
Vlavianou Antigone

Vlavianou Antigone


Curriculum Vitae

She studied French & Greek Literature (University of Athens) and holds a PhD (Doctorat Nouveau Régime) in General & Comparative Literature, (Sorbonne -Paris III). For several years she taught Modern Greek Literature with comparative aspects at the Centre for Open and Distance Learning (CFOAD) of the University of Burgundy. She is Professor of European Literature at the Hellenic Open University, where she is also head of the European Studies Department –where she teaches History of European Literature–, member of the Special Interdisciplinary Committee of the Postgraduate Programme in Creative Writing (since 2016), president of the Academic Committee of the MA Modern Italian Culture, member (since 2020) of the Academic Oversight Committee of the USP “Film Studies: Screenplay, Filmmaking, and Research” HOU’s AASD school, director of the BA in Studies in European Culture (since 2020) and director of the MA in Modern Italian Culture (since 2022). She is also Board member of the Greek General and Comparative Literature Association (since 2008), member of the French Society of General and Comparative Literature (SFLGC, 2002), member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Comparaison (since 2016), Board member of the Hellenic Open University Press (2020-2022), member of the Hellenic Authors’ Society (2021) and President of the Greek General and Comparative Literature Association (since 2022).

Research Interests

The bulk of her writing and research work focuses on the comparative study of European literature (19th-21st century), on urban space in literary prose, on short story writing, on the transformations of autobiographical discourse and on the distance teaching of literature.

Current research project: primary supervisor of postdoctoral researcher K. Markatos, “OBSERVATORY OF THE NATIONAL CULTURAL CAPITAL” (code 80233), in co-supervision with Professor N. Panagiotopoulos (ELKE, HOU).

Awards: Chevalier (Knight) of the Ordre des Palmes Académiques (2017) Awarded by the Ministry of National Education of the French Republic 




  • Metapolitefsi 1974-1981: Literature and cultural history, edited by G. Dimitrakakis, A. Natsina, Publications of the School of Philosophy of the University of Crete 2021.
  • Jean Anouilh, Oedipus or Lame King, translation (surtitles) for theatrical performance (Benaki Museum, 24.09.2020), adapted and directed by Ismini Vlavianou-Cogné.
  • Literature’s space/mode regained - Eleven comparative readings of European literature. Foreword: Antigone Vlavianou, Introduction: Elisabeth Tsirimokou, Patakis Publishers 2020.
  • Jean Anouilh, Oedipus or Lame King, translation (surtitles) for theatrical performance (Benaki Museum, 24.09.2020), adapted and directed by Ismini Vlavianou-Cogné.
  • "Tribute: Jean Cocteau - A heretic visionary of European art", Nea Hestia Magazine, Vol. 1879 (independent issue), 2018.
  • "Tribute: Menis Koumantareas", Nea Hestia Magazine, Vol. 1867, 2015.
  • Mythes – Symboles – Réalités. Mélanges en l’honneur de Georges Fréris, Reo ed. 2015.
  • The Power of Money in Modern Greek Literature - From the Cretan Renaissance to the dawn of the 21st century, ed. by Giorgos P. Pefanis, Publications of the Kostas and Eleni Ourani Foundation 2014.
  • "Tribute: Nassos Detzortzis", Nea Hestia Magazine, vol. 1863, 2014.
  • My Dear Proust - Correspondence between André Gide & Marcel Proust (tr. Nassos Detzortzis), introduction - comments - editing, National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation Publications 2013.
  • Francophonie and Multiculturalism - Mosaics of pluralism in letters and arts, Gregoris Publications 2013. (Co-edited with D. Filias, M. Velioti, Chr. Economopoulou.)
  • Albert Camus, The artist and his time - Speeches in Sweden, introduction - comments - language editing, Kastaniotis Editions 2012.
  • The History of European Literature from the early 18th to the 20th century, vol. 2, Hellenic Open University Press 2008. (Academic Coordination: A. Vlavianou. Authors: A. Vlavianou, G. Gotsi, K. Karakasi, D. Kargiotis, Th. Katsikaros, I. Pipinia, D. Provata, A. Spyropoulou.)
  • Anthology of Literary Works - History of European Literature, ed. Hellenic Open University Press 2008.
  • Dimitri T. Analis, People of the other shore (Hommes de l'autre rive), Livanis Publications 2006. (Translation in collaboration with Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke.)
  • Encyclopédie de la Littérature/ Enciclopedia Garzanti della Letteratura, Garzanti Publishers/La Pochothèque, Paris 2003. (author of entries).
  • The German Occupation Diary by Yorgos Ioannou, unabridged edition (introduction - comments - epilogue), Hestia Publishers 2000.
  • R. Barthes, M. Butor, M. Duras - Fr. Mitterrand, D. Sallenave: selection-introduction-translation for the special issue "Contemporary French literature", I Lexi Magazine, vol. 69-70, 1987.
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