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Ανακοινώσεις προς τα μέλη ΔΕΠ


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Ανακοινώσεις προς τα μέλη ΔΕΠ

Business Administration – THEMATIC UNITS

HOU > Undergraduate Programmes > Business Administration (DEO) > Business Administration – THEMATIC UNITS


Module code: DEO10

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Module characterization:  Special Background

Year: 1st

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: The Module Unit ‘LAW AND ADMINISTRATION’ aims to familiarise students with the fundamental principles of Law and to introduce them to some of the core issues concerning public administration today.

Particularly, regarding Law it aims:

  • To offer students a well-rounded view on fields covered by Law, its divisions as well their characteristics.
  • To better educate them on two distinct fields of Law, namely Administrative Law and Commercial Law, as supplemented by Civil Law, as the most directly related to business administration and organizational management, which consists the subject of the broader Module of which this Module Unit is a part. Since modern Administration and entrepreneurship function in the context of european integration and is nationally prescribed by the Constitution, students become accustomed to the basic concepts and principles of constitutional and european law.

Accordingly, regarding Administration it aims:

  • To present to students the dimension of labour relations, which are developed within the context of businesses and organizations.
  • To familiarize them with the subject, the charasteristics and the principles of administrative actions and the administrative process.

Module Content: The general aim of Module Unit ΔΕΟ10 is to provide students basic legal education and knowledge on fields of law that are more directly related to the subject of this Module, specifically:

  • In the field of public law, with an emphasis on the constitutional and administrative organization of the State
  • In the field of private law, with an emphasis on civil law, labour law and commercial law
  • In the field of European Union (EU) Law, which co-defines all the fields of national law

The orientation of this Module is primarily theoretical, while it further aims in the development of student skills to apply in practice the offered theoretical knowledge on the existing positive law

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the module, students will have acquired knowledge and skills related to the subjects, as follows:

Upon the successful completion of the subject: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND EUROPEΑN UNION LΑW of the module DEO10, students will be able to:

  • To know the meaning and the concept of a Constitution, as well as the rest sources of national law.
  • To learn the fundamental principles of constitutional organization in Greece, the concept of the rule of law, and the principle of separation of powers.
  • To learn about democracy, the principle of representation, electoral systems, political parties and the kinds of referenda.
  • To know the competences of the Parliament, the Government, the President of the Democracy, the right to be elected, the obstacles and the legal position of Members of the Parliament, as well as the functioning of the parliamentary system.
  • To learn about the primary and secondary European Union (EU) Law, the relationship between EU Law and national law, the principle of direct effect, the EU institutions and their competences, as well as the four fundamental freedoms of the European Union.
  • To learn and use the basic methods and techniques of legal interpretation and argumentation.

Upon the successful completion of the subject: ADMINISTRATIVE LAW of the module DEO10, students will be able to:

  • To learn the organization of the administrative system in Greece and the concept, the distinctions, the competences and the functioning of administrative organs.
  • To learn the distinctions, the type, the basic elements (presumption of legality and enforceability) and the process of revocation of administrative actions.
  • To learn the basic elements of the administrative process (consultative procedure, right to a prior hearing, administrative appeals, right of access to public documents).
  • To learn the public law rules concerning the civil lialibity of the State.

Upon the successful completion of the subject: CIVIL LAW AND LABOUR LAW of the module DEO10, students will be able to:

  • To learn the fundamental concepts of civil law, particularly its Fundamental Principles (natural and legal persons, kinds of transactions, conditions for performing a valid transaction, representation and authorisation) and Law of Obligations (regular and irregular development of obligations, major contracts regulated by the Greek Civil Code).
  • To learn the fundamental concepts and principles of Individual Labour Law (formation of employment contract, employer-employee obligations, termination of employment contract – temporary and open-ended) and of Collective Labour Law (trade union freedom, trade unions, right to strike, collective labour agreements, mediation, arbitration)

Upon the successful completion of the subject: COMMERCIAL LAW of the module DEO10, students will be able to:

  • To learn the fundamental concepts and principles of Commercial Law, like systems of defining commercial activity, distinctions of commercial acts in primary and secondary commercial ones, and the acquisition of commercial status.
  • To learn specifically the fundamental elements of corporate law, competition law, industrial property law and law of securities.

Subjects covered:

  • Constitutional Law and European Union Law
  • Administrative Law
  • Civil Law and Labour Law
  • Commercial Law



Module code: DEO11

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Module characterization:  Special Background

Year: 1st

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: The module aims at establishing the basic principles of management and administrative processes within any business/organizational context. It presents various management practices in organizations/businesses and combines basic managerial theories with current practice as well as current managerial research and case studies. It covers management theory, human resources management, and production management. The module aims to cultivate knowledge and skills that contribute to understanding the internal and external business environment. It also sheds light on the determinants and factors affecting the competitiveness of the company and the emergence of leadership skills.

The objectives of the module include:

  • the underlying concepts and theories relevant to business organization and management along with their evolution, while taking into account the challenges of the modern business environment.
  • The basic functions of Management: Planning – Organizing – Leading – Controlling, implemented in each company and organization to achieve their objectives efficiently and effectively.
  • the main dimensions of human resource management in companies and organizations.
  • the production processes taking place within any company and/or organization.

The aim of the course is for students to understand:

  • the importance of administrative skills (perception of reality, communication, teamwork) in the implementation of administrative functions (planning, organization, leading and control) in practice.
  • the internal and external environment of businesses and organizations
  • the main operational processes taking place at the business or organizational level
  • the importance of the human factor for efficiently managing a business or organization
  • the core components of the international economy and how they affect the operation of businesses and organizations.

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the module, the students will have acquired knowledge and skills related to the subjects as follows:

With the successful completion of the subject: Key concepts of Organization and Business Administration the students will be able to:

  • familiarize themselves with the evolution of management theory along with the current trends in management science
  • recognize the dimensions of the internal and external environment of companies and organizations and understand their impact on management
  • understand the basic functions of management: planning, organization, leading and control
  • determine the appropriate organizational structure based on the needs and the conditions of the external environment of the company
  • recognize the need for changes in the organizational structure, taking into account changes in technology or the external environment of the company
  • identify control areas and performance standards for individual business activities
  • choose the appropriate leadership style taking into account the conditions of the work performed as well as the working skills of the employees
  • understand the dimensions of communication inside and outside the business
  • understand the importance of the human factor in business operations, taking into account the needs as well as the dimensions of emotional intelligence
  • understand the dynamics that govern team development and teamwork
  • use a systematic framework for solving administrative problems
  • understand the critical role of technology in the management of businesses and organisations, with an emphasis on cutting-edge technologies
  • understand how business ethics and corporate social responsibility issues influence decision-making in the modern business environment
  • understand the critical dimensions of Innovation Management and relevant decision-making processes.

With the successful completion of the subject: Human Resource Management of the module the students will be able to:

  • develop a Job description
  • determine job specifications
  • plan a wage policy taking into account labor standards
  • define a framework and methodology for job evaluation
  • plan employee training and education programs
  • plan human resource development programs
  • identify ways to fill positions within the company either through the recruitment of new executives or through the internal movement of executives
  • understand the basic dimensions of work safety

Upon successful completion of the subject: Production Management of the module the students will be able to:

  • understand the process of designing new products or services as well as the life cycle of products and services
  • understand the importance and dimensions of demand forecasting, either through qualitative methods, or through methods of combining cause and effect, or through methods of time data analysis, or through a combination of all the above
  • evaluate the production capacity of a production system
  • identify the factors affecting the geographical location of a business or organization
  • plan the production facility layout (products or services) within a business or organization
  • determine the inventory management policy according to demand as well as its overall contribution to the financial results of the company

Subjects covered:

  • Principles of Organization & Management
  • Human Resource Management and Development
  • Production Management


Module code: DEO13

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Module characterization:  Special Background

Year: 1st

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module General description: The aim of the Module is to introduce students to the systemic analysis and solution of problems of Business Administration, using mathematical methods, and to get them acquainted with basic quantitative, as they are called in the scientific terminology, methods, techniques and tools, which are applied in this frame. More specifically, DEO13 addresses the cognitive subjects of Business Mathematics, Business Statistics and Operational Research, which either independently or in combination with the knowledge that will be obtained from other Modules of the Program, will give the students the opportunity to analyze, compose and act on the complex conditions that characterize the modern world of business and organizations.

