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Ανακοινώσεις προς τα μέλη ΔΕΠ


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Ανακοινώσεις προς τα μέλη ΔΕΠ

Contemporary Italian culture and specific issues of terminology and interpretation – THEMATIC UNITS

HOU > Contemporary Italian culture and specific issues of terminology and interpretation (ΙΤΑ) > Contemporary Italian culture and specific issues of terminology and interpretation – THEMATIC UNITS

ΙΤΑ50 The avant-garde discourse in 20th century Italian culture and its reception in Greece. Futurism, Dadaism, Surrealism

Code: ITA50
ECTS Credits: 10
Semester in which offered: First (1st)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose – Description of the Th.U.: The THU presents the main concepts, the renewal trends and the innovative aesthetic symbols of the avant-garde movements that manifested themselves on Italian soil mainly during the 20th century. As a key agent of contemporary Italian culture in all its manifestations and ideological implications, the avant-garde character of Futurism is documented, through an interdisciplinary approach, in the field of creative and programmatic discourse. It also demonstrates its special role in the manifestation and development of other movements of the historical avant-garde in Europe during the first half of the 20th century. The importance of this artistic phenomenon is also examined through the effects it exerted on the Greek cultural landscape of the inter-war period, since the reception of Futurism in Greece is adequately documented in the context of the organisation of exhibitions, its presence in the Greek-speaking press, the comparative analysis of programmatic texts and the comparative examination of essays and literary influences. At the same time, the programmatic principles of Dadaism and Surrealism and the conceptual relations between them in the context of contemporary Italian culture are presented. This didactic proposal also focuses on the necessary historical contextualization of the cultural currents under consideration through the analysis of selected essays of contemporary and heterodox perspectives.

Learning outcomes:

After completing the ThU, in relation to innovative discourse in Italian contemporary culture, students are expected to:

  • Have an understanding of the broader cultural conditions that determined the genesis, development and action of avant-garde movements in 20th century Italy.
  • have acquired a synthetic knowledge of the concepts that constitute the avant-garde dimension of Futurism, its historical positioning and its multifaceted cultural constitution, documenting well its place in the context of historical avant-gardes in Europe.
  • know the most important futurist, dadaist, surrealist artists and analyse their most important works satisfactorily, documenting familiarity with the relevant basic concepts and specific terminology.
  • have developed a critical understanding of the multidimensional relationship between the influence of specific Italian movements on the Greek cultural reality of the period, adequately demonstrating the complexity factors that characterise it.
  • have developed a critical and combined understanding of the ideological, aesthetic and artistic positioning of contemporary Italian culture, through futurist avant-garde activity, in the wider European cultural landscape, in relation to the social and historical function of programmatic texts and the evolution of lexical innovations.
  • be able to interpret and analyse adequately, through comparative and interdisciplinary references, examples of innovative essayistic and creative discourse, making use of acquired knowledge and using correct terminologyα.

Cognitive Objects:

  • Cultural and historical context of modern Italy
  • Realistic tendencies and Post-Romantic trends in Italian literature
  • Innovative trends in Italian literature
  • Italian Futurism
  • The reception of Italian Futurism in Greece
  • Post-Futurist trends in contemporary Italian literature

Teaching Method: distance learning using the HOU’s e-Learning Platform and conducting Group Counselling Meetings (tele-GCM).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.


ΙΤΑ51 Italian language

ThU Code: ITA51
ECTS Credits: 10
ThU Type: Compulsory
Semester in which offered: First (1st)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose – Description of the Th.U.: It is a subject that examines vocabulary, morphosyntactic phenomena of the Italian language and, at the same time, presents aspects of culture, everyday life and worldview of the contemporary Italian world.

The aim of the course is, through the use of authentic texts and the tools of modern educational technology, to teach students the social functions of spoken and written Italian and to bring them into contact with cultural features and events of Italian culture and everyday life.

