Code: GAL10
ECTS: 15
Type: Compulsory
Semester where it is available:First (1st)
Delivery language: French
General description of the Module: This module is an introductory one.
The objectives of the course are:
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module, students are expected to:
Subject areas:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final written assignment. Final written assignment grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning
Code: GAL11
ECTS: 15
Type: Compulsory
Semester where it is available:First (1st)
Delivery Language: French
General description of the Module:
The objectives of the course are:
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module, students are expected to:
Subject areas:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final written assignment. Final written assignment grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning
Code: GAL20
ECTS : 15
Type: Compulsory
Semester where it is available:Second (2nd)
Delivery Language: French
General description of the Module:
The objectives of the course are:
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module, students are expected to:
Subject areas:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final written assignment. Final written assignment grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning
Code: : GAL21
ECTS : 15
Type: Compulsory
Semester where it is available:Second (2nd)
Delivery Language: French
Course Content:
General description of the Module:
The objectives of the course are:
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module, students are expected to:
Subject areas:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final written assignment. Final written assignment grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning
Code: GAL30
ECTS : 15
Type: Compulsory
Semester where it is available:Third (3rd)
Delivery Language: French
General description of the Module:
The objectives of the course are:
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this Module, students are expected to:
Subject areas:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final written assignment. Final written assignment grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning
Code: GAL31
ECTS : 15
Type: Compulsory
Semester where it is available:First (1st)
Delivery Language: French
General description of the Module:
The objectives of the course are:
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module, students are expected to:
Subject areas:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final written assignment. Final written assignment grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning
Credits ECTS: 30
Type: Compulsory
Semester: Fourth (4th)
Language: French
General description:
Undertaking Master’s Thesis research allows students to cultivate skills related to the adoption of appropriate research methods of data collection and the use of selected research tools in the application of the research methodology to the Teaching of Languages and Cultures. The master’s thesis should be between 15.000 and 18.000 words long.
The Master’s Thesis corresponds to two Thematic Units (Modules), considering that a total of thirty (30) Credits (ECTS) are required. The topic of the Master’s Thesis is selected among the proposed fields, which are announced to the students so that they may draw up the research draft. The final topic of the Master’s Thesis is finalized after consultation with the Supervising Member of the teaching staff.
In order to carry out the Master’s Thesis research, students must have successfully completed all six compulsory Thematic Units of the first, second and third semesters of study. The Master’s Thesis research is carried out by the student in collaboration with two Supervising members of teaching staff and is posted on the HOU digital platform.
In addition, the Master’s Thesis is evaluated through the process of oral examination (viva voce).
Completion of the Postgraduate Study Programme results from the preparation, submission and successful evaluation of the Master’s Thesis.
Learning Outcomes:
For more information regarding the Specifications – Useful Material for writing Master’s Theses and uploading a Thesis at the H.O.U. Repository, you can go to the Digital Training Area http://courses.eap.gr and especially to the Program of Studies section.
Prerequisite courses: The presentation of the Master’s Thesis takes place after the successful completion of the program’s Modules.