
Interdisciplinary PSP Aging and chronic diseases management – Thematic Units

HOU > Interdisciplinary PSP Aging and chronic diseases management (GXN) > Interdisciplinary PSP Aging and chronic diseases management – Thematic Units

GXN10: Physiology

Unit Code: GXN10
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of Unit: Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered: First (1st )
Language of instruction:Greek
Module Outline

General description of the Thematic Unit:

The aim of this course unit GXN10 is to equip students with basic knowledge of the physiological function of the human body. Students will be taught the basic principles and mechanisms regulating the function of the human body, by means of organ and system. Furthermore, the effects of environmental pollutants on the physiology of cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, gastrointestinal, central nervous system and urinary system will be analyzed.

Each area is comprised of subsections. More specifically, in the context of these subsections the following chapters will be taught:

  • Cell physiology: Cell physiology.
  • Systems physiology:

        1) Blood physiology.

        2) Physiology of the cardiovascular system.

        3) Physiology of the respiratory system.

        4) Physiology of the urological system.

        5) Physiology of the gastrointestinal system.

        6) Neuromuscular system physiology.

        7) Endocrine glands physiology.

        8) Reproductive system physiology.

        9) Aging physiology.

  • Environmental health effects:
    • Effects of the environment in the cardiovascular, respiratory and renal system
    • Effects of the environment in the central nervous system, in the endocrine system and in the gastrointestinal system.

Learning Outcomes:

This course provides the students basic knowledge and background for understanding the physiological function of the human systems. The course material aims at the integration of the functions of the above systems so that the student acquires a solid background on the positioning and the role of each system in the physiological function of the human body. Furthermore, the course provides the student with the necessary knowledge of the effects of environmental factors to human physiology.

Upon successful completion of the course the students will be able to:

  • Basic principles and laws that govern the function of the human body
  • Understand basic concepts of physiology at the cellular level
  • Understand the basic functions of organ systems under physiological conditions
  • Apply knowledge from physiology as reference in other course units
  • Correlate environmental effects with dysfunction of physiological systems

Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit: This course unit will explore the           

following fields of physiology:

  • Cell physiology
  • Systems physiology
  • Environmental health effects

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade. 

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.

Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.

GXN11: Pathology of ageing – geriatrics

Unit Code: GXN11
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of unit:Elective
Semester in which it is offered: First (1st )
Language of instruction:Greek
Module Outline

General description of the Thematic Unit:

During the present course, students will understand the basic acute and chronic disorders related to aging. Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to describe the causes, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the main diseases of elderly. Additionally, students will be able to analyze the differences in the occurrence of diseases in old age, the basic principles of holistic geriatric assessment and syndromes of old age such as frailty. Finally, the course aims at updating the knowledge on rehabilitation and treatment programmes for elderly or chronically ill patients. 

Content of the Thematic Unit:

  • Aging and Organization of Geriatric Services
  • Clinical Evaluation of elderly patients
  • Frailty
  • Rehabilitation
  • Falls in the geriatric population
  • Special considerations in medication use in the elderly
  • Disorders of the nervous system- Stroke
  • Common infections in the elderly
  • Pressure ulcers
  • Sexual dysfunction in the elderly
  • Balance and Instability – Osteoarthritis – Osteoporosis
  • Disorders of the musculoskeletal system (gout, osteomyelitis, chronic pain)
  • Peripheral arterial disease – Venous thromboembolic disease
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal system
  • Nutritional disorders in the elderly
  • Fluid and electrolyte disturbances in the elderly
  • Urinary system disorders
  • Urinary and fecal incontinence
  • Skin disorders
  • Ear diseases
  • Hematological diseases
  • Eye diseases
  • Malignancy in the elderly
  • Endocrine system disorders (thyroid disorders, adrenal disorders)
  • Perioperative management of the elderly

         Learning Outcomes:

During the present course, students will understand the basic acute and chronic disorders related to aging. Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to describe the causes, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the main diseases of elderly. Additionally, students will be able to analyze the differences in the occurrence of diseases in old age, the basic principles of holistic geriatric assessment and syndromes of old age such as frailty. Finally, the course aims at updating the knowledge on rehabilitation and treatment programmes for elderly or chronically ill patients.  Specifically, after successfully completing the course, students will be able to:

  • Understand how the natural mechanisms of progression to old age correspond to diseases
  • Distinguish between the normal decline of functions from the pathology of aging
  • Assess the organic health problems of the elderly
  • Recognize urgent pathological conditions in the third age

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade. 

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.

Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.