Learning outcomes:

After the completion of the course, and in relation to the Italian language, the student is expected to have memorized basic morphosyntactic phenomena and to have expanded his/her vocabulary, so that, as an independent user, he/she will be able to:

  • understand the main points of clear conversations, without idiomatic features, conducted in everyday contexts;
  • process written texts whose content is presented clearly and without deviating from the common linguistic form, on a variety of topics (such as issues of direct personal, family and work-related relevance, current affairs, cultural issues, etc.) and in different genres;
  • handle social interactions using everyday polite manners; – deal with social interactions using everyday polite manners
  • develop satisfactorily, both orally and in writing, inter alia, personal opinions, descriptions of events, experiences, ideas, plans and ambitions; – communicate well in written and oral form
  • to use correctly the basic morphosyntactic structures of the Italian language
  • recognise and understand everyday habits and cultural differences in comparison with their own culture.

Cognitive Objects:

  • Combined learning of reading, writing, speaking and listening in common Italian through a variety of textual genres;
  • Communication methodology through combined teaching of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and syntax of the target language;
  • Development of linguistic and communicative skills in written and spoken Italian.

Teaching Method: distance learning using the HOU’s e-Learning Platform and conducting Group Counselling Meetings (tele-GCM).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.


ΙΤΑ52 Elements of language and culture: Italian and Modern Greek dialectology with emphasis on language contact

ECTS Credits: 10
ThU Type: Compulsory
Semester in which offered: First (1st)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose – Description of the Th.U.: This is a subject that examines issues of Italian and Modern Greek dialectology, which are an integral part of the acquaintance with the culture in which a language operates. The aim is to familiarise students with the lexical, morphological and phonological differences between standard Italian and to identify Venetian, Genoese, Genoese and Sicilian loans in Modern Greek and its “dialects” and to learn Italian vocabulary more easily through an understanding of the two thousand years of cultural relations between the peoples of the two countries.

Through structural exercises for processing and consolidating the phonological and morphological features that testify to the origin of a given loan, as well as through the illustration of the historical and cultural context of linguistic contact and the contrastive study of Italian and Greek dialects, the diachronic cultural dimension of the language and its synchronic communicative function are outlined.

Learning outcomes:

  • Upon completion of the course, and in relation to Italian and Modern Greek dialectology and the relevant language contact, students are expected to:
  • approach, understand and exploit the linguistic similarities between Italian and Greek
  • to understand the cultural context in which each of them is embedded
  • to understand dialectically the lexical, morphological and phonological elements that occur in the different dialects
  • a large part of Italian and Greek literature
  • develop a critical understanding of the development of the cultural, social and communicative dimension of the wider phenomenon of linguistic contact, drawing on Italian and modern Greek dialectology

Cognitive Objects:

  • Greek-Latin and Greek-Italian linguistic contacts
  • Basic principles of dialectology
  • Interactions between Modern Greek and Romance dialects in Greece and Italy
  • Dialect use in Greece and Italy: socio-linguistic approaches
  • Inventory issues and policies for the revitalization of dialects in Greece and Italy

Teaching Method: distance learning using the HOU’s e-Learning Platform and conducting Group Counselling Meetings (tele-GCM).


ΙΤΑ53 Elements of language and culture: Phraseology and Proverbology

Code: ITA53
ECTS Credits: 10
ThU Type: Compulsory
Semester in which offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose – Description of the Th.U.: This is a subject that examines topics of Italian phraseology and proverbology, which are an integral part of learning the vocabulary of a language. The aim of this subject is to familiarize students with the metaphorical meanings of words and expressions in the context of very easy-to-use stereotypical word sets and well-known Italian proverbs, which is achieved mainly through structural processing and consolidation exercises, visualisation of the cultural context in which each of them is situated, and contrasting study of Italian phraseology and proverbology with those of the Greek language. The didactic approach focuses on outlining the cultural dimension of language and its communicative function through the evolution of its customary use and the linguistic recording of its deeper cultural and social structures.

The main teaching goal of the course is to enable students recognise/distinguish as well as to familiarise them with a wide range of standard expressions, the mastery of which is pursued through exercises of a structural and communicative nature. Besides, the student approaches the field of Greek and Italian paroemiology through a comparative process in the aim of identifying historical and linguistic analogies and interactions.

