
Quality Management and Technology – Thematic Units

HOU > Quality Management and Technology (DIP) > Quality Management and Technology – Thematic Units

DIP40: Mathematics for Quality Assurance

Module code: DIP40

Module Type: Compulsory for students who have not attended four (4) semester courses of mathematics. Optional for students who have attended four (4) semester courses of mathematics.

Year: 1st

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description:

The main objective of the module is the completion of the student’s knowledge in the field of Maths, to prepare them for the first year of his/her studies, and allow him/her to more easily follow the remaining modules of the “Quality Management and Engineering” Study Program.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this module, students are expected to be able to:

  • basic knowledge of differential and integral calculus of one and two variables and can use this knowledge to find optimal solutions (maximum or minimum) of physical problems
  • basic knowledge of ODEs
  • basic knowledge of vector algebra (scalar and vector product) and can mathematically project vectors of physical quantities in specific directions and determine perpendicular directions to a given plane
  • basic knowledge of linear algebra (matrix algebra) and solving linear systems that are the result of many physical problems
  • has all the necessary mathematical background to follow without problems DIP 50 (basic methodology of statistics and basic techniques for quality control, assurance and improvement).

Subjects covered:

  • Mathematics for Quality Assurance
  • Mechanical Drawing

Prerequisites: DIP 40 is at an undergraduate level and optional in structure A. It consists of two independent subjects, which students choose (either one or both subjects) in parallel with the first (1st) year’s unit(s) and in addition to the 4 compulsory modules of the programme, when they consider that there is a need to supplement their knowledge.

Students of structure B are required to enroll in the first subject of DIP 40 (Mathematics for Quality Assurance) during their first (1st) year of study. At the same time, they may, if they wish, to enroll in the second subject of DIP 40 during their first (1st) year, as well as in DIP 51, but definitely not in DIP 50.

If, however, they do not successfully complete the first subject of DIP 40, they will not be entitled to enroll in another module of the curriculum. Under no circumstances, however, can DIP 40 replace any of the other four modules in the curriculum.

Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit four (4) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the four (4) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.

The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.

DIP50: Basic Tools and Methods for Quality Control

Module code: DIP50

ECTS Credit Points: 30

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 1st

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: 

The main aim of DIP50 is to provide students with the theoretical and practical knowledge in basic statistical methodology and basic techniques for testing, assurance and improvement of quality control.

Learning Outcomes: After completing this module, students are expected to be able to,

  • identify the basic elements of a probability model and use laws of the axiomatic theory of probability to find unconditional and conditional probabilities.
  • describe univariate and bivariate probability distributions and calculate probabilities, moments, and descriptive measures for specified distributions.
  • select appropriate probability models to describe the variability of measurable quality characteristics and calculate probabilities and percentiles of well-known distributions by means of formulae, tables or the Minitab statistical package.
  • use descriptive measures and graphical procedures to perform exploratory data analysis.
  • identify proper statistics and their corresponding sampling distributions for estimation and tests relating to means, proportions, and variances of performance characteristics.
  • find confidence intervals and perform hypotheses tests in one and two-sample problems.
  • apply simple and multiple linear regression analyses, correlation analysis and methods of selecting an appropriate model.
  • distinguish the categories of measurement errors, apply the laws of propagation of random and systematic errors and estimate the variability due to repeatability, reproducibility, and the uncertainty of measurement.
  • understand the function of measurement systems and measuring instruments, select an instrument based on its metrological characteristics and explain the process of calibration and the associated documents.
  • apply the 7 main tools of statistical quality control, understand the application of 15 additional tools and select the appropriate tool for confronting specific problems.
  • select, construct, and interpret the proper control chart to monitor a process.
  • design plans of acceptance sampling for attributes, interpret characteristic curves and apply appropriate standards (MIL-STD-105E, ANSI/ASQC Z1.4, etc).
  • determine sampling plans for variables and apply the system MIL-STD-414 (ANSI/ASQC Z1.9).