GXN12: Psychology – Counselling

Unit Code: GXN12
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of unit:Elective
Semester in which it is offered: First (1st )
Language of instruction:Greek
Module Outline

General description of the Thematic Unit:

The aim of this unit is to introduce the basic concepts of psychology as a human science with emphasis on existential issues related to life – disease – old age and death. Further, psychological issues of people with symptoms of chronic disease as well as older people are analyzed. Furthermore, counselling interventions for both themselves and their families are approached and therapeutic pathways for such counselling are suggested.

         Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course the students will be able to:

  • Know the theories of humanistic, cognitive and social psychology
  • Conceptualize terms such as illness, symptom, death and encapsulate psychological approaches to chronic illness and ageing
  • Understand the application of psychological models in old age
  • Socialize ideas and reflect on psychological care of patients with chronic symptoms and older persons.
  • Apply the principles of counseling in approaching social, cultural and emotional issues related to aging and chronic disease.

Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:

  • Psychology of the elderly, chronically ill
  • Counselling of the elderly, chronically ill
  • Operation of a support group for older people

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade. 

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.

Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.


GXN13: Social gerontology

Unit Code:GXN13
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of unit:Elective
Semester in which it is offered: First (1st )
Language of instruction:Greek
Module Outline

Content of the Thematic Unit:

  • Object of social gerontology
  • Cultural influences on aging
  • Active aging – healthy aging
  • Determinants of health in aging – personal, behavioral, social, economic, physical
  • Social care
  • Health services for the elderly
  • Sexuality and the elderly
  • Care of the elderly

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course the students:

  • Know the epidemiological and demographic aspects of aging
  • Understand health determinants for older adults
  • Understand healthy – active aging
  • Understand the interactions of socio-economic data in relation to the social status and social role of the elderly
  • Know the role of care and its particularities in the elderly
  • Apply their knowledge to improve interpersonal and intergenerational relationships.

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade. 

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.

Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.


GXN20: Neurological and psychiatric disorders

Unit Code: GXN20
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of Unit: Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered: Second (2nd )
Language of instruction:Greek
Module Outline

General description of the Thematic Unit:

The purpose of the course is the study and understanding of psychiatric and neurological nosology and the therapeutic methods used with an emphasis on the elderly and those suffering from chronic diseases.

The thematic section refers to chronic neurological diseases, with an emphasis on neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

It also refers to psychiatric diseases such as depression which is common in the elderly and burdens their general state of health as well as psychotic disorders which are usually observed in the context of neurodegenerative diseases.

         Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Recognize the etiology, diagnosis and therapeutic interventions in neurological and psychiatric disorders
  • Understand the incidence of these diseases in the general population and how patients, carers and health systems are affected
  • Understand the effects of psychiatric and neurological diseases on the social status and social role of the elderly
  • Assess deficiencies in treatment and become familiar with non-pharmacological interventions

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade. 

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.

Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.

GXN21: Respiratory, cardiovascular disorders

Unit Code: GXN21
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of unit:Elective
Semester in whch it is offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction:Greek
Module Outline

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  • Describe and evaluate the diagnostic process, differential diagnosis and therapeutic approach in respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Evaluate and document subjective and objective data relating to the diagnosis and care planning of a patient with a respiratory or cardiovascular disease.
  • Recognize and analyze issues related to research, evidence-based practice and improving the quality of care provided to this patient population.

Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:

  • Chronic Respiratory diseases
  • Heart diseases (heart attack, ischaemic, hyperlipidemia)
  • Vascular diseases (stroke, vascular disorders)

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade. 

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.

Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.

GXN22: Diabetes mellitus, Renal failure, Interstitial anaemia, Sickle cell anaemia

Unit Code: GXN22
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of unit:Elective
Semester in which it is offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction:Greek
Module Outline

Content of the Thematic Unit:

  • Familiarization week and introduction to the Thematic Unit – Epidemiology – Diagnosis of DM.
  • Pathophysiology of type 1 and 2 DM.
  • Chronic vascular complications of DM – Microvascular and macrovascular complications – Diabetic eye disease – Diabetic neuropathy.
  • Acute complications of DM.
  • General principles of diabetes treatment – Treatment of diabetes with tablets and GLPI analogues – Treatment of diabetes with insulin.
  • DM and special conditions – DM and pregnancy – DM and musculoskeletal manifestations – DM and quality of life.
  • Pathophysiology – Laboratory investigation – Diabetic Nephropathy.
  • Therapeutic management of CKD – Quality of life in patients with CKD.
  • Hemoglobin diseases – Epidemiology – Pathophysiology of hemoglobin diseases.
  • Clinical Picture of Homozygous β Thalassemia, Sickle Cell Anemia – Complications
  • Treatment of Thalassemia – Treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia – Hemoglobin diseases and quality of life.
  • Semester work.
  • The role of health professionals in chronic diseases.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  • Recognize the clinical manifestations and complications of diabetes mellitus, CHD and haemoglobinopathies
  • Understand the impact of these chronic diseases on the quality of life of patients
  • Understand the role of prevention and early diagnosis of the diseases
  • Judge the therapeutic interventions in the disease
  • Understand the role of health professionals in chronic diseases

