Unit Code: ASK 50
ECTS credits: 10
Unit Type: Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered:First (1st)
Language of instruction:Greek
General description of the Thematic Unit:
According to the prevailing notion, sport activities consist a “universal” and “intertemporal” phenomenon; its genealogy can be traced back in the pre-neoteric forms of physical activity. However, as contemporary research has shown, the generation of sports activities as they are known today is related to broader social, cultural, economic and political processes that took place in the Western industrial countries.
In this context, at first, the contemporary sports are introduced in England in the 18th and 19th centuries more by a process of rupture than by synergy with previous forms of physical activity. The feature that consists their main distinction is the introduction of regulation, that among other facts allows the control of violence, their intensely competitive nature, as well as their independence from broader religious and ritual routines; this fact promotes the “pleasure” they offer to the participants as their only aim.
Starting from the case of modern and contemporary Greece, the TU develops along two interconnected thematic lines. The first concerns the historical processes for the formation, propagation and institutionalization of sports activities. The second is related to the social, cultural and political-ideological aspects that prevail at various periods in the field of sports.
Learning Outcomes:
After the end of the unit, students are expected to:
Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.
Unit Code: ASK 51
ECTS credits: 10
Unit Type: Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered: First (1st)
Language of instruction:Greek
General description of the Thematic Unit:
Sport as a significant leisure activity in modern society is connected to a network of cultural practices and commoditized relations through which identities are performed and particular symbols and meanings become objects of negotiation and appropriation. The Thematic Unit examines the social contexts of sports institutions and activities and the interrelationships between society, economy and sports in modern society. Furthermore, it highlights the conditions for the evolution of traditional games into institutionalized sports, the conditions for the formation of sociology, and later anthropology, of sports as distinct disciplines within the social sciences. The Thematic module also presents the theoretical background of the most important schools of sociological thought in the field of sports: the structural-functional perspective of sports, the theory of formations (figurational approach) of Elias, the Marxist approach, post-structuralism, the approach of the biopower of sports, feminist criticism etc.
Learning Outcomes:
After the end of the unit, students are expected to:
Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.
Unit Code: ASK 52
ECTS credits: 10
Unit Type: Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered: First (1st)
Language of instruction:Greek
General description of the Thematic Unit:
The development of gymnastics and sport, despite their parallel course, had a different ideological and social scope. The values of discipline and collectivity, which exercising promoted, as opposed to the liberal ideology and individualism promoted by sport, gave it a quick acceptance by lower classes, and it was used primarily as a means of moral education.
Goal of the T.U. is to make students understand how prevailing social, cultural, political and economic conditions have influenced the processes of shaping Physical Education in education. With the term Physical Education we refer to physical exercise-gymnastics as a distinct cognitive subject and part of the educational process at all educational levels, but also at educational institutions training gymnasts.
The T.U. focuses mainly on the theoretical and methodological approaches that highlight the multiplicity of the field and the interdisciplinary nature of the central epistemological issues, terms and concepts that concern the history of Physical Education. In order to approach these multi-aspect dimensions, the module develops into two corresponding thematic axes. The first axis begins with the introduction to historiographical approaches to the evolution of physical education. The second attempts a historical review of the forms and conditions of integration of physical education into Greek educational system.
Learning Outcomes:
It is expected that upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.
Unit Code: ASK 53
ECTS credits: 10
Unit Type:Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction:Greek
General description of the Thematic Unit:
Analyzing the social role of physical education highlights its important political functions, contributing to the definition of social values and standards in modern society.
The T.U. purpose is to make students understand how the prevailing social, cultural, political and economic conditions have functioned so as to shape physical education in school.
In order to comprehend these multifaceted dimensions, the module develops along two thematic axes. The first axis examines physical education in the context of educational reforms (education policy, legislation, curricula, modernization and teacher education). The second axis examines the ideological influences that shaped educational practices in physical education.
Learning Outcomes:
It is expected that upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.
Unit Code: ASK 54
ECTS credits:10
Unit Type:Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered: Second (2nd)
Language of instruction:Greek
General description of the Thematic Unit:
The complex and multifaceted social dimensions of sport do not only concern the institutions and the social organization of sport, but also the subjects, collectives and communities of fans and followers. In modern societies, communities of fans and organized fans shape special meaning systems, ways of thinking and behavior.
The specific Thematic Unit aims to investigate, on the one hand, the terms of formation, the forms of organization and the social relations and practices that develop in the worlds of fans and, on the other hand, their interaction with the wider socio-cultural context in which they emerge.
Learning Outcomes:
It is expected that upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.