The purpose of the course is:

  • To present the techniques of Business Mathematics, Business Statistics and Operational Research, which are necessary for the understanding of basic concepts in Management and also in the quantitative analysis of its problems.
  • To introduce students to the methods we develop in order to solve quantitative problems in Business Administration.
  • To acquaint students with the methods used in solving problems of Business Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research.
  • To acquaint students with the use of applications and software packages related to the content of The Unit.

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of the Module, the student will be able:

With regards to Business Mathematics:

  • To recognize the importance of Mathematics in tackling problems in Economics and Business Administration.
  • To recognize the concept of the function, as well as of the derivative, the limit and the integral of a function, and their contribution to the solution of problems in Economics and Business Administration.
  • To solve polynomial equations and inequalities of one variable.
  • To calculate the limits, derivatives and integrals of one-variable functions.
  • To solve optimization problems of one-variable functions using derivatives.
  • To examine and interpret the behavior of one-variable functions.
  • To draw graphs of one-variable functions through spreadsheets like Excel, and to use them in order to examine and interpret their behavior.
  • To solve problems in Economics and Business Administration, using derivatives and integrals of one-variable functions.

With regards to Business Statistics:

  • To recognize the subject and the basic concepts of Statistics, as well as the role of Statistics in Business Administration.
  • To recognize the graphical and arithmetic methods of data summarization, as well as the importance of their use in the organization and presentation of large data sets.
  • To apply graphical methods of data summarization, such as the frequency distribution, the histogram and the bar chart, in order to organize and present large data sets, both as exercises of pedagogical nature and with the use of spreadsheets, such as Excel.
  • To calculate and interpret arithmetic measures of data summarization, such as the measures of central tendency, location, dispersion, variability, asymmetry and kurtosis, both as exercises of pedagogical nature and with the use of spreadsheets, such as Excel.
  • To recognize the basic principles of enumeration.
  • To determine the number of elements of finite sets or subsets of finite sets with specific properties, using the basic principles of enumeration.
  • To recognize the concept of probability and conditional probability, as well as the principles of the Probability Theory.
  • To recognize the concept of the random variable and its probability distribution.
  • To recognize the difference between discrete and continuous probability distributions.
  • To solve problems in topics of Business Administration, based on the Probability Theory.
  • To solve problems in topics of Business Administration, using discrete and continuous probability distributions.
  • To estimate parameters of populations using confidence intervals.
  • To carry out statistical hypothesis testing for parameters of populations.
  • To recognize the concept of linear regression, as well as the applications of linear regression in problems of Economics and Business Administration.
  • To develop, interpret and use simple linear regression models in problems of Economics and Business Administration, both as exercises of pedagogical nature and with the use of spreadsheets, such as Excel.

With regards to Operational Research:

  • To recognize the subject and the basic concepts of Operational Research, as well as the role of Operational Research in Business Administration.
  • To model Business Administration problems as linear programming problems.
  • To solve, as well as to interpret and investigate the solutions of small-scale linear programming problems, using the graphical solution method.
  • To recognize the prerequisites for solving linear programming problems using the Simplex method.
  • To solve, as well as to interpret and investigate the solutions of linear programming problems, using spreadsheets like Excel.
  • To solve special cases of linear programming problems, like the assignment problem, using the Hungarian method.
  • To recognize the subject and the basic concepts of Network Analysis, as well as the applications of Network Analysis in the representation and solution of Business Administration problems.
  • To describe what a network is and to give examples of use in the representation of Business Administration problems.
  • To solve network models that represent Business Administration problems, using Network Analysis techniques.
  • To recognize the subject and the basic concepts of Game Theory, as well as the applications of Game Theory in the representation and solution of Business Administration problems.
  • To describe what a game is and to give examples of its use to represent Business Administration problems in situations of competitive interdependence.
  • To solve games that represent Business Administration problems, using appropriate techniques like the deletion of dominated strategies, the graphical representation, and the linear programming approach.
  • To recognize the subject and the basic concepts of Queuing Theory, as well as the applications of Queuing Theory in the representation and solution of Business Administration problems.
  • To describe the key components of a service system, and to recognize these components in real service systems.
  • To develop models of service systems and to use them in order to study and improve the performance of these systems by estimating appropriate performance and cost metrics.

Subjects covered:

  • Business Mathematics
  • Business Statistics
  • Operational Research


Module code: DEO23

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Module characterization:  Special Background

Year: Second (2nd)

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: Marketing is a business activity and a number of processes that aim to create, communicate, distribute and provide, products, services and ideas of value to consumers and the society overall. The understanding of marketing principles and the ability to apply marketing practices and techniques are significant skills for employees in marketing departments as well as in the business environment overall. The module discusses marketing philosophy and marketing practices as part of a business administration environment. It analyzes marketing processes and discusses how consumer behavior is affected by these processes and the marketing strategies applied by business organizations. It provides thorough understanding of marketing research approaches and discusses in detail the discrepancies of services and their effects on marketing strategies in the service sector. Upon completion of the module students will be able to comprehend the basic principles and operations of marketing, will be familiar with the different marketing strategies and will be able to apply different distribution, communication and pricing techniques.

The aim of this module is to acquaint students with:

  • The principles of marketing and the marketing philosophy
  • The theories and processes of consumer behavior
  • The fundamental approaches to marketing research
  • The characteristics of services and the strategies of services marketing

The objective of the module is to enable students to:

  • perform PEST and SWOT analysis
  • comprehend the different models that describe consumer behavior
  • analyze the processes followed by consumers when forming attitudes
  • understand and perform marketing research
  • comprehend the distinctive characteristics of services and their effects on services management

Module Content: The aim of the module is to present:

  • marketing philosophy and its effect on customer satisfaction
  • the main concepts and practices of marketing management
  • consumer behavior
  • theoretical and practical effects of distribution management
  • services marketing and the specific characteristics of services
  • marketing research

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the module, students will have acquired knowledge and skills related to the subjects, as follows:

Upon the successful completion of the subject: – Principles of Marketing of the module DEO23, students will be able to,

  • Understand the principles of marketing.
  • Comprehend the marketing philosophy and its effects on the management of companies.
  • Effectively analyze the external environment.
  • Comprehend the topics of segmentation, targeting and positioning in the market
  • Analyze the marketing mix of business organizations
  • Understand the product mix, product portfolio the classification of products and the new product development process.
  • Comprehend and apply the product life cycle analysis.
  • Understand and apply branding strategies
  • Comprehend and effectively apply distribution, communications, and pricing strategies.

Upon the successful completion of the subject: Consumer Behavior of the module DEO23, students will be able to,

  • Understand the basic principles of consumer behavior.
  • Comprehend the effect of environmental characteristics on consumer behavior.
  • Know the alternative theories that describe consumer behavior.
  • Understand consumer buying process.
  • Understand the different roles in consumer buying process.
  • Comprehend the different types of consumer involvement.
  • Understand the different learning theories.
  • Understand consumer motives.
  • Effectively measure consumer attitude.