Learning outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, and in relation to Italian Phraseology and Proseology, students are expected to:

  • Approach, understand and use the most common stereotypical expressions and the most well-known proverbs of the Italian language with accuracy
  • recognize the cultural context in which each of them is placed
  • enrich their oral production with expressions that create a sense of immediacy in communication.
  • develop a critical understanding of the evolution of the cultural, social and communicative dimension of linguistic structures in the context of Italian phraseology and proverbology

Cognitive Objects:

  • Introduction to Phraseology
  • Comparative phraseology and proverbology of Italian – Greek language
  • Phraseology as an object of instruction in the course of Italian as a foreign language
  • Linguistic and cultural aspects of Italian language phraseology

Teaching Method: distance learning using the HOU’s e-Learning Platform and conducting Group Counselling Meetings (tele-GCM).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.


ΙΤΑ54 Italian for special purposes: Media and Social Media, Journalism, Sport

Code: ITA54
ECTS Credits: 10
ThU Type: Compulsory
Semester in which offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose – Description of the Th.U.: This is a subject area that examines issues of specific languages (terminology) and specialized vocabularies of the Italian language, directly related to the division of social and professional activity in contemporary society and, more specifically, to sport and journalism, while focusing on the information society and the key role it plays in a globalized society. Through the analysis of authentic texts, the application of a variety of language and vocabulary exercises and activities of comprehension and production of written and spoken language, students will have the opportunity to understand the different aspects of the Italian language and its diverse uses in the wider field of sport, journalism (especially sports journalism), media and social media.

The analysis of the special languages used in the mass media, social media, journalism and sports, can serve as a common ground for the specific areas of common interest between Greece and Italy in the aim. e.g., of linguistically facilitating the exchange of know-how and the development of communication between Greece and Italy in the specific domains.

  • Features of the Italian special languages of media, social media, journalism and sports.
  • Communication and specifically Italian cultural elements.
  • Basics of Italian terminology of journalism, finance, communication, business and sports.
  • Analysis and translation of texts from the domains of media, social media, journalism and sports.

Learning outcomes:

Upon completion of the subject, and in relation to the Italian for specific uses in the fields of Media, Social Media, Journalism and Sport, students are expected to:

  • Know the basic conceptualization and terminology of the specific language fields (sport, sports journalism, media, media, media), as well as the socio-professional context in which they are embedded
  • be familiar with the most common expressions and the most up-to-date and easy-to-use vocabulary in the specific fields of the Italian language
  • be able to use these specialized vocabularies in their spoken and written communication in a targeted and effective manner
  • be able to use and demonstrate their linguistic and technical knowledge acquired in each of the areas proposed, with a view to internationalization and communicative flexibility.

 Cognitive Objects:

  • characteristics of the Italian media language
  • characteristics of the Italian language of sport and sports journalism
  • elements of Italian journalistic terminology

Teaching Method: distance learning using the HOU’s e-Learning Platform and conducting Group Counselling Meetings (tele-GCM).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.


ΙΤΑ55 Italian for specific uses: commerce, fashion, tourism, wine tasting

Code: ITA55
ECTS Credits: 10
ThU Type: Compulsory
Semester in which offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose – Description of the Th.U.: It is a subject that examines issues of special languages (terminology) and specialized vocabularies of the Italian language that are directly related, on the one hand, to the division of social and professional activity in contemporary society and, on the other hand, to the economic and business developments that play an increasingly important role in the context of globalization, as well as in the bilateral Greek-Italian relations within the EU. Through the analysis of authentic texts, the application of a variety of typology of linguistic and lexical exercises and activities of comprehension and production of written and spoken language, students are given the opportunity to understand the different aspects of the Italian language and its varied use in the wider field of trade, industry and entrepreneurship in areas of common interest between Greece and Italy (especially in the sectors of tourism, fashion and wine tasting) with the aim, inter alia, of developing linguistic competence in the Italian language.

Learning outcomes:

Upon completion of the subject, and in relation to Italian for specific uses in the fields of commerce, tourism, fashion and wine tasting, students are expected to:

  • know the basic conceptual and terminological background of the specific language fields (commerce, industry, entrepreneurship), especially in the fields of tourism, fashion and wine tasting, as well as the socio-professional context in which they are embedded
  • be familiar with the most common expressions and the most up-to-date and easy-to-use vocabulary in the specific fields of the Italian language
  • be able to use these specialised vocabularies in their spoken and written communication in a targeted and effective manner
  • be able to use and demonstrate their linguistic and technical knowledge acquired in each of the areas proposed, with a view to internationalisation and communicative flexibility.