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade. 

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.

Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning .

GXN23: Chronic pain management – End-of-life support

Unit Code: GXN23
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of unit:Elective
Semester in which it is offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction:Greek
Module Outline

General description of the Thematic Unit:

The aim of this unit is to study and understand the mechanisms of pain and its management as well as to acquire knowledge of palliative care and end-of-life support.

         Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the unit, the student will be able to:

  • To know the basic principles of chronic pain management
  • Recognize the basic concepts and philosophy of palliative care and the structures of provision of palliative care
  • Understand the impact of chronic pain on the quality of life of patients
  • Assess the organic, psychological, social and spiritual palliative care needs of patients and their families throughout the disease and at the end of life.

Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:

  • Chronic pain
  • Spirituality, psychological support for the chronically ill
  • End-of-life support

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade. 

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.

Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.

GXN30: Health economics

Unit Code: GXN30
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of Unit: Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered: Third (3rd)
Language of instruction: Greek
Module Outline

General description of the Thematic Unit:

The purpose of this unit is to familiarize the reader with economic concepts concerning the functioning of the health care system, to understand how decisions are made on the quantity of health care services produced, how the prices of health care services are determined, which factors have a significant impact on the demand and supply of health care services. Among other things, this unit aims to explain to the student why the state intervenes in the health sector, what are the specific characteristics of the health commodity, what are the determinants of health expenditure, how health services are financed, what are the effects of health expenditure on the economy, what is the structure of the health system, how efficiently are the resources of the health system allocated and utilised and what is the relationship between efficiency and social justice in the health sector. Having completed the health economics unit you will be able to know and think in economic terms about how the health services sector works.

         Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to know:

  • What is health and what are health services
  • The reasons for state intervention in health
  • What is the phenomenon of moral hazard and induced demand
  • How to determine the demand and supply of health services
  • How are the prices of health services determined
  • What is the structure of the health care system
  • How is the health care system financed
  • How is efficiency linked to social justice
  • What is the impact of health expenditure on the economy
  • How is the efficiency of hospitals affected

Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:

  • State intervention and the health system
  • The role of primary care
  • The role of secondary care

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade. 

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.

Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.

GXN31: Human Rights and Patients’ Associations

Unit Code: GXN31
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of unit:Elective
Semester in whch it is offered: Third (3rd)
Language of instruction:Greek
Module Outline

General description of the Thematic Unit:

The purpose of this unit is to familiarize the reader with the concept of human rights, the discrimination of rights, their historical development and the way they are constituted, as well as with the concepts of self-help, self-advocacy and the role of the patients’ association. In particular, this unit consists of two distinct subsections.

The first subsection, which covers eight teaching weeks, deals with the way human rights are constituted and developed in the European and global context, the analysis of discrimination of rights, the safeguarding of fundamental (individual) rights, the concept of social and health rights, and bioethics.

The second subsection deals with the importance and role of the patients’ association. In particular, it presents and analyses the concepts of self-organisation and self-help, empowerment, advocacy and self-advocacy, how citizens can participate in decision-making regarding health policies and the promotion of population health, as well as the role of the patients’ association.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the unit, students will generally be able to know:

  • What are human rights and what is their importance for a fairer and safer world for people in general and for patients in particular.
  • What are the health rights of patients protected by the welfare state.
  • Τhe role and importance of state institutions and NGOs as well as international organizations for the protection of patients’ rights.
  • How can patients help themselves.
  • How can citizens and patient associations participate in health decision-making.

Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:

  • Delimitation, Human Rights History, and International Organizations
  • Fundamental rights (individual, economic, political and social)
  • Self-help and Patients’ Associations (Self-help, Rights of the elderly, sick and chronically ill, good practices of patients’ associations)

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade. 

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.

Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.