Upon successful completion of the subject Marketing Research of the module DEO23 students will be able to identify the concepts and techniques pertaining to the field of marketing research. Students will be able to improve their decisions with the appropriate marketing information, specifically students will:

  • Understand the relation between market research and decision making
  • Evaluate and conduct marketing research programs
  • Evaluate information and employ them in marketing decision process
  • Understand that effective marketing requires good information
  • Evaluate and encapsulate the upcoming changes in marketing information systems
  • Realize the scientific methods that are employed in the Marketing research
  • Be able to analyze and present the five-step approach to marketing research (defining the problem, analyzing the situations, getting problem specific data, interpreting the data, solving the problem)

Upon the successful completion of the subject: Services Marketing of the module DEO23, students will be able to,

  • understand the basic principles of service marketing
  • be aware of the differences between product marketing and service marketing
  • understand approaches of measuring service quality
  • understand various standards of customer service
  • learn the role and importance of workers in service enterprises
  • choose the method of organizing the service processes to configure the customer experience
  • choose ways of managing the portfolio of products of service providers
  • describe service signaling and positioning strategies
  • develop innovative service success scenarios
  • understand the role of pricing strategy for service companies
  • be aware of the specificities of communication strategies for service companies
  • familiarize themselves with the crucial components of the communication campaign
  • identify decisions relating to the organization of distribution

Subjects covered:

  • Principles of Marketing
  • Consumer Bahavior
  • Marketing Research
  • Services Marketing


Module code: DEO24

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module type: Compulsory

Module characterization: Special background

Year: Second (2nd)

Language of instruction: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: Public Administration, as the executive mechanism of the State, is bound to respond effectively to political, social, economic and technological challenges. New forms of organization and new tools are being introduced alongside traditional methods of management, enabling administrations to implement public policies, but also to contribute to their formulation and to the overall task of governance. In that respect institutional and political developments in the European Union must be taken into consideration.

The aim of the module is to:

  • introduce the basic conceptual and theoretical aspects of public administration, public policy and governance with a view to recent reform trends
  • present the structural and functional elements of the Greek Public Administration and the Greek Public Sector – Independent Agencies, local authorities, public enterprises, public entities
  • address the issues around privatization and agencification policies and the growing regulatory role of the State
  • make students familiar with the process of budgeting (drafting, voting, implementing and controlling) as the main financial tool for the implementation of public policies
  • trace the evolution of European institutions and policies, and explain their impact on public policy making in Greece.

The aim of the module is to give students an understanding of:

  • the interaction and interconnectedness among the main theories and models of public administration and public policy, and their applications in different administrative systems
  • the main functional and structural characteristics of the Greek system of Public Administration and Governance and its fundamental reforms
  • fiscal policy and administration in Greece, in particular the process of public budgeting and the role of public enterprises, emphasizing in reform trends such as privatizations, deregulations and the growth of the regulatory role of the state
  • the system of governance of the European Union and its evolution, in particular the structure and functions of the basic EU institutions and their role in European policy making.

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the module, students will have acquired knowledge and skills related to the subjects, as follows:

Upon the successful completion of the subject: Public Policy AND Governance of the module DEO24, students will be able to:

  • Grasp and comprehend the basic theoretical approaches of public administration and public policy, their interaction and interconnectedness.
  • Grasp and comprehend the application of the Bureaucratic Model and other theoretical approaches, such as the New Public Management, in different countries.
  • Recognize and comprehend the different stages of the policy making cycle (Agenda Setting – Policy Formulation – Decision Making – Implementation – Evaluation) and assess the ways in which governments and administrations take action.
  • Understand the external factors of reforms and critically discuss the process of learning and transfer of policy.
  • Grasp and comprehend the causes that impede the implementation of administrative reforms in Greece.
  • Comprehend the importance of better regulation for the implementation of public policy and the overall task of Governance.

Upon the successful completion of the subject: THE GREEK ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEM of the module DEO24, students will be able to:

  • Grasp and comprehend the institutional setting and functions of Governance in Greece and the main areas of fundamental reforms that it has undergone.
  • Analyze and evaluate the overall organization of the Greek administrative system: Ministries and Quangos, Deconcentrated Units, Local Authorities, Independent Agencies.
  • Grasp and comprehend the role of the civil service in the administrative system – categories, legal status, career management, mobility, recruitment and promotion systems of civil servants.
  • Discuss and evaluate the role of the administrative apparatus in the policy making process in Greece.
  • Grasp and comprehend the importance of accountability, supervision and the different forms of control (parliamentary – judiciary – administrative) regarding the effectiveness of public administration.
  • Discuss critically the deviation between the regulatory framework and the actual administrative

Upon the successful completion of the subject: The European Union: Institutions and Policies of the module DEO24, students will be able to:

  • Comprehend the history/evolution of the post-WWII process of European integration, as well as the main theoretical frameworks that have been focused on capturing and explaining this unique phenomenon in human history and making projections for its future.
  • Identify the main institutions of the EU and comprehend the key functions and the decision- making processes of the EU political system, with emphasis on the distinction between supranational and intergovernmental features of the EU system of multi-level governance.
  • Identify and comprehend the distinction between regulatory and redistributive common EU policies.
  • Capture the key dimensions of the Single Market, with emphasis on the theoretical framework of deregulation and regulation (“negative” and “positive” integration), and comprehend the crucial role of competition policy, as probably the most important regulatory policy of the EU.
  • Grasp and comprehend the importance of EU environmental policy, as a key regulatory policy area dealing with externalities within the framework of “positive” integration.
  • Grasp and comprehend all crucial parameters of Monetary Union (EMU), with emphasis on its macroeconomic implications through the convergence criteria and Growth and Stability Pact (GSP).
  • Grasp and comprehend the importance of the new economic governance of the EU-Eurozone after the 2008-2009 financial crisis, with emphasis on the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), the European Semester, the Fiscal Compact, and the strengthening of the supervision of m-s budgets (fiscal policies).
  • Grasp and comprehend the crucial importance of the creation of the Next Generation EU within the framework of dealing with the implications of Covid-19 pandemic, as probably the first step towards the creation of Fiscal Union.
  • Grasp and comprehend the importance of redistribution and subsequently of public expenditure, both theoretically and empirically at the EU level, with emphasis on the peculiarities of the EU budget, the budgeting process, and the Multiannual Fiscal Frameworks.
  • Grasp and comprehend the importance of the main redistributive policies of the EU, namely the Cohesion or Regional policy and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
  • Grasp the historical evolution of CAP from the 1950s-1960s up until the recent reform of the CAP, and comprehend its importance for the European integration process as the first EU common policy.
  • Grasp the main features of the historical evolution/development of EU Cohesion policy from the Integrated Mediterranean Programmes (IMPs) of the 1980s through the Community Support Frameworks (CSFs) (1989-2006) and the National Strategic Reference Frameworks (NSRFs) (2007-today) and the Lisbon strategy, and comprehend its crucial importance for reducing regional disparities and achieving socio-economic cohesion in the EU.
  • Understand and document the importance of EU cohesion policy for the development of Greek economy.

Upon the successful completion of the subject: fiscal MANAGEMENT – THE PUBLIC SECTOR of the module DEO24, students will be able to:

  • Evaluate the responsibility and the role of the public sector in the economy, grasp the main activities of a State, and understand how a State finances its expenditure.
  • Capture the reasons why markets are not efficient, and trace the role of a State in cases of market failures.
  • Identify and analyze the main operational problems of the State-owned enterprises in Greece, and the provisions of the regulatory framework for privatizations before the debt crisis reforms, as well as critically discuss the main reforms in the Greek public sector in the framework of the Memoranda of Understanding.
  • Have a sound knowledge of the basic principles and functions for the public sector budgeting in Greece, before the reforms in financial management and accountability, and explore how the budget procedures were streamlined.
  • Comprehend the new standards of fiscal transparency, and the relevant institutional guarantees in Greece.
  • Acquire a thorough knowledge of the current problems and weaknesses in the EMU governance, as well as appreciate the changes in the architecture of the EMU following the report of the five Presidents.
  • Examine the modalities of the modern fiscal and financial instruments in the Eurozone, discuss and assess the benefits from the Budgetary Instrument for Governance and Competitiveness, the Next Generation EU Recovery Fund, the Recovery and Resilience Facility, and the corresponding Greek National Plan for the structural reforms and public investments in the Eurozone.

