
Contemporary Italian culture and specific issues of terminology and interpretation (ΙΤΑ)

HOU > Contemporary Italian culture and specific issues of terminology and interpretation (ΙΤΑ)
Subject – Purpose
Learning Outcomes
Admission requirements
Teaching Stuff
Financial Contribution

Subject – Purpose
The main objective of this Programme of Studies is to provide specialized and systematic knowledge in the field of Contemporary Italian Culture, in accordance with the requirements of science and the current needs of the labour market in Greece and internationally. The scientific perspective adopted concerns the acquisition of knowledge, the development of skills-competences and communicative flexibility in the field of Italian language, with a focus on contemporary, specific professional perspectives. The linguistic teaching approach is structured around specific vocabularies and specialised terminology in the context of the proposed professional and scientific fields.

The term modern Italian culture describes all the cultural phenomena that have manifested and developed on Italian territory since 1861, the year of the unification of Italy and the establishment of the modern Italian state, up to the present day. This teaching proposal focuses on an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach to selected themes, with the aim of outlining the formation and evolution of Italian culture in the 20th century and its integration into a broader context of aesthetic and ideological considerations and cultural ferment, with the following scientific objectives:

  1. Linking the acquired knowledge with the modern era and the European reality.
  2. Demonstration of the uninterrupted relationship between Greek and Italian culture, as a consequence of the geographical proximity and cultural affinity of the countries concerned.
  3. Approaching a variety of pragmatic objectives of a socio-professional nature.

ECTS Credits Programme of Studies
The total number of credits (ECTS) required for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma of Specialisation is 120 ECTS.

Characterization of the Postgraduate Program
Master of Literature and linguistics

Classification according to the UNESCO ISCED-2011 code
Based on the Level of Studies: 7

Classification according to the UNESCO Code ISCED-2013
Based on the education sector: 0232- Literature and linguistics

Language of instruction
The language of instruction of the programme, as well as of the thesis, is Greek.

Duration of study
The minimum duration of study is two (2) academic years, i.e. four (4) academic semesters.


*The above files are currently available in Greek

Upon completion of the Postgraduate Studies Programme, students are expected to:

  1. have acquired basic knowledge and developed skills in the Italian language (common and specific vocabulary) capable of serving a variety of communicative, educational, research and professional purposes·
  2. have developed basic listening and production skills in a variety of oral communication situations in Italian;
  3. have acquired knowledge of various aspects of traditionally understood Italian culture and the contemporary Italian world;
  4. to have developed a critical and scientifically informed critical and scholarly approach to representative currents and works of the Italian intelligentsia in the context of literature, the arts and the sciences.
  5. have an understanding of the structure of the cultural development of the Italian-speaking world as recorded in modern times and be able to place it in a network of interactions with both Greek and wider European culture;
  6. have an understanding of the basic concepts, theories and principles underlying the discipline of International Relations, with a focus on the positioning of contemporary Italian diplomacy in the European political and cultural landscape;
  7. be able to support the appropriate choice and fruitful application of the most effective methodology, in terms of research and scientific writing techniques, with a view to their professional development.

The Post-graduate programme accepts graduates or higher institution diplomas of related disciplines. The programme is offered in Greek. 

The knowledge of a foreign language and good computer-Internet skills would be useful for the successful participation in the programme.


Holders of a degree or diploma of higher education means graduates of Greek Universities or Polytechnics or Higher School of Fine Arts or Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education or Higher Technological Educational Institutions (ATEI) or those who hold academically equivalent first cycle degrees from recognized foreign educational institutions with the degrees awarded by the Greek Higher Educational Institutions, in accordance with the provisions of article 304 of Law No. 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/21.07.2022, vol.)


For the evaluation of the application to the Postgraduate Studies Programme, it will be examined whether the candidate’s institution of study is or may be included in the National Register of Recognised Higher Education Institutions of Foreign Countries and whether the candidate’s degree is or may be included in the National Register of Types of Degrees of Recognised Institutions of Foreign Countries.

The Hellenic Open University, if the degree is included in the list of article 307 of Law No. 4957/2022, must request a “Certificate of Place of Study”, which is issued and sent by the foreign university. If the place of study or part of the studies is confirmed as the Greek territory, the degree is not recognized, unless the part of the studies that took place in the Greek territory is in a public higher education institution or in a recognized foreign educational institution within the meaning of paragraph b) of article 299 of Law No. 4957/2022.

The Postgraduate Programme “Contemporary Italian Culture and Special Issues of Terminology and Interpretation” is structured in four (4) academic semesters, which include eight (8) compulsory Thematic Units (Th.U.), one (1) Thematic Unit (Th.U.) of choice, two (2) Laboratory Thematic Units (L.Th.U.) of choice and a postgraduate thesis. The minimum period of study is four (4) academic semesters. For the award of the Postgraduate Diploma of Specialization (P.D.S.), the successful completion of either eight (8) Thematic Units and two (2) Thematic Units, or nine (9) Thematic Units and one (1) Thematic Unit, as well as the successful completion and presentation of the Master’s Thesis in both options is mandatory.

