The joint distance Inter-disciplinary Postgraduate Program “Management of ageing and chronic diseases” aims at the specialisation of graduates in health sciences. University graduates from a wide range of disciplines will have the opportunity to specialise in the management of the elderly and chronic disease sufferers, an area of particula`r importance and significant problems. The aim of the MSc is to equip graduates with the necessary knowledge on contemporary developments in the provision of health care services and the application of this knowledge to the management of ageing and chronic diseases and the promotion of health and quality of life. The MSc offers specialisation which will meet real and substantial needs and will contribute to the upgrading of the Greek educational system.
Upon completion of the programme, students:
Classification according to Unesco code ISCED-2013
Classification of Postgraduate Studies
Master of Science (MSc)
ECTS Credits
The total number of credits (ECTS) required for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma of Specialisation (MSc) is 120 ECTS.
Duration of study
The minimum duration for the completion of the programme is two (2) years, i.e. four (4) semesters. The maximum duration for the completion of the joint program is set at six (6) years.
Language of instruction
The language of instruction of the program is Greek.
Medicine AEI, Pharmacy AEI, Dentistry AEI, Biology AEI, Biochemistry AEI, Biological Applications & Technologies AEI, Molecular Biology & Genetics AEI, Food Science and Human Nutrition AEI, Biotechnology AEI, Biochemistry & Biotechnology AEI, Nutrition & Dietetics AEI, Special Education AEI, Psychology AEI, Nursing AEI, Physical Education and Sports Science AEI, Physical Education and Sports Science AEI, Social Administration and Political Science AEI, Social Administration AEI, Social Policy AEI, Social and Educational Policy AEI, Sociology AEI, Social Anthropology & History AEI, Social Anthropology AEI, Philosophy – Pedagogy & Psychology AEI, Philosophy & Pedagogy AEI, Philosophy & Social Studies AEI, Food Science & Nutrition AEI, Social Work TEI, Physiotherapy TEI, Health Visitors TEI, Public Health and Community Health – Public Health TEI, Public Health and Community Health – Community Health TEI, Occupational Therapy TEI, Speech Therapy TEI, Nutrition and Dietetics TEI, Medical Laboratories TEI, Nursing TEI, Dental Technology TEI, Radiology TEI.
Graduates of other departments of the higher education institutions of Greece or graduates of recognized similar institutions abroad.
Graduates of corresponding, relevant to the subjects and aims of the program, departments of the T.E.I..
For the successful completion of the programme, a knowledge of English at B2 level is required, as part of the teaching material is offered in English.
Holders of a degree or diploma of higher education means graduates of Greek Universities or Polytechnics or Higher School of Fine Arts or Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education or Higher Technological Educational Institutions (ATEI) or those who hold academically equivalent first cycle degrees from recognized foreign educational institutions with the degrees awarded by the Greek Higher Educational Institutions, in accordance with the provisions of article 304 of Law No. 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/21.07.2022, vol.)
For the evaluation of the application to the Postgraduate Studies Programme, it will be examined whether the candidate’s institution of study is or may be included in the National Register of Recognised Higher Education Institutions of Foreign Countries and whether the candidate’s degree is or may be included in the National Register of Types of Degrees of Recognised Institutions of Foreign Countries.
The Hellenic Open University, if the degree is included in the list of article 307 of Law No. 4957/2022, must request a “Certificate of Place of Study”, which is issued and sent by the foreign university. If the place of study or part of the studies is confirmed as the Greek territory, the degree is not recognized, unless the part of the studies that took place in the Greek territory is in a public higher education institution or in a recognized foreign educational institution within the meaning of paragraph b) of article 299 of Law No. 4957/2022.
It is clarified that holders of a first degree of Higher Education are accepted in the Postgraduate Program.
Certification of English language competency at level B2
English competency (level B2) is proven according to article 10, Presidential Decree 85/2022 “Determination of qualifications for appointment in the public sector (Qualification-Department)” (Α΄ 232), in combination with Part C΄ and namely “LANGUAGE CERTIFICATES ” of no. 20/01.02.2023 “Amendment of no. 94/20.6.2022 of the decision of the SUPREME COUNCIL FOR CIVIL PERSONNEL SELECTION (ASEP)”Procedure for determining the fixed parts of the content of staff selection announcements based on predetermined and objective criteria (Articles 28 – 30 of Law 4765/2021 ) (B’ 3614)” (B’ 594).
Language Certificates
The table below shows the language certificates -level (B2) of English Competency that are accepted as well as the issuing body.
Certification of English competency at level B2 can be proved as follows:
English competency (level B2) is also proven with certificates of other institutions (not limited to universities) of an equivalent level, irrespective of their legal form, provided they are certified or recognized by the competent authority of the country concerned for conducting examinations and issuing certificates of proficiency in English at the appropriate level. These certificates must be accompanied by a proof document from the issuing body that both the issuing body and the language certificate competency are certified by the competent national authority and also and that the certification also concerns the evaluation of basic communication skills (written language production, oral language production, written language comprehension and oral language comprehension).
If there is no certification or recognition body in the country concerned, a certificate from the relevant Ministry or Embassy of Greece is required, confirming that the certificates issued by the above bodies to third parties for whom English is not a native language are accepted in public services of that country as valid evidence of English at the appropriate level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The competent regulatory authority for Great Britain is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual).
General notes:
1st Semester
2nd Semester
3rd Semester
4th Semester
C¹: Compulsory
E²: Elective
Teaching method:distance learning using the HOU’s e-learning platform and conducting Group Consultation Meetings (tele-GCM, face-to-face).
Guidelines for the selection of thematic units
Students must complete the 1st semester modules then they can register for 2nd semester modules up to the 4th semester.
1st semester: Compulsory attendance of the Thematic Unit GXN10 and selection of 2 Thematic Units from the units: GXN11, GXN12, GXN13.
2nd semester: Compulsory attendance of the Thematic Unit GXN20 and selection of 2 Thematic Units from the units: GXN21, GXN22, GXN23.
3rd semester: Compulsory attendance of the Thematic Unit GXN30 and selection of 2 Thematic Units from the units: GXN31, GXN32, GXN33.
During the process of registering for a unit they must first exhaust the units of previous semesters and then declare the unit of the next semester or select the ones they have left from the previous unit(s) and complete their selection with the unit of the next semester. In the fourth semester, the successful completion of the nine (9) units offered in the first three semesters is required for the completion of the unit.
Theologos – Michael Chletsos, Professor
Subject: Financial Analysis
The financial contribution for students to the Programme is as follows: The cost of each Module is €300 and the cost of the Master Thesis is €900.
The total financial contribution for the Programme is: €3,600.
For information about the programme contact:
Student Registration Department
Contact Number: 2610367312