Subjects covered:

  • Public Policy and Governance
  • The Greek Administrative System
  • The European Union: Institutions and Policies
  • Fiscal Management – The Public Sector


Module code: DEO25

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Module characterization: Special background

Year: 2nd

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: The objectives of this module are to:

  • Present the fundamental accounting concepts, procedures and techniques used by business entities for classifying, recording, reporting transactions and analyzing information for decision-making.
  • Introduce the concepts of financial statements, accounts, accounting monitoring, accounting process, accounting standards, cost and costing, as well as familiarize with the use of accounting information systems.
  • Comprehend the procedures and techniques used in Financial and Cost Accounting through exercises and software applications.

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand the concept and objective of accounting, as well as its role in business administration.
  • Describe the types of activities performed in accounting.
  • Understand the content of financial statements.
  • Determine the types, functions, and concept of accounts.
  • Comprehend the double entry accounting system operation and the concept of account debit and credit as well as the rules for compliance with account keeping and bundling.
  • Post journal entries of common transactions.
  • Prepare financial statements.
  • Apply the Greek Accounting Standards for the preparation of financial statements.
  • Understand the function of journal adjusting entries.
  • Post accounting error correction entries.
  • Calculate a firm’s income.
  • Comprehend the features and content of an Accounting Plan.
  • Understand the concept of cost.
  • Distinguish the various types of cost.
  • Describe the costing function.
  • Implement absorption and variable costing.
  • Determine the production cost, both in terms of job order costing as well as process costing.
  • Comprehend the allocation techniques of manufacturing overheads.
  • Understand the information produced by a modern accounting software.

Module Content: In terms of Introduction to Accounting: it consists of the presentation of fundamental accounting concepts, procedures and techniques used by financial institutions for classifying, analyzing and recording transactions and information for decision-making. This module emphasizes both in theory and practice for drawing up the Financial Statements of a business. The following issues are addressed within the framework of this module:

  • Financial Accounting theoretical framework.
  • Balance sheet (Assets, Stockholders’ Equity and Liabilities, Balance Sheet data aggregation).
  • Income Statement (recognition of revenue and expenses, income definition, forms of Income Statement).
  • The concept of transactions and their impact on accounting equation.
  • The concept of Account and Accounts Functions.
  • Journal Entries.
  • Drawing up a Monthly Trial Balance.
  • Journal Entries for adjustment and correction of Accounting Errors.
  • Drawing up an Adjusting Trial Balance.
  • Drafting Financial Statements.

In terms of Financial Accounting: it is the familiarization of students with Financial Accounting issues both in theory and practice, according to Greek Accounting standards, emphasizing on accounting monitoring and Balance Sheets’ measurement. The following issues are addressed within the framework of this module:

  • Presentation of Financial Statements.
  • Accounting for Assets (fixed asset categories, straight line depreciation and declining method).
  • Accounting for Inventories (monitoring and measurement).
  • Accounting for Accounts Receivable (receivables, accounts receivable impairment, notes receivable, account presentation to debtors).
  • Accounting for Securities (recognition and measurement).
  • Accounts Receivable and Liabilities in foreign currencies.
  • Uniform System of Accounts and operation principles of accounts (fixed assets, inventories, ac-counts receivable and cash, Stockholders’ Equity, long-term and short-term liabilities, revenue and profits, costs and losses).
  • In addition, special issues are also studied such as:
  • Cash flow statements
  • Leases
  • Assets’ value impairment

In terms of Cost Accounting the goal is for the students to be familiar with the concepts of costing and to understand the costing systems and techniques. The following issues are addressed within the framework of this module:

  • Concepts of Cost and Costing.
  • Primary elements of costing (direct materials, direct labor, manufacturing overheads).
  • Allocation and reallocation of manufacturing overheads.
  • Job order costing.
  • Process costing.
  • Absorption and Variable Costing.

In terms of Introduction to Computerized Accounting: it is the familiarization of students with procedures and techniques used in the context of information systems. The following issues are addressed within the framework of this module:

  • Introduction to Account Information Systems: The Information System and its Functions.
  • Accounting System and fundamental accounting records.
  • Reliability assurance of the accounting system.
  • Update interval of accounting records.
  • Accounting records’ keeping.
  • Invoicing intervals.
  • Retail sales data issuance interval.
  • Electronic Invoice.
  • Invoice Authenticity.
  • Accounting Management.
  • Accounts
  • Registration Form.
  • General Accounting Articles – Registration of Statements of Account.
  • General Accounting Printing.

Learning Outcomes: The DEO25 module – Accounting, aims to teach the following subjects: Principles of Financial Accounting, Financial Accounting, Greek Accounting Standards, Accounting Information Systems and Cost Accounting, as well as the International Financial Reporting Standards.

In terms of the Introduction to Accounting students will be able to:

  • Comprehend the Financial Accounting Conceptual Framework.
  • Comprehend the concept and scope of Accounting, as well as its role in business administration.
  • Identify the relation between Financial Accounting and Management Accounting.
  • Describe the types of operations performed in Accounting.
  • Understand the content of financial statements.
  • Comprehend transactions and their impact on accounting equation.
  • Determine the types, functions, and concept of accounts.
  • Understand the double entry accounting system and the concept of debit and credit as well as the rules for record keeping.
  • Post journal entries of common transactions.
  • Post journal adjusting entries.
  • Post accounting error correction entries.
  • Compile trial balances.
  • Post to closing entries.
  • Prepare financial statements.

In terms of Financial Accounting regarding the Greek Accounting Standards, students will be able to:

  • Recognize revenues.
  • Measure revenues.
  • Recognize long-term assets.
  • Calculate depreciation.
  • Recognize and measure inventories.
  • Recognize and measure accounts receivable (accounts and notes receivable).
  • Recognize and measure short-term investments in securities.
  • Recognize and measure accounts receivable and liabilities in foreign currency.
  • Comprehend the features and content of an Accounting Plan.
  • Apply the accounting plan of the Greek Accounting Standards.
  • Prepare Cash Flow Statements.
  • Understand the reporting of leases.
  • Implement the Greek Accounting Standards.

In terms of Cost Accounting students will be able to:

  • Understand the concept and content of manufacturing cost, namely direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overheads.
  • Distinguish the various types of costs.
  • Describe the costing function.
  • Determine the production cost, both in terms of job order costing as well as process costing.
  • Comprehend the allocation techniques of Manufacturing Overheads.
  • Understand the costing techniques (absorption and variable costing).

In terms of the Introduction to Computerized Accounting students will be able to:

  • Understand the Accounting Information System’s function as a management tool.
  • Break down the reasoning of an accounting software programmer.
  • Outline the structure of a proper accounting application, so that it may achieve the expected outcomes.
  • Understand the possible amount of information produced by a modern computerized accounting application.

Subjects covered:

  • Introduction to Accounting
  • Financial Accounting
  • Cost Accounting
  • Introduction to Computerized Accounting


Module code: DEO31

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Module characterization:  Special Background

Year: 3rd

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: Finance is a branch of Economics that includes the following topics: Financial Management, Money and Capital Markets, Investments and Financial Analysis. A key feature of Finance is that it is a subject that is constantly adapting and evolving in response to economic, social and technological developments.

