
Hispanic Language and Civilization Studies (ISP)

HOU > Undergraduate Programmes > Hispanic Language and Civilization Studies (ISP)
Aim - Description
Learning Outcomes
Admission requirements
Structure / Plan de Estudios
Teaching Staff
Financial Contribution
Activities / Actividades

The ISP programme offers and refines knowledge of the Spanish language through the understanding of: a) its development and use over time, b) its historical, social and multicultural evolution in the Spanish-speaking world.

ECTS Credits of the Programme of Studies: 240

Classification according to the Unesco ISCED-2011 code:

  • based on the field of education: 22 Humanities
  • based on the level of study: 6


Μinimum Duration of Studies: 4 academic years

Language of Instuction: the programme is offered in Spanish.


Quality Policy 2024 *
Quality Indicators 2024 *

*The above files are currently available in Greek.


Upon completion of the programme, students are expected to:

  • To comfortably handle the Spanish language and use it for educational and research purposes
  • Have acquired a basic scientific knowledge of the historical, social and cultural development of the Spanish-speaking world (Spain-America) from prehistory to the modern era
  • Have studied representative works of Spanish and Spanish-American intellectuals (letters, arts and sciences) in order to be able to teach them in an analytical and synthetic way
  • Have acquired the ability to apply appropriate methodology to understand and analyse the subject matter and the humanities in general.

Accepted to the programme are:


  1. a) Graduates of high school secondary education or of an equal or corresponding secondary education qualification from within the country or abroad, with proven knowledge of Spanish at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and
  2. b) Graduates of Spanish-speaking secondary or higher education institutions with Greek competency.

Knowledge of a foreign language as well as familiarity with the use of computers, e-mail, and the Internet will significantly facilitate participation in the program.

Note: If the diploma that proves the knowledge of Spanish does not indicate a B1 level, candidates are requested to provide a certificate from the Spanish Embassy or the Instituto Cervantes stating the above equivalence.

The official language of the Programme is Spanish.

1st Year


Spanish Language LEVEL I

(C¹, 20 ECTS)


Civilisation of Spain

(C, 20 ECTS)


Latin American Civilisation

(C, 20 ECTS)

2nd Year


Spanish Language LEVEL II

(C, 20 ECTS)


History of Spain

(C, 20 ECTS)


History of Latin American Countries

(C, 20 ECTS)

3rd Year


Understanding the Language and Civilization: From Latin to Modern Spanish

(C, 20 ECTS)


Spanish Literature I

(C, 20 ECTS)


Latin American Literature I

(C, 20 ECTS)

4th Year


Spanish Literature II

(C, 20 ECTS)


Latin American Literature II

(C, 20 ECTS)


Applied Linguistics: Practical training in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language

(C, 20 ECTS)


C¹: Compulsory


Guidelines on Module selection

To obtain the Degree you must successfully complete 12 modules.

You may choose from one (1) up to three (3) modules with full obligations each academic year.

In the 1st year of studies, if you choose one module, that shall be ISP10, whereas if you choose two modules, you may choose either ISP22 or ISP31.

In the 2nd year of studies, if you choose one module, that shall be ISP11, while if you choose two modules, you may choose either ISP21 or ISP32.

In the 3rd and 4th year, you can choose modules in any order you wish. In order to choose ISP12, you must have first completed modules ISP10 and ISP11. In order to choose ISP43, you must have first completed modules ISP10, ISP11 and ISP12.

In the process of declaring a module, the previous year’s modules must be exhausted first and then the next year’s module must be declared.

Those who hold the Superior or Diploma de Estudios Hispanicos of Spanish Universities (4 years of study), graduates of Spanish-speaking higher education institutions recognized by DOATAP (Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center) with proficiency in the Greek language or graduates of a Spanish-speaking high school with proficiency in the Greek language can choose not to attend some or all of the modules of ISP10, ISP11. In this case you must replace the above mentioned modules with an equal number of subjects from the European Culture (EPO) programme:


Filippis Dimitrios, Assistant Professor

Subject: Spanish Culture

E-mail: filippis@eap.gr


Financial contribution for admitted students until the academic year 2023-2024:

The Financial Contribution for Students to the Programme is as follows: The cost of each Module is €500.

The total Financial Contribution for the Programme is: €6,000.


Financial contribution for students commencing from the academic year 2024-2025:

 The Financial Contribution for Students to the Programme is as follows: The cost of each Module is €550.

The total Financial Contribution for the Programme is: €6,600.