GXN32: Insurance institutions – Support structures

Unit Code:GXN32
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of unit:Elective
Semester in which it is offered: Third (3rd)
Language of instruction:Greek
Module Outline

General description of the Thematic Unit:

Insurance institutions play an important role in addressing so-called insurance and social risks. Both public insurance bodies (social insurance) and private insurance bodies (private insurance companies) contribute directly to the management of social and insurance risks. Health risk is one of the most important risks that, if it occurs, the impact on both the individual and society can be so significant and irreversible if it were not for the collective response. The objectives of this module are to analyse the concept of social and insurance risks by focusing its analysis on the risk of illness/illness and the risk of accidents. It will analyse the form of the market for insurance services, the way in which insurance institutions (public and private) manage social and insurance risks, how they make decisions on the services offered and how they are priced, the way in which the services offered are financed and the control exercised by the state and the competent institutions. Among other things, the module aims to analyze how consumers are protected and the basic principles of management of both public and private insurance providers.

         Learning Outcomes:

 Upon completion of the unit, students will generally be able to know:

  • What is social and insurance risk
  • What is the structure of the insurance market
  • What is the role of private insurance carriers
  • What is the role of social insurance
  • The causes of state intervention in the health sector
  • The role of rehabilitation centers and their relations with insurance companies and social insurance
  • The structure of the insurance market
  • The pricing process for insurance services
  • The way in which insurance and social risks are managed
  • The ways in which insurance undertakings are managed
  • The way in which consumers are protected
  • The ways in which insurance undertakings are controlled

Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:

  • Philosophy and structure of social security
  • Philosophy and structure of private insurance
  • Rehabilitation centers

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade. 

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.

Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.

GXN33: Financial management of health care facilities

Unit Code:GXN33
ECTS Credits: 10
Type of unit:Elective
Semester in which it is offered:Third (3rd)
Language of instruction:Greek
Module Outline

General description of the Thematic Unit:

The aim of this unit is the study and in-depth financial management of health care facilities with emphasis on the presentation and evaluation of the financial situation, the planning of operations based on cost data and the evaluation of investment proposals.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course the students:

  • will know the framework for the preparation of the Financial Statements of health care facilities
  • Understand the content of the Financial Statements
  • will know the most important indicators and their categorisation
  • will be able to apply the techniques of financial statement analysis
  • Understand the concepts of costs and revenues
  • Know the different categories of costs
  • Will be able to identify the break-even point of health care facilities.
  • will understand the time value of money
  • will know the most important parameters of business investment decisions
  • will be able to apply the most important techniques for evaluating investment projects with reference to the health services industry.

Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:

  • Financial information
  • Use of cost data for planning and decision making
  • Evaluation of investment projects

Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade. 

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.

Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.


GXNDT: Postgraduate Diploma Thesis

Unit Code: GXNDT
ECTS Credits: 30
Type of Unit: Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered: Fourth (4th)
Language of instruction:Greek
Module Outline


General description of the Thematic Unit:

The postgraduate thesis is meant to combine and utilize the knowledge students have acquired over the course of their studies.

Students may propose a topic of their choosing for their Postgraduate Diploma Thesis, taking into account a special list of topics drafted by the Director and the Module Coordinators. This list is drafted based on the wider subject matter of the postgraduate studies program, as well as those of the individual Modules.

Indicative topics for research:

  • Physiology
  • Pathology of ageing – geriatrics
  • Psychology – Counselling
  • Social gerontology
  • Neurological, psychiatric disorders
  • Respiratory, cardiovascular disorders
  • Diabetes mellitus, renal failure, interstitial anaemia, sickle cell anaemia
  • Chronic pain management – End-of-life support
  • Health Economics
  • Human Rights and Patients’ Associations
  • Insurance institutions – Support structures

         Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of their Postgraduate Diploma Thesis, students will be able to:

  • Apply the theoretical knowledge they acquired during their studies while dealing with a modern problem in the Aging and chronic diseases management.
  • implement a literature review
  • Combine quantitative and qualitative methods to approach complex problem related to the supply chain.
  • Utilize critically and responsibly primary as well as secondary data sources.
  • Effectively and creatively utilize internet/digital tools/media to draft/edit/distribute their texts.

General Regulation for the Preparation of Master’s Theses in postgraduate programmes with a six-month duration.

For more information regarding the Specifications – Useful Material for writing Master’s Theses and uploading a Thesis at the H.O.U. Repository, you can go to the Digital Training Area http://courses.eap.gr and especially to the Program of Studies section.

Prerequisites: Students must have successfully completed the Modules of the first three semesters before they can start their postgraduate diploma thesis.

Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning

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