The aim of the module is to:

  • Introduce the concepts of financial management and investment.
  • Introduce the different sources of corporate financing, such as equity and debt.
  • Introduce Money and Capital markets, as well as the portfolio management and portfolio evaluation techniques.
  • Familiarize students with the long-term and short-term financial analysis of companies and the break-even analysis of companies

The aim of the module is to give students an understanding of:

  • the financial management and investments
  • the long-term and short-term financing decisions
  • portfolio management
  • financial analysis

Learning Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of the subject: Introduction to Financial Management and Investments of the module DEO31, students will be able to:

  • Understand the various aspects of finance and its objectives.
  • Analyse the fundamental concepts of future and present value of money.
  • Explain the concept of net cash flow.
  • Apply the method of net present value to derive the value of an investment in real assets.
  • Apply the method of internal rate of return to derive the value of an investment in real assets.
  • Critically compare the methods of net present value and internal rate of return.
  • Explain the process of project evaluation under inflation.
  • Understand the concept of risk and incorporate it into the investment evaluation.

Upon the successful completion of the subject: Long-Term and Short-Term Financing Decisions of the module DEO31, students will be able to:

  • Explain equity as a source of long-term financing.
  • Describe the process of equity issuance and determine the price and rights of shares.
  • Understand debt (i.e., issue of bonds) as a source of long-term financing.
  • Evaluate fixed income securities.
  • Describe alternative sources of funding.
  • Prepare the financial planning of a business.

Upon the successful completion of the subject: Portfolio Management of the module DEO31, students will be able to:

  • Understand the theory of the efficient market hypothesis.
  • Analyse the relationship between return and risk of an investment.
  • Present and discuss the portfolio theory.
  • Apply the process of constructing investment portfolios.
  • Present and discuss the capital market theory.
  • Compare the evaluation methods of portfolio performance.

Upon the successful completion of the subject: Financial Analysis and other Issues of Finance of the module DEO31, students will be able to:

  • Be able to prepare long-term and short-term financial statements.
  • Identify the break-even point of sales.
  • Describe the theories that aim to explain the dividend policy of corporations.
  • Explain the merger and acquisition process.
  • Understand the process of business restructuring and bankruptcy.

Subjects covered:

  • Introduction to Financial Management and Investments
  • Long-term and Short-term Financing Decisions
  • Portfolio Management
  • Financial Analysis and Other Issues of Finance


Module code: DEO33

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Optional (Students choose between course modules DEO33 and DEO45)

Module characterization:  Special Background

Year: 3rd

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: The modern business environment is characterized by constant changes in the external environment, increasing consumer needs and intense competition, factors that highlight the need for strategic business planning. The preparation and implementation of official marketing plans is necessary as it guides the company’s actions in line with the external environment, while at the same time it reduces the risk. In tandem, the rapid development of technology dictates companies to invest in modern digital information and communication technologies, a fact that has led to the undoubted flourishing of digital marketing and social media marketing.

In this context, the main aim of the module is to present:

  • The necessity of strategic planning
  • The components of a typical marketing plan
  • The role and importance of digital marketing in the ever-evolving digital economy
  • Consumer behavior in the modern digital environment
  • The implementation of digital marketing in the context of the general regulation of personal data protection
  • The techniques of digital marketing development and promotion
  • Social media in the context of digital marketing
  • The role of the mobile phone and related applications in the context of digital marketing with an emphasis on social media
  • The analytics of digital marketing and the internet with emphasis on social media

The aim of the module is to give students an understanding of:

  • The concept of strategic marketing planning
  • The preparation and implementation of a marketing plan
  • The methods and tools for analyzing the company’s internal and external environment
  • The opportunities and challenges of the digital economy
  • The implementation and use of new innovative business models
  • The basic features and tools of digital marketing
  • Designing and evaluating the importance of digital marketing development and promotion techniques
  • The scope and dynamics of the social media phenomenon and the critical role they play in the context of digital marketing
  • The significant contribution of the mobile phone (and related applications) as a channel of interaction in the context of digital marketing with an emphasis on social media
  • The great opportunities of measuring critical dimensions and variables through advanced applications and tools of digital marketing analytics and internet, in general, with emphasis on social media

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the module, students will have acquired knowledge and skills related to the subjects, as follows:

Upon the successful completion of the subject: STRATEGIC MARKETING OF DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT of the module DEO33, students will be able to,

  • Recognize the importance of strategic planning
  • Define the competitive advantage
  • Write down the outline of a typical marketing plan
  • Analyze the dimensions of the external environment
  • Apply the SWOT analysis and the Porter’s five forces analysis
  • Understand the industry attractiveness factors
  • Conduct a competitor analysis
  • Understand customer analysis
  • Analyze the segmentation-targeting-positioning process

Upon the successful completion of the subject: DIGITAL MARKETING of the module DEO33, students will be able to,

  • Recognize the key factors of the modern business environment that contribute to the development of digital marketing
  • Distinguish the basic conceptual approaches, characteristics and importance of digital marketing
  • Analyze consumer behavior in the digital marketplace
  • Use in practice tools such as consumer profile design and mapping the customer’s experience and journey.
  • Understand how the design and implementation of digital marketing strategies and programs are affected by the general regulation of personal data protection
  • Understand how digital marketing models work
  • Recognize the special features and ways of applying the different types of digital promotion
  • Distinguish and evaluate the suitability of different techniques for the development and promotion of digital marketing

Upon the successful completion of the subject: SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING of the module DEO33, students will be able to,

  • Understand the basic conceptual approaches of social media
  • Recognize the potential of “mobile” marketing and marketing analytics with an emphasis on social media
  • Distinguish the practical applications of social media and related innovative tools and practices
  • Understand the dynamics of digital technologies in the context of the continuous evolution of the social media phenomenon
  • Analyze the role of the individual components that rule the management of digital technologies in the context of an integrated and effective social media management
  • Approach the subject of social media through the required interdisciplinary approach
  • Identify innovative approaches to connect the theoretical background with practical dimensions of effective social media capitalization
  • Evaluate current business practice in the field of social media with emphasis on important communication channels such as mobile phone as well as innovative evaluation tools positioned in the field of marketing analytics.

Subjects covered:

  • Strategic Marketing in domestic and international environment
  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing


Module code: DEO45

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Optional (Students choose between course modules DEO33 and DEO45)

Module characterization:  Special Background

 Year: 3th

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: The main objective of DEO45, entitled “E-Business and New Technologies for Entrepreneurship” is to introduce students in the basic principles of two closely related and intertwined subject areas, i.e. e-Business and Management Information Systems. Specifically, DEO45 studies the subjects of e-business, e-commerce (incl. social commerce) and management information systems, which support businesses in their digital transformation projects. In the first two subjects, emphasis is put to the description and study of different e-business models, the necessary IT infrastructure for their successful roll-out, the applications of different types of E-commerce in practice, as well as the legal and security issues arising from these applications. In the last subject, the scientific area of Management Information Systems is studied thoroughly, providing all the necessary knowledge for understanding the different types of management information systems, their role in the contemporary organization, the technology infrastructure requirements for their successful implementation, and the major issues arising from a management perspective.

The aim of the course is to enable students understand:

  • The basic concepts of e-business and e-commerce
  • The legal framework and security approaches for securing electronic transactions
  • The basic e-marketing strategies and implementation techniques
  • The potential risks involved with the implementation of e-business/e-commerce systems
  • The basic concepts and functionalities of management information systems
  • The different types of management information systems
  • The role of information systems in the contemporary organization
  • The technology infrastructure and the operation environment of management information systems
  • The security issues involved in the implementation of management information systems

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the module, students will have acquired knowledge and skills related to the subjects, as follows: Upon the successful completion of the subject:

Operating framework for e-business’ of the module DEO45, students will be able to:

  • Define the concept of e-Business and describe its various categories.
  • Understand the basic types of transactions their business motives.
  • Discuss the benefits of e-Business to individuals, organisations and society.
  • Understand basic concepts of digital transformation.
  • Describe the most prominent e-business models
  • List and analyze e-business limitations.
  • Define electronic marketplaces and their building blocks.
  • Identify the main types of online shopping and describe their characteristics.
  • Describe online exchanges and negotiations.
  • Describe virtual communities and social networks as e-business mechanisms.
  • Sort and describe the main business models of e-retailing.
  • Describe how competition in retail is shaping up with the rapid growth of e-retailing at a global level and how this affects small and medium-sized enterprises.

