
Education and Technologies in Distance Teaching and Learning Systems – Educational Sciences (ΕΤΑ)

HOU > Education and Technologies in Distance Teaching and Learning Systems – Educational Sciences (ΕΤΑ)
Purpose - Description
Learning Outcomes
Admission requirements
Teaching Staff
Financial Contribution

Description of the Programme

The development of a Postgraduate Programme on distance education systems is an important and structural element of an open university, as it promotes studies in a field, which characterizes the philosophy and physiognomy of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) itself.

The field of Open and Distance Education is currently taught as a module (EKP65) within the framework of the Postgraduate Programme “Education Sciences”. Its upgrading to a postgraduate programme of study is required and justified by the fact that:

  • The HOU is the only University in Greece providing distance education as an exclusive method of studies and many years of experience, therefore it is the appropriate University to establish a Postgraduate Programme in distance education.
  • It is the educational pillar and the core of the HOU.
  • It has experienced tremendous growth in all forms and levels of education, both in Greece and abroad.
  • It is adopted as an essential methodology and philosophy of education by the Ministry of Education and hundreds of private and public sector institutions, educational institutions of all types, levels, and forms.
  • It uses and develops all modern technologies and applies them to education.
  • For the first time in Greece, open and distance education and its connection with technologies is activated in a curriculum (a long-standing demand of the Ministry of Education, universities, public and private sector educational institutions, researchers, teachers, and students).
  • It absorbs and uses funds from the European Union and Greece.
  • It is linked to the solution of many educational problems that arise in Greek education, due to the socio-economic crisis, the distance, the difficulty of access for a large part of the population.
  • It provides an outlet for postgraduate studies in the fields of pedagogy and methodology of distance education and Information and Communication Technologies, attracting a large number of students.
  • It aims at collaborations with other open or traditional Universities in Greece and abroad, at the level of postgraduate studies, dissertations, doctoral theses, research programmes, conferences, seminars, interdisciplinary approaches, development of educational material, scientific bodies or associations, etc.


The Postgraduate Programme “Education and Technologies in Distance Teaching and Learning Systems –Educational Sciences” has as its subject and refers to the expertise of open universities, distance universities, traditional universities offering distance education and training in primary education, secondary and higher education, lifelong learning and adult education, in-service training (municipalities, enterprises, banks, companies), Institutes of Vocational Training and Vocational Training Centres as well as private business training.

The aim of the Postgraduate Programme “Education and Technologies in Distance Teaching and Learning Systems – Education Sciences” is to provide knowledge and develop skills in the interdisciplinary subject of open and distance education and educational technology, with emphasis on the use of digital and traditional distance education, modern teaching and learning processes, the design and development of educational material, research and all modern forms of technology.

The main objectives of the Postgraduate Programme are the expertise of students in the development of open and distance learning systems, the systems’ design, development, management, implementation, and evaluation.

Other general objectives of the Postgraduate Programme are:

  • The development and elaboration of theories covering all the disciplines of the suggested programme and the interactions between them.
  • The connection and elaboration of all fields of knowledge of the programme with the theories / sciences, which are the foundations of its structure (pedagogy, critical pedagogy, sociology of education, learning theories, didactics, communication, adult education, information and communication technologies, digital media and their use in education, evaluation, history of distance education and open institutions, digital management of educational structures [e-learning and online learning], open educational resources, design and development of educational and training systems, open educational resources, design and development of educational and training systems, and the use of digital media in education.
  • Expertise in the organisation and management of open, alternative and distance education institutions of all levels and grades.
  • The use of all alternative forms of communication and technology in education.
  • The expertise and use of digital information and communication technologies in education [e-learning and online learning].
  • Analysis, development and expertise in teaching and learning.
  • Expertise in research methodology issues in the subjects that form the basis of this postgraduate programme.
  • Linking theory to practice across the whole range and disciplines of the programme.
  • The adoption and application of innovative and pioneering practices in the design and development of the programme and educational material that have not been implemented at the HOU up to now.

The HOU, as a statutory public university for open and distance education, does not yet have a Postgraduate Programme in the subject that all its programmes and the education it offers use.

The Postgraduate Programme ” Education and Technologies in Distance Teaching and Learning Systems –Educational Sciences” will strengthen its prestige and its dynamics, because it will be able to offer integrated studies in its own philosophy, methodology, strategy, education, and research, in order to transmit in modern terms its own identity in a constantly developing scientific field.

ECTS Credits

The total number of credits (ECTS) required for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma of Specialisation (M.Sc.) is 120 ECTS.

Characterization of the Postgraduate Program

Master of Education (M.Ed.)

Classification according to the UNESCO ISCED-2011 code

  • by level of study: 7

Classification according to the UNESCOCode ISCED-2013

  • based on the field of education: 0188 Inter-disciplinary programs and qualifications involving education / 0188 – Interdisciplinary program in the fields:

0111 Education science

0114 Teacher training with subject specialisation

Duration of study

The minimum duration of the programme is two (2) years, i.e. four (4) semesters.


*The above files are currently available in Greek.

