Course Unit Code: ETA50
Credits ECTS: 15
Course Type: Compulsory
Semester: First (1st)
Language: Greek
Module Outline
Purpose of the Module: The purpose of the module is outlined through its main thematic fields, which concern the overview and history of distance education, the critical approach to the concept of “open education”, as well as the presentation and discussion of the structures and functions of HOU, in a way that makes it the first and only innovative higher distance education institution in Greece.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module “Open and Distance Education: theory, institutions, and functions”, you will be able to:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Teaching method: distance learning using the HOU’s E-Learning Platform and conducting Group Consultation Meetings (tele-GCM, face-to-face).
Course Unit Code: ETA51
Credits ECTS: 15
Course Type: Compulsory
Semester: First (1st)
Language: Greek
Module Outline
Purpose of the Module: The presentation and critical discussion of basic principles and guidelines for planning teaching and learning at a distance, in an innovative and qualitative way, making the most of modern technological applications.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module “Innovation in distance education: technological and pedagogical applications”, you will be able to:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Teaching method: Distance learning using the HOU’s E-Learning Platform and conducting Group Consultation Meetings (tele-GCM, face-to-face).
Course Unit Code: ETA52
Credits ECTS: 15
Course Type: Compulsory
Semester: Second (2nd)
Language: Greek
Module Outline
Purpose of the Module: The design and creation of educational material suitable for distance education is at the core of this module, which is completed through presentation and your active engagement with distance teaching and learning, drawing on theoretical data, original applications, and indicative examples.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module “The educational material and the design of teaching and learning, you will be able to:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Teaching method: Distance learning using the HOU’s E-Learning Platform and conducting Group Consultation Meetings (tele-GCM, face-to-face).
Course Unit Code: ETA53
Credits ECTS: 15
Course Type: Compulsory
Semester: Second (2nd)
Language: Greek
Module Outline
Purpose of the Module: Through this module, you will be able to examine essential support practices in a distance teaching and learning institution. You will also be introduced to the adult learning methodology, as well as the communication practices between tutors and learners in a distance team-work environment.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module “Teachers and Students in Open and Distance Learning environments: Implementation and Support”, you will be able to:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Teaching method: Distance learning using the HOU’s E-Learning Platform and conducting Group Consultation Meetings (tele-GCM, face-to-face).
Course Unit Code: ETA60
Credits ECTS: 15
Course Type: Compulsory
Semester: Third (3rd)
Language: Greek
Module Outline
Purpose of the Module: Information and Communication Technologies are the core of this module, in order for terms such as online learning and e-learning to be clarified, while explaining how to design, develop, manage and evaluate digital learning environments.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module “Information and Communication Technologies in Education: online learning and e-learning”, you will be able to:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Teaching method: Distance learning using the HOU’s E-Learning Platform and conducting Group Consultation Meetings (tele-GCM, face-to-face).
Course Unit Code: ETA61
Credits ECTS: 15
Course Type: Compulsory
Semester: Third (3rd)
Language: Greek
Module Outline
Purpose of the Module: If we agree that a postgraduate program should focus on research, then it is crucial to reveal the basic principles of the scientific methods that are used in distance education, to discuss matters of ethics that should be kept in every step of our research design and to describe the specifications of academic writing.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module “Research methodology, design and writing of scientific work”, you will be able to:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Teaching method: Distance learning using the HOU’s E-Learning Platform and conducting Group Consultation Meetings (tele-GCM, face-to-face).
Course Unit Code: ETA62
Credits ECTS: 15
Course Type: Optional Mandatory
Semester: Fourth (4th)
Language: Greek
Module Outline
Purpose of the Module: Digital literacy, alternative digital forms of distance education and communication, as well as the types and forms of digital media in distance education and communication, are the issues on which this module focuses in a critical and dialectical way.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module “Digital Media in education and communication”, you will be able to:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Teaching method: Distance learning using the HOU’s E-Learning Platform and conducting Group Consultation Meetings (tele-GCM, face-to-face).
Course Unit Code: ETA63
Credits ECTS: 15
Course Type: Optional Mandatory
Semester: Fourth (4th)
Language: Greek
Module Outline
Purpose of the Module: This module focuses on the description, organisation and development of distance education institutions, study programs and organisational schemes, highlighting at the same time the key dimensions of evaluation and quality assurance.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module “Design, development, and management of distance education programs”, you will be able to:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisite courses: None
Teaching method: Distance learning using the HOU’s E-Learning Platform and conducting Group Consultation Meetings (tele-GCM, face-to-face).
Code : ETADE
Credits ECTS: 30
Type: Optional Mandatory
Semester: Fourth (4th)
Language: Greek
Module Outline
Content: The Postgraduate Diploma Thesis can be an be completed during the 4th semester or beyond, in case the duration of study exceeds the minimum duration for the completion of the program, i.e. two (2) years, i.e. four (4) semesters. The length of the Postgraduate Diploma Thesis is set at 20,000 words, excluding the Cover Page, Acknowledgements, Contents, Abstract, Bibliography and Appendices.
The general categories of topics for the Theses are determined by the Director of the Master’s Program, after consultation with the Module Coordinators, and are posted on the website of the HOU, before the beginning of the registration period for students.
In this context, indicative subject areas are given, which are directly related to the specialised knowledge areas of the Master’s modules.
The realization of the Postgraduate Diploma Thesis is governed by the following stages:
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the diploma thesis of Education and Technologies in Distance Teaching and Learning Systems –Educational Sciences (ΕΤΑ), you will be able to:
For more information regarding the Specifications – Useful Material for writing Master’s Theses and uploading a Thesis at the H.O.U. Repository, you can go to the Digital Training Area http://courses.eap.gr and especially to the Program of Studies section.
Prerequisites: The presentation of the Diploma Thesis takes place after the successful completion of the program’s Modules.