Upon the successful completion of the subject: ‘e-Commerce’ of the module DEO45, students will be able to,

  • Describe e-commerce environment and traditional and emerging B2B models.
  • Describe the characteristics of electronic procurement.
  • Explain how reverse auctions work in B2B transactions.
  • Describe how B2B-type transactions can benefit from social networking and Web 2.0)
  • Describe e-Government activities and implementation.
  • Describe e-Learning, virtual universities and e-education.
  • Understand the value-added characteristics of mobile commerce as well as its benefits and fundamental motivations.
  • Describe the mobile computing infrastructure that supports mobile commerce (devices, software and services).
  • Understand the technologies and applications of mobile commerce based on location.
  • Define social commerce and describe its history, its basic elements and its development.
  • Describe the scope, motivations, content and benefits of social commerce.
  • Describe the nain social commerce business models.
  • Describe the objectives and characteristics of digital advertising.
  • Describe various online marketing, advertising and promotion models and techniques.
  • Describe the basic principles of cross-border e-commerce and the issues raised in relation to electronic payments.
  • Describe the main changes in retail and their impact on electronic payments.
  • Understand online payment methods offered by third trusted parties.
  • Describe the ways in which small and medium-sized enterprises can benefit from E-commerce.

Upon the successful completion of the subject: ‘New Technologies and Management Information Systems of the module DEO45, students will be able to,

  • Understand how Management Information Systems (MIS) are transforming entrepreneurship and what is their relationship with globalization,
  • Identify human, organizational and technological aspects of MIS,
  • Recognize the skills and MIS knowledge that are currently necessary for company executives
  • Understand what is the role of business process management in enhancing competitiveness and how it is supported by information systems
  • Identify ethical, social and political issues raised by MIS.
  • Identify and understand IT infrastructure and its components
  • Understand database technology and operations and how it improves business performance and decision-making
  • Understand how Internet technologies work and how they support e-business and what are the key technologies and standards of wireless networking, communication and Internet access
  • Understand why IT systems are vulnerable to disaster, errors and misuse and what are the most important tools and technologies to protect IT resources
  • Describe how supply chain management systems contribute to coordinating planning, production and logistics with suppliers
  • Describe how customer management support companies in entering into close relationships with their customers and fully understand their needs
  • Understand what the different types of decisions are, how the decision-making process works, and how business intelligence and business analytics support decision-making
  • Understand how team members can make decisions more effectively with the help of IT systems
  • Recognize the business benefits of using intelligent techniques in decision making and knowledge management

Subjects covered:

  • Operating framework for e-Business
  • E-Commerce
  • New Technologies and Management Information Systems


Module code: DEO34

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Compulsory

Year: 3rd

Language: Greek

Module outline

Module general description:

Module general description: The purpose of the thematic unit is the introduction to Economic Analysis and Policy with special reference to microeconomics, macroeconomics and public economics which are the cognitive subjects of DEO 34.

In particular, the content of microeconomics, among others, refers to:

  •  the concepts of demand and supply of goods
  • the operation of the market mechanism
  • consumer theory – producer theory, and
  • the characteristics of different market structures.

The content of macroeconomics, among others, refers to:

  • the definitions of the various macroeconomic variables
  •  the implications for the macroeconomy of implementing an economic policy in both a closed and an open economy.

The content of public economics, among others, refers to:

  • the concepts of public goods,
  • the concept of externalities, and
  •  the different taxation systems.


Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of the Microeconomics sub module, students will be able to:

  • identify the main concepts of microeconomics
  • realize how individuals and firms allocate their limited resources to make themselves as well off as possible
  • use the model of individual choice to examine how people react to changes in prices and income
  • identify the main factors affecting the demand and supply of a good or service
  • to understand why the notion of elasticity provides a convenient way of measuring the extent to which market demand responds to price and income changes
  • analyze how the free market determines prices
  • evaluate broad questions of government policy using the supply and demand model
  • understand how economists conceptualize the process of production
  • realize why the distinction between the short run and long run for firms is quite useful for studying market responses to changed conditions
  • understand how returns to scale and scale economies affect firm’s efficiency
  • construct the firm’s cost curves
  • examine the assumption that firms seek to maximize profits and making their decisions
  • understand how the competitive model of supply and demand can be used to investigate a range of economic activities and policies
  • understand why monopolistic and oligopolistic conditions determine the market price and lead to deadweight loss effect

Upon successful completion of the subject Macroeconomics of the Thematic Unit DEO34, students will be able to:

  • define the basic concepts in macroeconomics
  • work out the most important methods of measuring key macroeconomic variables and formulate the fundamental relationships between these variables
  • distinguish the ways in which an economy’s income is determined
  • analyze the components of an economy’s income in product demand of the private sector (private consumption and private investment), product demand of the public sector and net product demand from abroad
  • distinguish between short-term, medium-term and long-term macroeconomic equilibria
  • explain the basic features of the financial system and how to determine the interest rate and the equilibrium in the market for loanable funds
  • define the money market balance and the effects of monetary policy
  • analyze key policies for unemployment and inflation
  • evaluate aggregate demand, aggregate supply, and analyze how to determine the general price level
  • recognize and be able to describe the functions and the effects of fiscal and monetary policy, according to the different schools of economic thought
  • analyze the balance of payments, as well as the ways in which exchange rate is determined
  • analyze the concept of equilibrium in a country’s transactions with the rest of the world
  • assess the effectiveness of economic policy in the open economy under fixed exchange rate regimes
  • explain the concepts of inflation and unemployment and describe the relationship between them.

On successful completion of the Principles of Public Economics sub module, students will be able to:

  • understand the theoretical context which with contemporary societies approach the fundamental economic problem of “what, how, and for whom will be produced”
  • understand the concept of Pareto optimization regarding production and consumption separately, as well as production and consumption simultaneously, and define the relevant optimization conditions
  • define the two fundamental theorems of Welfare Economics
  • understand the reasons behind the inabilities and imperfections of the free market system, as well as the public sector functions and operations in order to cure these market failures
  • define the concept and the categorization of externalities
  • understand the effects of externalities on allocative efficiency in production and/or consumption and analyze the policies for correcting externalities
  • define the concepts of, pure and non-pure, public goods and their distinction from private goods
  • understand the inefficiencies emerging from the private and/or public provision of non-pure public goods and analyze the policies for correcting those inefficiencies
  • determine the reasons for public provision of private goods as well as the problems of public enterprises
  • discuss and analyse the main arguments for and against income distribution and redistribution
  • define the characteristics, and classifications of various taxes, taxation systems, and the concepts of tax avoidance and tax evasion
  • analyze the concepts of tax burden and its distribution, and the various types of economic agents reactions towards taxation
  • analyse the economic effects of taxation on the individual and corporate decisions to invest and save, and also its effects on labour market outcomes
  • define the concepts of state budget, primary public deficit and primary public surplus and analyse their economic consequences

Subjects covered:

  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • National Accounts and the structure of Greek Economy
  • Principles of Public Economics
  • International Economic Environments


Module code: DEO40

ECTS: 20

Module type: Compulsory

Module characterization: Special background (SB)

Year in which it is offered: Fourth (4ο)

Language of instruction: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: Modern business environment makes most traditional management practices and conventional management theories inadequate. The traditional approach to business management was limited to controlling, rules enforcing, communicating from the higher hierarchical levels to the lower ones, achieving goals and seeking stability in a rather static environment. However, the way businesses are now performed in a company/organisation has changed radically in the 21st century. Indicative issues contributing in changing the way companies operate are the globalization of markets, the intensifying competition between companies, the development of technology, the emergence of complex crises, and the need to respect employees’ rights. Taking into account the current, highly unstable business environment and the different needs of individuals and teams, the Management of Businesses and Organizations seeks to offer modern solutions within unpredictable and rapidly changing environmental conditions. More specifically, the main purpose of this course is the analysis of current and specialized topics in regards to Management and Organization of Businesses and Organizations, such as:

  • Formulation of business strategy in the new environment,
  • Organizing, planning and controlling of projects,
  • Study and analysis of the behavior of individuals and subgroups, within the context of an organization,
  • Role and operation of multinational enterprises.