Subjects covered:

  • Probability and Statistics
  • Quality Control Techniques
  • Statistical Quality Control & Sampling

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisite courses for this unit under structure A. DIP40 for structure B.

Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit five (5) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the five (5) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.

The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.

DIP51: Quality Planning and Organization

Module code: DIP51

ECTS Credit Points: 30

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 1st

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: The main purpose of this thematic unit is to equip the student with theoretical and practical training in quality systems and in the basic methodology and techniques of quality organization and management.

Learning Outcomes: After completing this module, students are expected to be able to:

  • understand the term Total Quality Control (TQC), the parameters affecting it, and how it can be applied in practice.
  • plan and develop the product / service quality[(including the failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)], and design the production processes involved.
  • have a good background on total quality management (TQM) and the various currently applied Quality Assurance Systems (similarities, differences) and total quality prizes (EU, USA, Japan).
  • apply the most commonly used tools and techniques (brainstorming, affinity diagram, tree diagram, cause and effect diagram, benchmarking, control diagram, histogram, Pareto diagram, scatter diagram) for quality improvement.
  • have a solid knowledge of two of the most important and successful ISO systems; that is ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 22000:2005 for product quality and food quality and safety, respectively.
  • measure, calculate, analyze and evaluate the quality cost by taking into account the occurrence of various failures of different origin.
  • understand and apply the various techniques for optimizing the quality cost (cost reduction in conjunction with quality improvement).
  • apply a program toward suppliers’ assurance, assessment, and certification.
  • understand the importance of product safety and consumer protection within the legislative frame of EU.
  • comply with the EU legislative frame for Quality development, CE labeling, and safe food trade (HACCP, ISO 22000).

Subjects covered:

  • Quality Planning
  • Quality Management
  • Total Quality
  • Supplier – Customer Relationships
  • Quality Cost

Prerequisites:  There are no prerequisite courses

Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit five (5) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the five (5) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.

The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.

DIP60: Advanced Tools and Methods for Quality Control

Module code: DIP60

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 2nd

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description:

The main objective of the module is for students to apply advanced statistical tools to real problems. Initially, students will learn the basic tools of Statistical Process Control, with special emphasis on control charts. In addition, experimental design is introduced and methodologies for analyzing one or more factors in randomized complete group and Latin square designs are studied. Finally, they are studied techniques for the out-of-order quality improvement of a process, giving particular importance to Taguchi methodologies. It should be noted that all of the above is implemented using an appropriate statistical package.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this module, students are expected to be able to:

  • distinguish between random (common or usual) and non-random (special) causes of variability in a production process.
  • to understand how Statistical Process Control can be used in order to monitor and control a production process, with the ultimate goal of improving its performance.
  • apply quality control tools (such as control charts for variables and properties and/or capability indicators) in a production process, aiming to achieve optimal performance (minimization of variability, stability of mean level).
  • understand and apply the six-sigma standard in order to strive for continuous process improvement.
  • identify experiments with one factor or with multiple factors, as well as experiments grouped by context variables.
  • use full or fractional factorial experiments to analyze experiments containing factors with two or three levels.
  • apply Taguchi’s loss function in order to produce products of the best possible quality.
  • implement Taguchi’s philosophy of off-line (out-of-process) quality control – selecting appropriate internal and external design tables in order to analyze quality-related measures , in order to determine the appropriate production process conditions so that the process and/or the final product is made robust against the effects of uncontrollable (noise) factors
  • use experimental design theory (one or two way ANOVA, Latin squares etc ) to investigate the effects of one or more factors over a response variable (characteristic of interest).
  • discriminate between random and fixed effects models. Explain when each of them is applicable in a real data problem
  • exploit Taguchi’s lists of orthogonal arrays for setting up economical designs for experiments requiring the study of many multi-level factors.
  • understand and apply response surface methodology for modelling the shape of a process’ or a product’s response.
  • apply the methods of Evolutionary Operation

Subjects covered:

  • Statistical Process Control
  • Design and Analysis of Experiments
  • Continuous Quality Improvement Processes and Techniques

Prerequisites: DIP50

Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit five (5) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the five (5) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.