The cultural programme of the Programme SLC 2018-2021

Conferences, workshops, lectures, concerts, film screenings, book presentations, make up the rich programme of activities of the Undergraduate Programme of Studies SLC – “Spanish Language and Culture”, in which students, graduates and lecturers, mainly from the School of SCL, but also the university community in general, actively participate. Read here a few indicative details about the SCL cultural programme for the three-year period 2018-2021 and see-listen to some highlights.

Programa de actividades culturales del Programa ISP 2018-2021

Congresos, jornadas científicas, conferencias, conciertos, proyecciones de películas, presentaciones de libros, se encuentran entre la amplia oferta de eventos que conforman la agenda cultural de nuestro Programa, en el que participan de forma activa no solo estudiantes, graduados y personal docente del Programa ISP-“Lengua y Cultura Hispanas”, sino la totalidad de la comunidad académica de la Universidad Abierta. A continuación se presenta una breve muestra de nuestro programa de actividades culturales del trienio (2018-2021) con algunos “momentos” muy representativos

  1. Our magazine / Nuestra revista:Tribuna Abierta de Estudios Hispano-Helenos
  1. Scientific Meetings / Encuentros científicos

Revolution and Censorship / Revolución y Censura

  1. Concerts and Lectures / Conciertos y Conferencias
    Day of Memory and Human Rights in Argentina. Día de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos en Argentina. El concierto “Canciones españolas de exilio, refugio y peregrinación” y la conferencia “Exiliados españoles en América Latina” con proyección de película sobre la Guerra Civil Española.
  1. Photojournalism / Reportaje fotográfico

    From the Scientific Meeting “Revolution and Censorship” (October 2021) /​Imágenes del Encuentro Científico “Revolución y Censura” (octubre 2021)

    Left:Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to Greece Maria Lucia Duguerti de Sanchez and the Director of the Programme, Professor Dimitris Drossos.
    Right: The professor of the Department of Italian Language and Literature of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Konstantinos Palaeologos and the interpreter-translator Nikos Pratsinis.

    Izquierda: María Lucía Dougherty de Sánchez, embajadora de la República de Argentina en Grecia, y el director del Programa de Grado Lengua y Cultura Hispanas, prof. Dimitris Drosos.
    ​Derecha: Konstantinos Paleológos, prof. de la Universidad de Salónica y Nicos Pratsinis, traductor e intérprete.

    From the conference “80 years since the Spanish Civil War – Tribute to E. Malefakis” (April 2019): the audience and the participants.

El Congreso Internacional “80 años de la Guerra Civil – Homenaje a E. Malefakis” (Abril 2019): los congresistas y el público.

Left: The contributors of the concert “Spanish songs of exile, of refugeeism, of wandering”, Vasiliki Kanelliadou (Associated Educational Staff, SLC) and Fotis Theodoridis.
Right: Dean of the School of Humanities, Professor Antonis Lionarakis in his other capacity as a songwriter, at the musical intermission of the “80 Years of the Spanish Civil War” conference.

Izquierda: Los músicos del concierto “Canciones españolas de exilio, refugio y peregrinación”, Vailikí Kanelliadou, profesora colaboradora en el Programa ISP, guitarra, y Fotis Theodoridis, canción.
Derecha: El Decano de la Facultad de Humanidades, Don Antonis Lionarakis, aquí de músico y compositor, mientras canta en el Congreso sobre la Guerra Civil.

  1. Audiovisual Material / Material Óptico-Acústico

– Video from the concert of the Scientific Meeting “Censorship and Revolution” with poetry from Greece, Spain and Portugal (Guitar, V. Kanelliadou – Song, F. Theodoridis). ​Video del recital de música del Encuentro Científico “Revolución y Censura” con poemas musicalizados y censurados de Grecia, España y Portugal (Guitarra: Vasilikí Kanelliadou, canto: Fotis Theodoridis).Here / Aquí
– Video: Memorial Day and Human Rights in Argentina/ Vídeo: Encuentro científico: Día de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos en Argentina. Here / Aquí
– Video: : song-guitar Α. Lionarakis / Vídeo: A. Lionarakis, guitarra y canción. Here / Aquí.
– Audio: Guitar, B. V. Kanelliadou – Song, F. Theodoridis / Fragmento de audio: V. Kanelliadou-guitarra, F. Theodoridis-canción. Oh Love / Dos Muchachas (Federico García Lorca) & The Walk of the Moorish King (Traditional) / Paseábase el Rey Moro (Tradicional).
– Video: from a speech by Assistant Professor of HOU, D. Filippi at the conference on Spanish / Vídeo con breve fragmento de la ponencia del prof. Dimitris Filippís en el Congreso sobre la Guerra Civil. Here / Aquí.

For information about the programme contact:

Department of Student Registry
Contact telephone number: 2610367328
Ε-mail: isp@eap.gr

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