Cognitive Objects:

  • Characteristics of the Italian languages specific to commerce, fashion, tourism, wine tasting
  • Elements of Italian commercial, business and corporate terminology

Teaching Method: distance learning using the HOU’s e-Learning Platform and conducting Group Counselling Meetings (tele-GCM).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.


ΙΤΑ60 History of Modern Italian Literature: Italian-Greek interactions

Code: ITA60
ECTS Credits: 10
ThU Type: Compulsory
Semester in which offered: Thid (3rd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose – Description of the Th.U.: The aim of this subject is to approach the themes and structures of Italian literature of the modern era, on the one hand, through the analysis of samples of literary production and, on the other hand, through the study of the general historical and social context that influenced the cultural shaping factor. Particular emphasis is placed on the Italian-Greek interactions identified in the context of contemporary literature as the fruit of long-standing cultural contacts between the two peoples. In particular, the literary fields examined are those of poetry, prose and theatre, while the comparative analysis of texts and themes highlights all aspects of this endless cultural osmosis.

Learning outcomes:

Upon completion of the subject, and in relation to contemporary Italian literary production, students are expected to:

  • Have understood its historical positioning, its expressive development and the deeper terms of its evolution
  • have acquired a synthetic knowledge of its main themes and their evolution
  • have become familiar with the dominant artistic-literary trends of the period
  • be familiar with the most important authors and their most important works, being able to make a precise classification of them in the literary movements to which they belong and to carry out a thorough stylistic analysis of them
  • have developed a critical understanding of the specific relationship between Italian literature of this period and Greek literature and the wider socio-historical reality and other fields of human activity
  • be able to use the corpus of knowledge and skills acquired for a more substantial analysis, understanding, interpretation and comparison of literary texts of the period in question, using the appropriate methods and tools of contemporary literary criticism

Cognitive Objects:

  • Comparative literature
  • History of Italian literature
  • Contemporary Italian literature
  • Anthology of Italian poetry
  • Comparative list of poetry translation

Teaching Method: distance learning using the HOU’s e-Learning Platform and conducting Group Counselling Meetings (tele-GCM).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.

ΙΤΑ61 Italian for special purposes: legal and diplomatic terminology

Code: ΙΤΑ61
ECTS Credits: 10
ThU Type: Compulsory
Semester in which offered: Third (3rd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose – Description of the Th.U.: It is a unit that examines issues of specific languages (terminology) and specialized vocabularies of the Italian language that are directly related, on the one hand, to the division of social and professional activity in contemporary society and, on the other hand, to international relations, which play an increasingly important role in the context of globalization and the renewal of bilateral Greek-Italian relations. Through the analysis of authentic texts, the application of a variety of typology of linguistic and lexical exercises and activities of comprehension and production of written and spoken language, students are given the opportunity to understand the different manifestations of the Italian language and its diverse use in the wider field of law, (in particular civil, criminal, commercial and public international law) and diplomacy, particularly in relation to public international law and the field of international relations.

Learning outcomes:

Upon completion of the subject, and in relation to Italian for specific uses in the field of law and economics, students are expected to:

  • Know the basic conceptualization and terminology of the specific linguistic fields (law, diplomacy), as well as the socio-professional context in which they are embedded
  • be familiar with the most common expressions and the most up-to-date and easy-to-use vocabulary in the specific fields of the Italian language
  • be able to use these specialised vocabularies in their spoken and written communication in a targeted and effective manner
  • be able to use and demonstrate their linguistic and technical knowledge in each of the areas proposed, with a view to internationalisation and communicative fluency.

Cognitive Objects:

  • Characteristics of Italian special languages of law and diplomacy
  • Elements of Italian commercial, international and European law terminology
  • Elements of Italian diplomatic and political terminology

Teaching Method: distance learning using the HOU’s e-Learning Platform and conducting Group Counselling Meetings (tele-GCM).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.