The aim of the course is for students to understand:

  • the importance of strategy and the different strategic choices that companies and organizations have,
  • the reasons and modes of companies’ internationalization,
  • the way the behavior of individuals and groups affects businesses and organizations,
  • the methods and tools for project planning and controlling.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon the successful completion of the subject: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT of the module DEO40, students will be able to:

  • Define the concept of strategy and analyze its utility for a business.
  • Distinguish the ways in which it is possible to formulate the strategy of a company.
  • Analyze the components of the macro-wider environment, the micro-sectoral environment and the internal environment of a company.
  • Analyze the internal and external environment of a company through a rational process of implementing a strategy.
  • Explain how companies define corporate mission.
  • Formulate appropriate business strategies.
  • Evaluate strategic moves of companies, both at the level of growth and at the level of shrinkage or divestment.
  • Recognize the differences between the different levels of strategy.
  • Distinguish between the basic choices of a company at the level of corporate strategy and compare their advantages and disadvantages.

Upon the successful completion of the subject: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT of the module DEO40, students will be able to:

  • Define the concepts of “Multinational Company” and “Foreign Direct Investment”.
  • Identify the reasons for the internationalization of companies and the factors that affect their activities.
  • Distinguish between the different types of Foreign Direct Investment and the different ways of a company penetrating into foreign markets.
  • Analyze the elements of the international external environment that Multinational Companies must take into account in formulating their business plans.
  • Describe the evolution of the main theories for Foreign Direct Investment and assess the role of Multinational Companies in shaping international economic relations.
  • Distinguish between the types of subsidiaries, the types of organizational structure of Multinational Companies and the characteristics of international production strategies.
  • Evaluate the benefits and the negative impacts of the activities of Multinational Companies in their host countries and their countries of origin.

With the successful completion of the subject ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR of the Module DEO40, students will be able to:

  • Define the concept of Organizational Behavior and analyze its importance in modern organizations.
  • Describe the main features of organizational theories and evaluate their applicability in modern management.
  • Utilize Systems Theory for the study of organizations.
  • Describe the basic characteristics of individual behavior and the role of the causes that determine it.
  • Define the concept of Communication and identify the skills required for effective interpersonal communication, as well as the obstacles encountered.
  • Identify the reasons for the formation of groupings in organizations and the factors that contribute to their effectiveness.
  • Analyze the process of conflict and determine the ways to resolve it.
  • Distinguish the concepts of Management and Leadership and describe the methodological approaches regarding the study of Leadership.
  • Define the concept of Organizational Culture and describe the process of its creation.
  • Define the concepts of Ethics and Business Ethics and analyze the importance of ethical behavior issues for organizations.

With the successful completion of the subject PROJECT MANAGEMENT of the Module DEO40, students will be able to:

  • Define the concepts program, project, sub-project, activity and work, as well as to distinguish the differences between them.
  • Define the project management and describe the life cycle of a project.
  • Describe the ways of organizing for the execution of projects and to explain their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Apply the following project planning and control methods: Gantt charts, progress curves, scheduling tables, balance lines and Graphical Evaluation & Review Technique (GERT).
  • Apply the following network analysis methods: Critical Path Method (CPM), Metra Potential Method (MPM) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT).
  • Explain and apply the planning process of production means for projects with constraints on implementation time and for projects with constraints on available production means, as well as optimization techniques in project scheduling.
  • Explain and apply the techniques of monitoring the time and financial progress of a project.
  • Analyze the budget of a project and explain the cost monitoring.
  • Understand the operation and limitations of project management information systems in decision making.

Subjects covered:

  • Strategic Management
  • International Business Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Project Management


Module code: DEO41

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Optional (Students choose between course modules DEO41 and DEO44)

Module characterization: Special background (SB)

Year: 4th

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: Financial (money and capital) markets now play a key role within the global economy. These markets are constantly evolving and creating new investment opportunities and financial tools for individuals, businesses as well as states. The primary role of the financial markets in the global economy became apparent during economic and financial crises of the recent decades, which then affected the economic activity of the entire planet. Given the importance of financial markets to the economic well-being of all people, it is important to understand their functions in today’s economic and financial environment and how they affect all aspects of the economy.

The study of financial markets includes, among others, the following: a) Financial instruments, where basic concepts such as money and its uses, the structure of financial markets, and money and capital market products (bonds, stocks, etc.) are presented, b) International finance, where the foreign exchange market, the balance of payments, among others are analyzed, and c) Credit institutions, whose role in the economy, the risks they face, and the treatment of these risks through the use of financial instruments are explored.

The aim of the module is to present:

  • The structure and operation of the financial system and its instruments as well as the role of the Central Bank in the economy.
  • The characteristics and manner of rating government and corporate bonds and the information content of the interest rate curve.
  • The foreign exchange market, its relationship with international interest rates and the manner in which exchange rates are set.
  • Credit institutions and their role as intermediaries, the risks of credit institutions and ways of managing these risks.

The aim of the course is for the students to understand:

  • the functioning of financial markets and the use of financial instruments,
  • interest rate risk and how it affects the valuation of securities,
  • the foreign exchange market and the impact of intervention policies,
  • the functioning of credit institutions, the risks they face and the management of those risks.

Learning Outcomes:  Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • Comprehend the most important functions of financial institutions within the global financial environment and assess the nature of these institutions’ financial services.
  • Explain the roles of money and capital markets as well as that of financial institutions in the process of financial intermediation.
  • Understand the role of the Central Bank in an economy and the workings of the tools of monetary policy.
  • Evaluate the informative content of the interest rate curve.
  • Apply money and capital markets models to measure investment risk in interest rate products.
  • Understand the operation of the foreign exchange market, how exchange rates are set and how they relate to economic activity.
  • Understand the role of credit institutions in the economy as key intermediaries in the financial system.
  • Communicate all available information related to the international financial system to their professional and social environment.
  • Explain the sources of risk of credit institutions and apply appropriate tools for measuring and managing this risk.
  • Analyze the impact of the audit framework on the operation and strategic planning of financial institutions.
  • Explain specific economic and financial events and real cases.
  • Understand the operation of the derivatives market.
  • Apply models for hedging/managing interest rate and foreign exchange risk using derivative products.

Subjects covered:

-Financial Instruments and Financial Markets

-Interest rates, risk, Government and Corporate Securities

-International Finance and Foreign Exchange Market

-Credit Institution and their Risk Management


Module code: DEO44

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Optional (Students choose between course modules DEO41 and DEO44)

Module characterization: Special background (SB)

Year: 4th

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: The main purpose of the Module DEO44 “Theory of Entrepreneurship and Innovation” is the analysis of key issues related to entrepreneurship and innovation and specifically the study and analysis of the above concepts, their importance to individuals and organizations and their impact on socio-economic development, the dynamics of technological change, the sources of financing, the structure and the analysis of the basic steps of writing a business plan.

