appearance in the last decade, mainly in the postgraduate programmes of several universities, such as the Free University of Berlin, the University of Amsterdam, the University of Bristol, the University of Manchester, the University of Manchester, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Ghent, etc.
Finally, within the last five years, there has been considerable international mobility in the field of public history. This mobility led to the establishment of the International Federation for Public History, which in 2016 organised its third international congress in Bogota, Colombia.

Why a Public History programme in Greece?

Today in Greece there is no independent Postgraduate Programme in Public History. At the same time, the controversies about history in the public sphere show the increased interest of the media and the general population in history. In general, the last two decades have witnessed a strong interest of Greek society in issues of history and at the same time there is a proliferation of media for the formation of historical culture, which are both objects of study and vehicles of Public History. Examples of this are the historical inserts in newspapers, the history programmes of television channels and radio stations, the establishment of local and thematic museums, historical walks in Athens and Piraeus, websites with historical content, digital archives, digital representations of the past, etc.
However, while the public is increasingly interested in history, the academic community has neither developed the appropriate methods to reach this public (leaving the field open for any form of manipulation and selective use of history by non-experts) nor the necessary tools to analyse ‘applied’ history in the public sphere. It is therefore necessary to develop a postgraduate programme in public history precisely to respond to these new needs.

The Post-graduate programme accepts graduates or higher institution diplomas of related disciplines. The programme is offered in Greek. 

The knowledge of a foreign language and good computer-Internet skills would be useful for the successful participation in the programme.


Holders of a degree or diploma of higher education means graduates of Greek Universities or Polytechnics or Higher School of Fine Arts or Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education or Higher Technological Educational Institutions (ATEI) or those who hold academically equivalent first cycle degrees from recognized foreign educational institutions with the degrees awarded by the Greek Higher Educational Institutions, in accordance with the provisions of article 304 of Law No. 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/21.07.2022, vol.)


For the evaluation of the application to the Postgraduate Studies Programme, it will be examined whether the candidate’s institution of study is or may be included in the National Register of Recognised Higher Education Institutions of Foreign Countries and whether the candidate’s degree is or may be included in the National Register of Types of Degrees of Recognised Institutions of Foreign Countries.

The Hellenic Open University, if the degree is included in the list of article 307 of Law No. 4957/2022, must request a “Certificate of Place of Study”, which is issued and sent by the foreign university. If the place of study or part of the studies is confirmed as the Greek territory, the degree is not recognized, unless the part of the studies that took place in the Greek territory is in a public higher education institution or in a recognized foreign educational institution within the meaning of paragraph b) of article 299 of Law No. 4957/2022.

1st Semester

2nd Semester

3rd Semester

4th Semester

  1. C= Compulsory
  2. E= Elective

Declaration of thematic unit

You can choose from one (1) to three (3) units per semester.

In the first semester, you can choose any unit of the semester.

In the following semesters you can choose any of the units of the semester you wish, choosing at the same time the ones you have left from the previous semester.

In the third semester you must choose the compulsory subjects DIS60, DIS64 and one of DIS62, DIS63.

The Master’s Thesis begins after the successful completion of all nine (9) units of the programme.


Athanasiadis Theocharis, Professor

Subject: History of Education and Public History

e-mail: athanasiadis.theocharis@ac.eap.gr


Financial contribution for admitted students until the academic year 2023-2024:

The financial contribution for students to the Programme is as follows:

The cost of each Module is €300 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €900.

The total financial contribution for the Programme is: €3,600.

Financial contribution for students commencing from the academic year 2024-2025:

The financial contribution for students to the Programme is as follows:

The cost of each Module is €400 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €400.

The total financial contribution for the Programme is: €4,000.

For information about the programme contact:

Student Registration Department

Contact telephone: 2610367331
Ε-mail: dis@eap.gr

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