ΙΤΑ62 Digital forms of art

L.Th.U.: ITA62 (L.Th.U.)
ECTS Credits: 10
ThU Type: Elective
Semester in which offered: Third (3rd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose – Description of the L.Th.U.: This is a Laboratory unit, where the use of new technological means in the creative process is examined. Ways of aesthetic and conceptual processing and composition in artistic works of static and moving images, combined media and multimedia applications are analysed. At the same time, the various modes of linear and non-linear narration, the individual structural and expressive characteristics of artistic media, as well as their organic relationship that constitutes a single polymorphic whole, are examined and analysed. It also examines other art forms that are amenable to the use of digital media, such as comics, animation, visual effects and graffiti, through a comparison of their history in Greece and Italy. The workshop moves on a theoretical level, presenting the historical development, the milestones and the wider dissemination of these art forms, their relationships between them, as well as their relations with other visual and audiovisual arts, while, on a practical level, students are invited to create such art forms in the form of a complete creative proposal and application study.

The aim of this unit is to broaden students’ perception of visual language, the combination of expressive media, the ways of interactivity, the relationship between image and sound. Reference is made to narrative forms of other arts (such as literature, cinema), in correspondence with the ways of narration that can characterize works produced with a combination of expressive media (such as image, sound, film, text), in order to understand and create ways of narration, but also the harmonious synthesis of the parts in a whole. The visual fields of comics, animation, visual effects and graffiti are also approached creatively. Particular emphasis is placed on understanding the important social role that functional animation and applied comics can play in public debate, learning and contemporary communication processes.

Learning outcomes:

After completing the relevant workshop, students are expected to:

  • approach, understand and analyse digital art forms
  • understand, analyse and analyse digital artworks, and understand and analyse digital artworks, and understand the broader national, local and global cultural context in which each such work is situated
  • recognise the links between digital artistic production in Greece and Italy
  • create and/or process, through new technologies, digital art forms, including comics, animation, visual effects and graffiti, as part of an integrated creative proposal and application study.

Teaching Method: distance learning using the HOU’s e-Learning Platform and conducting Group Counselling Meetings (tele-GCM).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.


ΙΤΑ63 Tasting of Italian wines

L.Th.U.: ITA63 (L.Th.U.)
ECTS Credits: 10
ThU Type: Elective
Semester in which offered: Third (3rd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose – Description of the L.Th.U.:

The main purpose of this thematic unit is the knowledge and understanding of both modern and traditional Italian Wines. Initially, a brief overview of international wine production statistics will be given with special emphasis on the values related to Italian wines. Moreover, students will acquire knowledge concerning the main wine-growing regions of Italy, the cultivated varieties, the wine labels, the types of wines produced as well as their classification system based on the legislation. With the aim of a better understanding of Italian wines, they will be trained in the basic principles of wine tasting (both theoretical and practical) so that they will be able to form their own opinion about the quality and the organoleptic characteristics of Italian wines.

Learning outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the thematic unit, the students will be able to:

  • Make comparisons between the statistics concerning the production and marketing of Italian wines with the corresponding international ones.
  • Describe the wine-growing regions of Italy and the respective cultivated grape varieties
  • Distinguish and classify Italian wines based on their geographical origin
  • Recognize the wine labels as well as extract and interpret the included information
  • Understand the classification system of Italian Wines into categories based on quality
  • Identify the dominant organoleptic characteristics of the main Italian Wines
  • Follow the appropriate tasting steps in the correct order
  • Express a documented opinion about the quality of wines based on their own knowledge and testing
  • Name the emblematic Italian grape varieties and the corresponding wines produced

Prerequisite courses: None

Teaching Method: distance learning using the HOU’s e-Learning Platform and conducting Group Counselling Meetings (tele-GCM).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.