Unit Code:ASK 55
ECTS credits: 10
Unit Type: Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered:Second (2nd)
Language of instruction:Greek
General description of the Thematic Unit:
In public discourse, the field of the sports enthusiasts and especially of organized fans has mainly been related with ‘social deviance’ and violence. In accordance with the agenda of Mass Media and other related institutions a big part of the academic literature on sports is tackling with similar issues.
In spite of that, modern theoretical approaches indicate a more complex relation between sports, fans and ‘deviant behavior’, highlighting the role of sport institutions, athletic associations and athletes themselves in cases of events of ‘deviance’ in sport related spaces. The aforementioned conclusions are valid even more so due to the instrumentalization of sports in the context of the dominant social, political and economic system.
Based on all the above, the goal of this T.U. is the critical examination of the phenomena of ‘deviance’ in athletic spaces. More specifically, this course will investigate issues regarding the varying forms and dimensions of such social practices, their hegemonic and counterhegemonic representations and the different theoretical propositions that have articulated to account for their social and cultural interpretation.
Learning Outcomes:
It is expected that upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.
Unit Code: ASK 60
ECTS credits: 10
Unit Type: Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered:Third (3rd)
Language of instruction:Greek
General description of the Thematic Unit:
Sport fans’ worlds constitute a multidimensional and dynamic social field within which changing forms of identification are expressed. The aim of the Thematic Unit concerns how fans identities are constructed and to make sense of the cultural practices and rituals through which they are performed.
In particular, the Thematic Unit is developed in two theoretical and research lines of reasoning. The first deals with how fans’ identities are related to the historically contingent social, class and cultural realities which frame their communities. The second focuses on both the cultural material and the performative dimension of fans’ identities by emphasizing, on the one hand, on the various forms of cultural expressions which are enacted in the life-worlds of sports and, on the other, on how confrontation rituals shape these identities.
Learning Outcomes:
It is expected that upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.
Unit Code: ASK 61
ECTS credits: 10
Unit Type: Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered:Third (3rd)
Language of instruction:Greek
General description of the Thematic Unit:
The hegemonic representations and interpretations of ‘delinquency’ and ‘violence’ in sports venues aspired and aspire to determine the design and implementation of corresponding legislation or policies of ‘preventive’, but mainly repressive social control. The purpose of the Thematic Unit is the critical investigation of the forms of social control in the field of sports. In particular, issues such as the legal-institutional, but also the informal operating framework of the bodies involved in the event and/or dealing with them and the corresponding policies that have been proposed and implemented from time to time are investigated.
Learning Outcomes:
It is expected that upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.
Unit Code: ASK 62
ECTS credits:10
Unit Type:Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered:Third (3rd)
Language of instruction:Greek
General description of the Thematic Unit:
In the context of the revised theoretical approaches of the past decades at the field of social sciences, an increasing number of sociological and anthropological studies underlined the “body” and the “sex” as important and interrelated areas of research. The excessive focus of study of sociologists and social anthropologists to the processes of social and cultural construction of the body and sex is not exclusively related to theoretical fermentations.
It also reflects broader socio-political and economic transformations as well as specific scientific and technological developments that characterize the later modernity. In this aspect, the interest of the researchers focuses on body analysis in relation to the construction of gendered subject, timely action, power relations, identity, difference, etc.
In order to comprehend these multifaceted dimensions, the module develops along two thematic axes. The first axis examines theoretical contribution of social sciences in relation with the processes of social, cultural and political production of body and sex. The second axis examines the importance of sport and physical education as a field of sex-based physical practices.
Learning Outcomes:
It is expected that upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Cognitive Objects of the Thematic Unit:
Evaluation: Completion of written assignments during the academic semester which constitute a 40 percent of each student’s grade, if a pass is obtained in the final or repetitive examination. Final exam grades constitute a 60 percent of the students’ final course grade.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this Thematic Module.
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning.
Unit Code: ASK DE
ECTS Credits: 30
Unit Type: Compulsory
Semester in which it is offered: Fourth (4th)
Language of instruction:Greek
General description of the Thematic Unit:
The preparation of the Master’s dissertation takes place after the successful completion of all nine Thematic Units of the program. Its duration is one academic semester. The dissertation can be based on primary empirical research or an original critical review of the relevant literature and address issues related to the Thematic Units and the individual axes that make them up. Its topic is proposed by the student and is formed in its final form in collaboration with the supervising professor-advisor.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the Dissertation (DE), the student is expected to:
For more information regarding the Specifications – Useful Material for writing Master’s Theses and uploading a Thesis at the H.O.U. Repository, you can go to the Digital Training Area http://courses.eap.gr and especially to the Program of Studies section.
Prerequisites: The oral support of the dissertation requires the successful completion of all nine (9) Units of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd semesters of the Program.
Module Delivery Method: Distance Learning