In detail, the structure of the Programme is as follows:

1st semester (30 ECTS)
T.U. Title ECTS
ΙΤΑ50 The avant-garde discourse in 20th century Italian culture and its reception in Greece. Futurism, Dadaism, Surrealism (C¹,10 ECTS)
ΙΤΑ51 Italian language (C,10 ECTS)
ΙΤΑ52 Elements of language and culture: Modern Greek and Italian dialectology with emphasis on language contact (C,10 ECTS)
2nd semester (30 ECTS)
T.U. Title ECTS
ΙΤΑ53 Elements of language and culture: Phraseology and Proverbology (C,10 ECTS)
ΙΤΑ54 Italian for special purposes: Media and Social Media, Journalism, Sport (C,10 ECTS)
ΙΤΑ55 Italian for specific purposes: commerce, fashion, tourism, wine tasting (C,10 ECTS)
3rd semester (30 ECTS)
T.U Title ECTS
ΙΤΑ60 History of the Literature of Modern Italy: Italian – Greek interactions (C,10 ECTS)
ΙΤΑ61 Italian for special purposes: legal and diplomatic terminology (Ε¹,10 ECTS)
ΙΤΑ62 (ΕΘΕ) Digital forms of art (Ε, 10 ECTS)
ΙΤΑ63 Understanding Italian Wines (Ε, 10 ECTS)
4th semester (30 ECTS)
T.U. Title ECTS
ΙΤΑ64 Political thought in 20th century Italy. Political theories, international relations and diplomacy (C,10 ECTS)
ΙΤΑDE Postgraduate Master’s Thesis (C,20 ECTS)
: Compulsory
: Elective


Instructions for the selection of Th.U.

You can choose from one (1) to three (3) Th.U. per semester (30 ECTS), with the limitation of 30 ECTS per semester.

The selection of the Th.U. is made in the order of the structure. Therefore, in the first semester, if you wish to select one (1) Th.U., you must necessarily declare ITA50. If you wish to choose two (2) Th.U., you must choose ITA50 and ITA51. If you wish to choose three (3) Th.U., you must choose ITA50, ITA51 and ITA52. Therefore, the student is required to select the first 3 Th.U.in sequential order.

In the second semester, if you have successfully completed the Th.U. ITA50, in the second semester the student, with a limit of 3 Th.U., must first of all choose the remaining ones from the first semester and additionally choose one or more Th.U. from the second semester. If you have not registered for the examinations for ITA50, you must register for it in the second semester.

In the third semester, if you have successfully completed ITA50, you must first choose any remaining Th.U. from the total of the Th.U. offered in the first two (2) semesters, always with a limit of 3 TH.U. Since, apart from the compulsory Th.U. ITA60, the Th.U. offered in the third semester are electives, you can choose 2 out of the 3. If you have not registered for ITA50, you will be obliged to register for it in the third semester.

The successful completion of the nine (9) Th.U.offered in the first three semesters is required for the preparation of the Master’s Thesis (ITA 64), while the ITA 64 can be declared in parallel with the preparation of the Master’s Thesis, if it is included in the 4th semester.

However, during the process of registering for a Th.U., the Th.U.of the previous semester must be exhausted first and then the subjects of the next semester must be registered.

Attention: the limit of three (3) Th.U. per semester does not include Th.U. in which the students are re-registered after having earned the right to participate in examinations, provided that the total number of Th.U. registered per year does not exceed 60 ECTS.

For the award of the Postgraduate Diploma of Specialization (P.D.Th.), the successful completion of either eight (8) Th.U. and two (2) ECTS, or nine (9) Th.U. and one (1) ECTS, as well as the successful completion and presentation of the Postgraduate Master’s Thesis in both options is mandatory.


Gerasimos Zoras, Professor

Subject: Italian Literature. Interactions between Italian and Greek literature.

e-mail: zoras.gerasimos@ac.eap.gr






























Financial contribution for admitted students until the academic year 2023-2024:

The financial contribution for students to the Programme is as follows:

The cost of each Module is €300, the cost of each Laboratory Course Module (L.C.M.) is €400 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €800.

The total financial contribution for the students who choose the eight (8) course modules, two (2) laboratory course modules and the Master Thesis is: €4,000.

The total financial contribution for the students who choose the nine (9) course modules, one (1) laboratory course module and the Master Thesis is €3,900.

Financial contribution for students commencing from the academic year 2024-2025:

The financial contribution for students to the Programme is as follows:

The cost of each Module is €375, the cost of each Laboratory Course Module (L.C.M.) is €375 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €375.

The total financial contribution for the Programme is: €4,125.



Student Registration Department:

Tel: 2610367316 – E-mail: ita @ eap . gr

Students’ Service Office:

Tel.: +30 2610 367600 – E-mail: info@eap.gr

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