The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.

DIP61: Special Topics regarding Quality

Module code: DIP61

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 2nd

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: The main objective of this thematic unit is to enrich the knowledge of students in specific quality topics, such as environmental management systems, quality systems inspection and the organization of laboratories, controls and tests, but also in terms of reliability and maintenance, and to be able to conduct studies with the corresponding available tools.

Curriculum of the Module: The unit DIP 61 “Special Topics regarding Quality” covers four thematic areas in 4 volumes listed below:


Volume A: Environmental Management Systems

Volume 1 covers issues related to Environmental Problems and the Legislative Framework (Greece, Europe, International Community) and analyses the Major Environmental Problems such as ozone depletion, greenhouse gases, biodiversity loss, air pollution, water pollution, etc. The concepts of Environmental Management are also analysed, a history of the development of Environmental Management Systems is given, the European approach EMAS is described, and Responsible Care is described. The main part is the presentation and analysis of the 14001 standard (Requirements of the standard, Comparison of 14001 and 9001 standards). Finally, the Community Eco-Management and Audit Scheme – EMAS is presented, how EMS Certification is done and what is the role of environmental inspectors, Product Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), and the different Eco-labels.


Volume B: Quality Systems Inspection

Volume 2 essentially covers the issue of Quality Systems Inspections and focuses mainly on the ISO 9001:2008 standard. Basic concepts of quality are described and the requirements and paragraphs of the standard are presented and analysed. The main types and kinds of inspections are described, the process of planning and implementing the inspection is analysed, as well as the role of the inspector and the inspection team.


Volume C: Organization of laboratories, controls and tests

Volume 3 presents the basic concepts of measurement, metrology and control and testing laboratories. The emphasis is on the analysis of the ISO 17025:2005 standard (requirements of the standard, design and implementation of the standard). Also presented and analysed are the key measurement indicators and the definition of objectives in the implementation of ISO 17025:2005 in Testing and Inspection laboratories.


Volume D: Reliability and Maintenance

Volume 4 consists of two thematic areas, Reliability and Maintenance. The first part presents the basic concepts/definitions of reliability and discusses the concept of failure. The characteristics and techniques of reliability assessment are discussed in detail, and emphasis is also placed on the use of reliability data in risk analysis. The second part presents the basic concepts of maintenance and discusses its importance and significance. The systems and maintenance policies are then analysed and the second part concludes with a presentation and analysis of Total Productive Maintenance (activity, results).

Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of the study of this thematic unit,

With the first part, students will be able to:

  • perceive the importance and significance of Environmental Management in a company or organisation through the analysis of key environmental problems
  • access and understand the legislative framework governing Environmental Management issues at national, European and international level
  • understand and analyse the philosophy and content of the ISO 14001 environmental standard and will be able to study the results of its implementation
  • to understand and apply the LCA methodology in real enterprises and organisations
  • Finally, they will acquire knowledge about eco-labels and their practical contribution to environmental management

With the second part, students will be able to:

  • acquire theoretical knowledge and the ability to interpret and evaluate the paragraphs of the ISO 9001 standard
  • learn the types of inspections, identify good and bad practices in the inspection process through case studies
  • compile compliance or non-compliance reports and evaluate the progress of the implementation of the standards in the company or organisation
  • understand the role and dynamics of the quality inspector and his/her team in the implementation of Quality Management Systems

With the third part, students will be able to:

  • understand the importance of measurement and recognise the functions of a control and testing laboratory
  • understand the basic principles and requirements of traceability of measurements and the stages of the accreditation process
  • understand the requirements of ISO 17052, and assess the criticality of meeting them
  • draft procedures and documents of the EMS and to monitor and evaluate the progress of the implementation of the standard
  • identify objectives and measurement indicators in the context of ISO 17052 and assess their contribution to improving the effectiveness of the standard