ΙΤΑ64 Political thought in 20th century Italy. Political theories, international relations and diplomacy

Code: ITA64
ECTS Credits: 10
ThU Type: Compulsory
Semester in which offered: Fourth (4th)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

Purpose – Description of the Th.U.: The aim of this unit is to outline political thought in Italy during the 20th century, through the exposition of the political theories developed in that country and the way in which they determined the broader political developments at the European level. It also provides a general introduction to the science of International Relations as it developed as a discipline in the 20th century through the evolution of international society. In particular, it analyses the emergence of the modern international order, presents the main theories and approaches to International Relations, and attempts to establish international systems capable of regulating relations between states more satisfactorily. The main developments in the European political scene in the 20th century are also examined, with particular emphasis on the specific role and contribution of Italian diplomacy as a shaping factor. This module focuses on familiarising students with the basic terms, concepts, principles and procedures governing the study of international relations.

Learning outcomes:

After completing the unit on Political Theories in 20th Century Italy, International Relations and Diplomacy, students are expected to:

  • Be familiar with the specific nature of political thought in Italy in the 20th century and the political theories that express it
  • be familiar with the basic concepts and terminology of international relations
  • have an understanding of the theoretical approaches to international relations and have developed critical thinking about them
  • have been introduced to a critical overview of international politics since the beginning of the 20th century
  • have developed a sound understanding of the specific role of communication policy and the conduct of diplomatic procedures on the part of Italy during its modern history
  • have developed a critical understanding of Italy’s position in the contemporary context of international relation

Cognitive Objects:

  • Political theories in Italy from the 19th to the 20th century
  • Italy’s international relations in the 20th century
  • Greek-Italian political and diplomatic relations in the 20th century
  • Italy and the European Union in the 20th century

Teaching Method: distance learning using the HOU’s e-Learning Platform and conducting Group Counselling Meetings (tele-GCM).

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.


ΙΤΑDE Postgraduate Diploma Thesis

ECTS Credits: 20
ThU Type: Compulsory
Semester in which offered: Fourth (4th)
Language of instruction: Greek or Italian, as appropriate
Module Outline

General Description:

The Master’s Thesis can be completed during the fourth semester or beyond, in case the duration of study exceeds the minimum duration for the completion of the MA course, i.e. two (2) years, i.e. four (4) semesters. The topic of the Master’s Thesis is formed at the free will and based on the scientific interests of the students /at the discretion of the student, after consultation with the supervisor. A prerequisite for the selection and definition of the topic is considered to be its direct conceptual and scientific connection with the Thematic Units that make up the MA course. The language of the Master’s Thesis is Greek or Italian, as the case may be.

The general categories of subjects for the Master’s Theses determined by the Director of the Postgraduate Master’s Course after consultation with the Thematic Units Coordinators and are posted on the HOU website before the student’s relevant statement submission period starts. The thematic areas are exemplary and linked to the specialised knowledge areas of the ITA MA course Thematic Units. The subjects proposed by the students may combine aspects from two or more among the proposed subject areas. Examples include:

  • Special topics of contemporary Italian culture
  • Interdisciplinary approach to special language and culture issues
  • Comparative research-juxtaposition of literary fields (trends, authors, works, narrative techniques)
  • History of Italian literature
  • Special issues of language and culture (paremiology and dialects)
  • Italian for special purposes (commerce, fashion, tourism)
  • Tourism and special vocabularies
  • Entrepreneurship of fashion
  • Special issues of contemporary art and culture
  • Digital arts in Italy
  • The reception of Italian contemporary art and literature in Greece
  • Comparative research-juxtaposition of avant-garde literary and normative discourse
  • Sports journalism in Italy
  • Research and verification of online journalistic material
  • Italian and International Journalism
  • Italian and European Journalism

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of ITADE, students will be able to:

  • conduct original research in scholarly fields of literary interest
  • conduct original research in scholarly fields of wider cultural interest
  • search, collect, verify, critically-synthetically process and effectively present information
  • efficiently and creatively use online/digital tools/media to write/edit/distribute their texts
  • critically and responsibly handle both primary and secondary sources

General Regulation for the Preparation of Master’s Theses in postgraduate programmes with a six-month duration.

For more information regarding the Specifications – Useful Material for writing Master’s Theses and uploading a Thesis at the H.O.U. Repository, you can go to the Digital Training Area http://courses.eap.gr and especially to the Program of Studies section.

Prerequisites: The presentation of the Master’s Thesis takes place after the successful completion of the program’s Modules.


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