In particular, the content of entrepreneurship, among others, refers to:

  • the concept of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial mentality
  • the concept of entrepreneur and founding team
  • the forms of entrepreneurship and types of enterprises
  • the concept of business idea and opportunity
  • the concept of design thinking
  • the sense concept of business model and business canvas
  • the concept of a lean start-up
  • the concept of entrepreneurial financing

The content of the innovation, among others, refers to:

  • the concept of innovation
  • the techno-economic environment
  • the dynamics of technological change
  • innovation and competitive strategy
  • knowledge and learning
  • technology management
  • the architecture of the innovative enterprise

The content of the business plan, among others, refers to:

  • the concept of business plan
  • the structure of the business plan

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • understand the concept of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial mindset
  • understand the role of education in cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset
  • Understand the contribution of entrepreneurship to the economic and social development and to resilience
  • identify barriers in relation to entrepreneurial activity
  • understand the concept of fear of failure and identify reasons that lead to entrepreneurial failure
  • understand the concept of the entrepreneur and identify his / her characteristics and motivations
  • understand social factors that affect entrepreneurs
  • understand the different types of an entrepreneur
  • understand the concept of business team and understand issues related to the decisions that business teams should make
  • identify different forms of entrepreneurship
  • understand the concept of innovation and its different types
  • understand the concept of business idea, business opportunity and design thinking
  • understand the meaning of the business model and the business model canvas
  • understand the concept of a lean business start-up and its basic principles
  • understand the meaning and significance of funding and sources of funding
  • understand the evaluation criteria of investors
  • identify the characteristics of a business plan and its key components

Subjects covered:

  • Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  • Introduction to Innovation
  • Business plan


Module code: DEO42

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Optional (Students choose between course modules DEO42 and DEO43)

Module characterization: Special background (SB)

Year: 4th

Language: Greek

Module Outline

Module general description: Today’s business environment is characterized by intense competition, abundance of products/services, rapid technological developments, high uncertainty, ever-increasing environmental challenges and environmentally and socially aware consumers. Sustainable development issues, following the Brutland Report in 1987, have been increasingly influencing both government policies and consumer behavior, rendering their integration into business operations of critical strategic importance. In the context of increasing pressure from competition and consumer demands for product quality, environmental protection and socially sound practices, companies are called upon to adopt new management and strategy approaches in order to survive and prosper. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a modern and constantly evolving management approach, providing businesses and organizations with the principles, tools and perspectives of a customer-centric approach, continuous improvement, adaptation to changing conditions and decision-making based on measurable indicators. Sustainability parameters are directly and critically related to TQM, as (a) they are now an explicit requirement of all stakeholders and especially customers and (b) the environmental dimension can be effectively integrated into business decision-making through the quality reporting framework (design, production, quality control, quality management).

The aim of the module is to present:

  • the practical dimension of Total Quality Management
  • the main concepts and practices of quality control and quality management standards
  • the modern business methods for tackling environmental problems and sustainable development, including environmental management and protection systems
  • the basic principles of natural resource management

The aim of the module is to give students an understanding of:

  • the concepts of quality, total quality management and continuous improvement
  • the application of quality control and management methods and tools
  • methods and tools for environmental management and protection
  • natural resource management methods and tools

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the module, students will have acquired knowledge and skills related to the subjects, as follows: Upon the successful completion of the subject: TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT of the module DEO42, students will be able to,

  • Recognize the strategic importance of the adoption of Total Quality Management by companies and organizations.
  • Assess the critical factors for the successful adoption of Total Quality Management in relation to the problems and needs of organizations and companies.
  • Use quality standards and quality awards as a means of continuous improvement.
  • Establish procedures for quality, measurements and inspections to improve quality.
  • Do benchmarking to determine improvement needs.
  • Correct problems and elucidate the reasons for possible failure.
  • Set goals, plan and implement new improvement processes in companies and organizations.
  • Categorize quality costs and estimate the cost of simple quality programs.
  • Understand the change of mentality required for the full and in-depth adoption of Total Quality Management in the organizations and companies that work or are going to work.

Upon the successful completion of the subject: QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT STANDARDS of the module DEO42, students will be able to,

  • Define what is Quality Control and what are the basic elements that make it up.
  • Report and interpret the types of sampling errors and describe the elements of the operating characteristic curve.
  • Understand the concepts and assessment process of average output quality and production process capacity.
  • Understand the usefulness of Statistical Process Control and use the most known charts.
  • Understand the basic principles of the Taguchi approach.
  • Define quality assurance and recognize the differences between quality control and quality control.
  • Define quality standards and describe the use ISO 9000 series standards.
  • Describe indicative quality management standards and state their key elements.
  • Understand the steps of development and certification of a Quality System and list its main advantages and disadvantages.

Upon the successful completion of the subject: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT of the module DEO42, students will be able to,

  • Know the basic principles and concepts of natural resource economics.
  • Evaluate the economic viability of an environmentally friendly business activity.
  • Evaluate policies to motivate enterprises to select environmentally friendly alternatives.
  • Evaluate the importance of actions for the harmonization of the operation of companies with the applicable social norms and the importance of their contribution to the support of the goals of the society in which they operate.
  • Calculate the effectiveness of activities and projects for the protection and utilization of environmental resources.
  • Evaluate and advise companies, organizations and public authorities when making decisions on environmental protection and natural resource management.
  • Identify and analyze environmental problems using Operational Research as a decision-making tool and recognize the relationship between the production-distribution chain and the environmental chain.
  • Demonstrate knowledge on the importance of eco-design and eco-labeling of products.
  • Understand the concept of product life cycle analysis and perform simple life cycle analysis studies.
  • Demonstrate knowledge on and explain the functions of reverse logistics and design simple reverse logistics systems.
  • Demonstrate knowledge on the importance and basic characteristics of environmental management systems.
  • Apply methods and techniques of environmental management and prepare simple technical-economic studies of environmental nature.

Subjects covered:

  • Total Quality Management
  • Quality Control and Quality Management Standards
  • Environmental Management and Sustainable Development



Module code: DEO43

ECTS Credit Points: 20

Module Type: Optional (Students choose between course modules DEO42 and DEO43)

Year: 4th

Language: Greek

Module outline

Module general description:  The main purpose of this module is to present the basic principles of the theory of industrial organization, economics of labor and collective bargaining and finances of European companies.

In particular, the Industrial Organization presents the topics:

theory of production, theory of imperfect markets, market power, market pricing in oligopolistic markets, price discrimination, product differentiation, barriers to entry in a market.

Ιn particular, the Labor Market presents the topics:

institutional framework of the labor market, labor supply, labor demand, determination of wage labor, human capital, immigration, labor unions, wage differentials, unemployment, income distribution, economic policy.

In particular, the European Business presents the topics:

international economic relations, principles of multinational enterprises, the European business environment and the steps towards European integration, the path towards the European Union (EU), EU competition policy, the EU social policy, the single market and single currency, foreign direct investment in the EU, SMEs in Greece and the EU, entrepreneurship in Greece and the EU.

Learning Outcomes:

Elements of theory on production and product differentiation, elements of the market economy theory (incomplete market forms, entry barriers, regulatory framework, small and medium size enterprises (SMEs), elements of the labor supply and labor demand theories, pricing issues, oligopolistic markets, price discrimination etc), elements of human capital (labor wages, migration, labor unions, unemployment), economic policy and income redistribution issues, elements of theory on international economic relationships and multinational companies, as well as issues related to the European operational framework and European integration, the EU policy on competition, the social policy, the integrated market and the common currency (€) and foreign direct investments.

Subjects covered:

  • Theory of Industrial Organization
  • Labor economics and collective bargaining
  • Economics of European Business

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