During your studies in the Postgraduate Programme “Education and Technologies in Distance Teaching and Learning Systems – Educational Sciences” our intention is to support you achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • acknowledge the theory and history of distance education,
  • critically discuss issues of openness in education, especially in distance education,
  • evaluate the HOU as an innovative higher education institution that provides distance education,
  • apply innovative principles and techniques of distance teaching and learning using appropriate technology,
  • design and create educational material suitable for distance teaching and learning,
  • organize interactive group counselling meetings, whether implemented face-to-face or in digital environments,
  • develop online learning and teaching environments,
  • effectively support learners at a distance,
  • select appropriately alternative digital forms of learning and communication,
  • structure, manage and evaluate distance learning organizational arrangements,
  • conduct research in a systematic way,
  • write an academic paper.

The Post-graduate programme accepts graduates or higher institution diplomas of related disciplines. The programme is offered in Greek. 

The knowledge of a foreign language and good computer-Internet skills would be useful for the successful participation in the programme.


Holders of a degree or diploma of higher education means graduates of Greek Universities or Polytechnics or Higher School of Fine Arts or Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education or Higher Technological Educational Institutions (ATEI) or those who hold academically equivalent first cycle degrees from recognized foreign educational institutions with the degrees awarded by the Greek Higher Educational Institutions, in accordance with the provisions of article 304 of Law No. 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/21.07.2022, vol.)


For the evaluation of the application to the Postgraduate Studies Programme, it will be examined whether the candidate’s institution of study is or may be included in the National Register of Recognised Higher Education Institutions of Foreign Countries and whether the candidate’s degree is or may be included in the National Register of Types of Degrees of Recognised Institutions of Foreign Countries.

The Hellenic Open University, if the degree is included in the list of article 307 of Law No. 4957/2022, must request a “Certificate of Place of Study”, which is issued and sent by the foreign university. If the place of study or part of the studies is confirmed as the Greek territory, the degree is not recognized, unless the part of the studies that took place in the Greek territory is in a public higher education institution or in a recognized foreign educational institution within the meaning of paragraph b) of article 299 of Law No. 4957/2022.

Route Α’ (includes the production of a Diploma Thesis)

1st Semester: 30 ECTS


Open and Distance Education: theory, institutions and functions

(C¹, 15 ECTS)


Innovation in distance education: technological and pedagogical applications

(C, 15 ECTS)

2nd Semester: 30 ECTS


The teaching material and the design of teaching and learning

(C, 15 ECTS)


Teachers and Students in Open and Distance Learning environments: Implementation and Support

(C, 15 ECTS)

3rd Semester: 30 ECTS


Information and Communication Technologies in Education: online learning and e-learning

(C, 15 ECTS)


Research methodology, design and writing of scientific work

(C, 15 ECTS)

4th Semester: 30 ECTS


Diploma Thesis

(C, 30 ECTS)


Route Β’ (without the production of a Diploma Thesis)

1st Semester: 30 ECTS


Open and Distance Education: theory, institutions and functions

(C¹, 15 ECTS)


Innovation in distance education: technological and pedagogical applications

(C, 15 ECTS)

2nd Semester: 30 ECTS


The teaching material and the design of teaching and learning

(C, 15 ECTS)


Teachers and Students in Open and Distance Learning environments: Implementation and Support

(C, 15 ECTS)

3rd Semester: 30 ECTS


Information and Communication Technologies in Education: online and e-learning

(C, 15 ECTS)


Research methodology, design and writing of scientific work

(C, 15 ECTS)

4th Semester: 30 ECTS


Digital media in education and communication

(C, 15 ECTS)


Design, development and management of distance education programmes

(C, 15 ECTS)


Instructions for unit selection

You can choose from one (1) to two (2) units per semester (30 ECTS per semester).
When registering for a unit, you must first exhaust the units of the previous semesters and then start selecting the unit of the following semester. For example, if you have successfully completed one (1) unit from the first semester and in the second semester you wish to select two (2) units, you must necessarily select one (1) remaining unit from the first semester and one (1) from the second semester and so on.
If you choose the structure without the Diploma Thesis, you are required to successfully complete the eight (8) units of the programme in order to receive the post-graduate degree.

If, however, you choose the structure with the Diploma Thesis, you are required to successfully complete the six (6) units of the programme, as well as the Diploma Thesis, in order to obtain the post-graduate degree. The successful completion of units of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd semester is a prerequisite for the Diploma Thesis.

The minimum duration of the programme is two (2) years.


Antonios Lionarakis, Professor
Subject: Open and Distance Education

e-mail: alionar@eap.gr

Financial contribution for admitted students until the academic year 2023-2024:

The financial contribution for students to the Programme is as follows:

The cost of each Module is €450 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €900.

The total financial contribution for students who choose eight (8) modules of the Programme is: €3,600.

The total financial contribution for students who choose six (6) modules and the Master Thesis of the Programme is: €3,600.

Financial contribution for students commencing from the academic year 2024-2025:

The financial contribution for students to the Programme is as follows:

The cost of each Module is €500 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €1,000.

The total financial contribution for students who choose eight (8) modules of the Programme is: €4,000.

The total financial contribution for students who choose six (6) modules and the Master Thesis of the Programme is: €4,000.

For information about the programme contact:

Student Registration Department

Contact: 2610367427
Ε-mail: eta@eap.gr

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