With the fourth and final part, students will be able to

  • understand the importance of reliability and gain knowledge of its parameters
  • understand the concept and types of failure through examples and applications
  • become familiar with and use reliability measurement methods MTTF, FTA, RBD, using statistic packages such as Minitab
  • handle and process reliability data and distinguish levels of reliability data
  • recognise the difference between the concepts of risk and reliability through examples and applications
  • understand the importance and significance of maintenance in quality improvement
  • analyse and use important concepts such as downtime analysis, average repair time, etc. through examples
  • design and evaluate maintenance policies and will be able to organise a maintenance department using the philosophy of Total Productive Maintenance

Subjects covered:

  • Quality and the Environment
  • Quality System Audits
  • Organization of Calibration and Testing Laboratories
  • Reliability and Maintenance

Prerequisites: DIP61 can be chosen after successfully completing DIP50 and DIP51 or successfully completing one of them and registering in the other at the same time in the current academic year.

Evaluation: Students are assigned to submit five (5) written assignments during the academic year. The average grade of the five (5) written assignments, weighted at 30%, is taken into consideration for the calculation of the final grade. The grade of written assignments is activated only with a score equal to or above the pass level (≥5) in the final or resit exams.

The grade of the final or the resit exams shall be weighted at 70 % for the calculation of the final grade.


DIPDE Thesis

Module code: DIPDE

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 2nd / 3rd

Language: Greek

Module Outline

General Description:

The research objects utilized in writing a thesis are harmoniously integrated into the main orientations of the program, that is, understanding the structure of Matter and the Universe and the Material Sciences and Devices.

The director of the program selects groups of related subjects, on the basis of which the prospective students submit a relevant proposal for elaboration. Subsequently, the Board of Directors (and correspondingly as above) designates the supervising member (First supervisor) and the second member of the Evaluation Committee for each submitted MDE proposal if it meets the basic academic requirements. Then the first Supervisor, in collaboration with the students, finalizes the topic and the basic content of the MDE in the digital education area within the first month of preparation and gives the final approval.

Thesis subjects may be changed within the first month of writing. In such a case, a relevant request is submitted for approval to the S.P. Director, along with the necessary documentation, by the 1st Supervisor, with notification to the second member of the Examination Committee. In case of approval, the relevant administrative department must be informed.

In particular, the General Categories of subjects for the Master’s Thesis are, presently, the following:

  • Basic statistical tools for quality improvement
  • Statistical process control
  • Design of experiments, Taguchi methods for quality control and improvement
  • Metrology, calibration, measurement, control and detection methods, reliability, maintenance, organization of calibration and control laboratories
  • Quality management systems (ISO 9001), Audit, Total Quality Management, Design for quality
  • Quality and Environment, Food safety management systems (HACCP, ISO 22000) and management systems in general.

The theory and practice used to further deepen the student’s knowledge is based to some extent on the materials modules.

However, for further deepening and acquisition of specialized knowledge and skills, the student, in collaboration with the supervisor, studies work from the relevant literature. This process usually takes 2-3 months. Then the thesis prepared and is checked in its stages both by the supervisor and by a second evaluator.

Learning Outcomes:

The students who will successfully complete the module:

  • They will have obtained a deep knowledge of the subject of their study to the extent that they will be able to comfortably and fluently read and acquire information on cutting-edge research topics from publications in research journals of the respective research area.
  • They will be able to conduct research studies based on a sample of companies/consumers and case studies.
  • They will be able to analyze preliminary data or secondary data statistically.
  • They will be able to reach conclusions based on the results of the study and propose specific practical implications

General Regulation for Preparing Graduate Dissertations in PC with an annual Module Correspondence

For more information regarding the Specifications – Useful Material for writing Master’s Theses and uploading a Thesis at the H.O.U. Repository, you can go to the Digital Training Area http://study.eap.gr and especially to the Program of Studies section.

Prerequisites: The presentation of the Thesis takes place after the successful completion of the program’s Course Modules.

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